Just Raced Under The New Algorithms and Rules

  • Thread starter GTFraker
It's quit shocking how people lose their minds during esses. Whenever I'm on someone's tail I tend to brake earlier to anticipate where they're braking but on Interlagos I was still constantly dive bombing people on accident because they were still braking earlier than my earlier brake point. I was expecting better driving at B relative to C, but it seems like there's just a lot of really fast but reckless drivers.

For example turn 4, at the end of the long straight 'Reta Oposta', my brake line is from the double cone to the apex. While following a lead car I brake at the first red warning light which is about a full two car lengths before the double cone marker. Even then, people were stomping on and off the brakes leading into the corner and then I'm braking and trying to edge into the inside just to avoid everyone.

And apparently the Senna S was made for passing because everyone tries.
I know what you mean, very difficult to take a good racing line there as they dive up the inside or just punt you from behind, also the slow corners in the infield, if you try to take the wide quicker line they just go up the inside and then stop dead.
I know what you mean, very difficult to take a good racing line there as they dive up the inside or just punt you from behind, also the slow corners in the infield, if you try to take the wide quicker line they just go up the inside and then stop dead.
Which means you either have to stop yourself allowing them through, or hit them and get a time penalty :crazy:
Which means you either have to stop yourself allowing them through, or hit them and get a time penalty :crazy:
I still have a lot more success here than at Willow Springs, tried a lot to win there at the weekend. Got close a few times only to be taken off by someone trying to go round a corner way too fast and dumping me into the desert.
I still have a lot more success here than at Willow Springs, tried a lot to win there at the weekend. Got close a few times only to be taken off by someone trying to go round a corner way too fast and dumping me into the desert.
And it is for this reason that I do not race on Willow Springs :lol:
I still have a lot more success here than at Willow Springs, tried a lot to win there at the weekend. Got close a few times only to be taken off by someone trying to go round a corner way too fast and dumping me into the desert.

I love Willow Springs, but I know what you're talking about. I was racing one guy there back and forth, he seemed competent. So when we're going through the last turn, the Sweeper, it doesn't occur to me to drive an inside defensive line. He sees it as an opening, and from one car length back he puts his nose into the apex divot. I see him, and give him the inside of the track but he entered at a bad angle and rams me off of the course and into the pits. One slow country drive later and I'm in last place coming out of the pits.

The foul was so gross that even my 10 year old daughter was in shock and disgust when she saw it happen.

Haha, these races are so full of emotions.
I love Willow Springs, but I know what you're talking about. I was racing one guy there back and forth, he seemed competent. So when we're going through the last turn, the Sweeper, it doesn't occur to me to drive an inside defensive line. He sees it as an opening, and from one car length back he puts his nose into the apex divot. I see him, and give him the inside of the track but he entered at a bad angle and rams me off of the course and into the pits. One slow country drive later and I'm in last place coming out of the pits.

The foul was so gross that even my 10 year old daughter was in shock and disgust when she saw it happen.

Haha, these races are so full of emotions.
I have never got quite so emotionally involved with a game as this one, makes me happy and mad all in one go.
And it is for this reason that I do not race on Willow Springs :lol:

Willow springs is a dream compared to Interlagos. Sure there are T1 idiots on Big Willow as well, yet on Interlagos it's guaranteed. You simply cannot follow the car in front of you for T1, either go to the inside to get a crappy entry or get dive bombed 100% at the start.The biggest danger on Willow springs is a car respawning in the middle of the final turn and everybody guessing should I avoid, brake as hard as possible or gamble you can still drive through.

Interlagos is nothing but dives, sometimes it seems I'm the only one going for a better corner exit at the final turn to overtake on the straight. Probably for good reason as you get dived in that turn as well, while people swerve block on the straight, then dive into you in the next T1 anyway if you manage to pass. What I also don't get is how most of the people I raced yesterday got their qualifying times. Matchmaking was putting me with A to D, some B to D in front of me, yet their race pace was horrible while it looked like they were driving with the d-pad. I'm too afraid to get penalties to overtake these erratic driving cars, perhaps that was the intention...

