For the license demonstrations we get a woman with the most recieved accent I have ever heard, it's actually quite annoying.
I recognise her voice from somewhere, it's bugging me as to who it is...
For the license demonstrations we get a woman with the most recieved accent I have ever heard, it's actually quite annoying.
I kind of found it interesting that they chose celeb voices instead of just using generic ones like in GT4P.
Vicki Butler Henderson is hardly Generic...
I know that. But was her voice in GT4P?
Sorry. I forgot there was a european GT4P. NA never got a version of 4p so I played a Japanese copy.Yes it was.
If I never have to hear Jay Leno's voice again it won't be too soon. I've turned off all sounds in the game but inhale engine/car noises. VBH would be a much better choice! Even Tiff.
I wonder if Clarkson will make a voice appearence in GT5...
that wud be awesome