I've just taken over our car club! :o


Expert daydreamer
New Zealand
New Zealand
Not sure which section to put this in, please move it if need be.

Anywho, long story short (or maybe not :nervous: );

- Started playing Gran Turismo 2 back in the 90's. 'Discovered' the Nissan Skyline, and had a new favourite car.

- Joined New Zealand's (and possibly the world's? - Australasia anyway) first Nissan Skyline enthusiasts/owners club, Skylines DownUnder (.co.nz) in 2002 or so?

- South Island section of SDU broke away in July 2004 due to management issues at the time, and then formed a new club, Southern Skyline Enthusiasts. Mainly catering to South Island, NZ owners and fans of the car.

- I joined up almost right away (no-one left in the South Island section of the other forum!) and participated in even more meets, especially when i bought my first Skyline (an R32 GTS-4).

- Over the years i put a fair amount of effort into attracting new members, by advertising, telling other owners about it if i see them around town, entering the club in car shows and by organising regular meets.

- Met some really awesome people and they've sorta helped me 'get out of my shell' (i have depression) and into the real world, and have a lot of great friends from the club to this day.
Not to mention i met my future wife at a meet one day when she turned up with her new Skyline!

- Past few years the former owner/founder started losing interest in the scene and was hardly posting anymore, but thankfully he kept paying for the website/forum hosting and fixed any issues that came up.

- I started getting a wee bit frustrated (?) by the plain-jane looking website, and standard ProSilver forum theme but couldn't do anything about it.

- 2011 (or late 2010?) i proposed a takeover bid to the former owner, and left him considering it for a while. He eventually agreed to it, and we sorta decided on a 2012 takeover.

- July 2012 i officially take over ownership and running of the entire club. The website and forums are re-launched with a brand new, consistent and unique look (something the club has never had before) and we also launch our merchandise store, and 'hired' (for free ;) ) a member to constantly keep our Facebook page busy with new images and such.

I'm really hoping that the 'relaunched' club will eventually become bigger than ever, and that's going to involve a lot of local advertising. There are a LOT of Skylines, Stageas, Cefiros and Laurels in New Zealand (second highest amount of Skylines in the world after Japan, so the old statement read) and our goal is to try attract people who think we are just a bunch of boy racers (which we aren't), or those who normally wouldn't be interested in clubs.

I've taken on a lot of responsibility; i look after/pay for the domain name, webhost, website, forums, store, Facebook page, advertising and organising meetings and events! I enjoy it though, so hopefully i continue to do so. :scared:

Anyway, sorry for the wee ramble - this is just something i've wanted for a while now, so it's great to have had finally happened. :)

Yes , Congrats now you can be a Jordan :P. Good Luck , I can see how much you love that club and how proud you are of you and it. :)

I thnk Kaz may be interested , I mean , he loves skylines :lol:
