I did not realize you were still after museum cards. I sent:
MAZDA: 43,46
Ford 5

Enjoy my friend:tup:
And I need this one too to complete my set sorry :


Do you have the DLC paints like polarized and those tipes ?
Do you want something for the MCs,Crypto? ;)

EDIT: Werty,be patient,in some days i´ll make (I think when we finish our trades) some games for win free DLC painted cars ;)
I have one car ready for make this but in GT MET,so the answer is yes :D
Okey,i put the GTO for 4th February.I let you choose the MCs you´re going to send me ;)


sent from 1st account

Edit: Clio received and

citroen :166,183 sent

What did you received from me ? (I sent 5 but I only remember sending 4)
Last edited:
If you could update what museum cards you still need, I would be glad to send some more. Free of course:tup:
At the next night I´ll update the MCs ;)
100% sure don´t send Citroen 119,166,183,188 and 208 / MAZDA 43,46 /
MERCEDES-BENZ: 126,144 / Ford 5 ;)

If you want you can send me at the moment the 2 Audi´s missed ;)
At the next night I´ll update the MCs ;)
100% sure don´t send Citroen 119,166,183,188 and 208 / MAZDA 43,46 /
MERCEDES-BENZ: 126,144 / Ford 5 ;)

If you want you can send me at the moment the 2 Audi´s missed ;)

Ok I will do that sir, just keep me posted and I will try to get all that you need again :lol: Thank you so much:tup:
hahhahaha i think it´s impossible at least in the new OCD pack.Maybe Citroën and the GT5´s japanese guy were bored at the hour to create the MCs.Other reason to make more of 200 MCs i don´t find :P :P :P

In your post I said the dates for trade,so if you agree,I´ll put it on my calendar ;)
hahhahaha i think it´s impossible at least in the new OCD pack.Maybe Citroën and the GT5´s japanese guy were bored at the hour to create the MCs.Other reason to make more of 200 MCs i don´t find :P :P :P

In your post I said the dates for trade,so if you agree,I´ll put it on my calendar ;)

Sounds great, thank you kindly sir:tup: