It was a good day till i came across this...

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I can't believe people would want to throw their car sideways and through off a lot of smoke as if it were figure skating, and then call it a competition.

They're just as allowed to hate drifting as you are to love it.
:grumpy: Are you serious? If someone takes the time to start an anti-drifting website, maybe just maybe I think I will start an "anti-slicing-bread-vertically" website dedicated to warn the people of the world on why slicing bread vertically is wrong. :grumpy:

Verdict: Stop ranting and get used to it.
Some people -

A: Have too much free time.

B: Need to stop acting like they own the world of motorsports

C: Need to quit whining because someone is against something they like, or is for something they don't like.

D: Are truly pathetic, and crusade against the dumbest things.

E: Have no tolerance for other people's interests.

F: Make useless replies to inane topics. (like myself)

Anti-Drift Faction Website

Not at all. The term 'drifting' seems to have various meanings, depending who you ask -- what one person calls drifting another might call 'powersliding'. We oppose the emerging drift culture, and their needless drifting. Sliding around dirt, ice, and other low grip surfaces is perfectly fine with the Anti-Drift Faction, provided there is a need for it (such as gaining time in a rally, or just trying to get around the track in ice racing). Quickly snapping a car around a very tight turn is also fine with us. Sliding or "drifting" with an actual valid need is fine with us, and we do not oppose these situations.

Umm... this made little sense to me. They are sort-of Anti-Drifting then??? :confused:
This is a world of free speech, stop worrying about what other people think about something you like and start enjoying what you like. I'm not a fan of drifting and I don't go complaining everytime I see a site that supports drifting. Build a bridge.
WOW what a bunch of A-Holes! Now I am not realling into the drifting as you guys such as events on JGTC days and such but I do like rally racing. If they got something against rally racing I am gonna email them mofo's when I get the chance.
Just leave them to their ignorance. They have no ligitimate argument against drifting aside from, "we think it's dumb". Nobody is going to take them seriously, so there's no reason to worry about it.

They might as well be crusading against NASCAR.
And they said they have nothing against drifting in Rally when it's necessary.
Just leave them to their ignorance. They have no ligitimate argument against drifting aside from, "we think it's dumb". Nobody is going to take them seriously, so there's no reason to worry about it.

They might as well be crusading against NASCAR.

They're ignorant because they don't like drifting and don't think it's a sport? 👎

Pot calling the kettle black... :rolleyes:
Did you see that guy's hotmail? Boris Mishkin. Sounds Russian to me, but he speaks and acts like some narrow minded, right-wing, pro-family, anti-option Texan. God, what's with people? If a site is going to be absolutely pointless, either make it a homepage or make it funny as hell. Either way, quitcher*****in and get over it you paranoid freak.
The internet is a place where people can show off their opinions and views to the world via websites, and thats all that this guy has done. same does for all the glory drifting website out there, and about every other website out there on the world wide web. so stop crying and ignore it.

but he does make a good point that i agree with on his website

I hear various stories about teenagers trying to drift and show off around full hotel parking lots, nearly crashing and harming people (and cars) within their vincinity.

that is a negative effect that the 'drifting culture' has had. People trying to show off in their cars, loosing control and hurting themselves, passengers, other road users, pedestrians etc etc.

but being 'opposed' to drifting in video games when its not needed... i just dont see a point of being 'opposed' to something so insignificant like that.

this guy did make a good point or two, but he also talked **** throughout it.
They're ignorant because they don't like drifting and don't think it's a sport? 👎

Pot calling the kettle black... :rolleyes:

Objective thinking is fun, no?

I claimed they were ignorant because they don't look at both sides of the coin. They don't like drifting, because it causes accidents and looks silly. I don't see why they need to make their opinion everyone else's problem.

I'm not going to repeat myself, so go read my post over in Neon_Duke's thread if you want my response.

Golly gee, the internet is fun...
Objective thinking is fun, no?

I claimed they were ignorant because they don't look at both sides of the coin. They don't like drifting, because it causes accidents and looks silly. I don't see why they need to make their opinion everyone else's problem.

I don't see why you feel the need to attack them for making that opinion? Just the same as drifters try to get other people to join their clubs and junk, they can try and get people to join their group and share their opinion. You have yet to point out how they failed to look at the other side of the coin.

The better question is, where's your other side of the coin? :rolleyes:

lol, it's funny when people can't pick up a skill and master it they decide to hate it..... er!

Another ignorant assumption. 👍 I'm sure quite a lot of people can't do acrobatic figure skating. They more then likely hate it as well. Doesn't mean they hate it merely because they don't do it.
The other side of the coin: Those associations and clubs aren't trying to abolish another sort of driving style.

They can hate it all they want - that doesn't bother me. But they're trying to put an end to it - which is both uncalled for and rather inconsiderate.

the359, I just want to point out that I don't have any kind of problem with you. I'm sorry if I sound like a jackass, I'm merely trying to see my way out of this thread and make my point at the same time. If you really wanna nail me to the wall, quote this:
Nobody is going to take them seriously, so there's no reason to worry about it.
- and ask me why I'm still posting in this topic. :lol:
theres going to be alot of hate mail in that guys box. and he called me imature and uneducated

We believe drifting has no place in motorsport, or in any form of popular culture. It's a careless and dangerous practice that attracts immature and uneducated people, and encourages them to handle a vehicle in an irresponsible manner.

mother 🤬 er
Did you see that guy's hotmail? Boris Mishkin. Sounds Russian to me, but he speaks and acts like some narrow minded, right-wing, pro-family, anti-option Texan. God, what's with people? If a site is going to be absolutely pointless, either make it a homepage or make it funny as hell. Either way, quitcher*****in and get over it you paranoid freak.

And by your post you are acting just as narrow minded and ignorant. His oppinion is not acceptable but you can paint a stereotype of your own? He has every right to put that page up, if you don't like it then don't go to it.
I agree with the site, it made many good points. I really hate drifiting since I see no point to it, unless its in one of the reasons he mentioned. I mean I can see rally drivers sliding around turns but why do it on a perfectly good road with lots of grip. There are people who spend millions to make their automobiles grip and you guys go and purposly slide your car.

A PublicSecrecy you are one hard core hypocrit.
There are people who spend millions to make their automobiles grip and you guys go and purposly slide your car.

My apologies to whoever the heck those people are. 👍

Fantasy drifting = super neato. I love stuff like Initial D and videogame drifting. On the road or not, whatever accident you cause = no problem.

Real life street drifting = stupid, dangerous, and selfish. Don't put someone else in a casket just because you want to have good time.

Stick to the track if you can't stick to a controller or DVD remote.
I'm going to close this because I see it going one way only, and that's not sideways.

Besides, The359 summed it up perfectly in Post #2.
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