OK, this isnt really a joke but it really happened:
One time my friend and I were fighting. Not seriously, just hitting each other.
He stole my jacket, and I snatched it back. He said 'touch me again and I kill you', so I whipped him with my jacket, and ran.
The teacher saw it, so she called us both over for a talk. We thought we would have to listen to the old 'fighting is bad.. dont do it..' speech, and we did, but it was... FUN! Or rather, funny.
Anyway, so she called us over, and gave us a very long talk. I dont remember all of it, but the highlights were (enthusiastically and in a Russian accent):
'now I know that it may be very strange idea for you, but you do NOT HAVE TO FIGHT! (we looked at each other and started to smirk) You can TALK ABOUT it! You can DISCUSS with each other! (she said this like they were totally alien ideas to us, and we were now fighting laughter) You do not have to call each other .. uh.. um, f-word, or..or gay, you can DISCUSS NICELY!! You do not have to fight with each other. We are in war with Iran (no, we're in a war with Iraq you dumbass), but are we blowing them up (yes, we're blowing the **** out of them)? No! We are discuss calmly in UN. We not cursing at them, and we do not hate them. We are very calm.
At this point, our big sibs interrupted, saying 'aww, did our wittle sibbies do anyfink wrong?'
Crazy Russian teacher: Oh, no, no problem, they were just fighting. This one hit this one, but I suspect that the one he hit had something to do with it too, because he say 'touch me again and I turn you into a poseur'. (At this point all four of us were rolling on the ground laughing, I was LITERALLY ROFLing), and so this one want revenge I guess.
Anyway.... thats all I remember, but it was damned funny!
Another true and funny story:
There is a girl in our class who is very violent, and agressive, and beats up people daily. Last week she vowed never to hurt anyone til the end of the year, and she apologized to everyone. When she was apologizing to Blake (who by the way was the person in the crazy Russian teacher incident, besides me), she said 'Blake, Im sorry for any physical harm I may have caused you in this whole year, and I will never do it again, and... yeah. Sorry.
Blake and me and friends sat there for a few seconds, and then Blake pointed out: 'yeah, uhm, your fly is open'.
You can imagine her reaction.
Thats right, she kicked him.
Both of those were soooooo funny! To this day, Blake and I still call each other 'gay' and 'f-word' and try to crush each others hands in handshakes, in memory of the crazy-ass Russian teacher.