Inyterlagos lost me all my gains from Nurb, my recent driver rating history

The upswing is all nurb 24, then after was all Interlagos, getting worse after my SR dropped and matchmaking put me in increasingly worse rooms with more points to lose. Can't say I didn't try :) All the big downspikes before are from disconnects, server dropped me 4 times on Saturday...
Interlagos is nothing but dives, sometimes it seems I'm the only one going for a better corner exit at the final turn to overtake on the straight. Probably for good reason as you get dived in that turn as well, while people swerve block on the straight, then dive into you in the next T1 anyway if you manage to pass.

I don't think I've thrown so many feints in a race before. When chasing, I had to constantly feint to the inside to bait them to predictably defend the apex properly, just so I could safely brake on the outside. I mean that's not even a passing maneuver, just a way to make them behave in a more predictable way rather than guessing where they're going to be.

What I also don't get is how most of the people I raced yesterday got their qualifying times. Matchmaking was putting me with A to D, some B to D in front of me, yet their race pace was horrible while it looked like they were driving with the d-pad. I'm too afraid to get penalties to overtake these erratic driving cars, perhaps that was the intention...

This was alarming as well. I was in there with A-B drivers all SR:S, and people with better times than myself, were all over the place constantly going off of the track and then violently jumping back on. I actually lost 4 places to some guy barging off road through the Senna S, and banging me to the outside... he had clearly lost control of his car.
Willow springs is a dream compared to Interlagos. Sure there are T1 idiots on Big Willow as well, yet on Interlagos it's guaranteed.
Haha, yeah I took a big rating drop last night at Interlagos :( Shame though because for the most part the half-dozen or so races I entered were pretty fun!
Not too bothered about the DR drop either as I've always bounced back pretty comfortably in the past, it's a good way to get some easy wins, so you just have to take the rough with the smooth :)
These penalties are doing my head in.. just coming up on a guy at Monza, going way faster (must've hit gravel), just pulls the swerve out at the last minute.. contact sends him into the distance and up pops a penalty for me! I've been fully shunted from behind going into a hairpin and been sent off the track.. penalty!
Damn, 1 brake check from a penalty server right after T1 lap 1... 10 sec, 1 dive bomb hitting me in the second chicane, 3 sec, and one voluntary flee onto the kerbs in T1 to avoid collision with a driver coming side by side then not leaving me any room, 4.8 sec. (while only losing time) from 99 to 82 SR in one race with 3 incidents I had no control over.
Damn, 1 brake check from a penalty server right after T1 lap 1... 10 sec, 1 dive bomb hitting me in the second chicane, 3 sec, and one voluntary flee onto the kerbs in T1 to avoid collision with a driver coming side by side then not leaving me any room, 4.8 sec. (while only losing time) from 99 to 82 SR in one race with 3 incidents I had no control over.

Looks a lot like my race today at Monza...That's very frustrating. Also, the time to get rid of a penalty is waaayyy too long. I always brake to get rid of it to avoid the additional tim and it takes about 2 seconds to take off.
One problem which keeps being highlighted for me, is the penalty for rear-ending someone even when they have intentionally brake-checked, re-spawned, stopped to serve a penalty or have had an accident. You hit them from behind and you get 5-10 second penalty for ramming and come to a near standstill or spin out, whilst they get a nice speed boost and continue with their race. And then, even worse, you have to pretty much stop to serve the penalty to avoid it increasing which, when added up to time lost in the initial collision, basically means your race is over. This, for me, is much more an issue than the odd 1 second contact penalties. The 1 second penalties, whilst frustrating at times, are well-known and for the most part completely avoidable.

Oh and when the above happens in an FIA event you apparently also get the "bonus" of damage which then limits engine speed for a period of 20 or so seconds.
Haha, yeah I took a big rating drop last night at Interlagos :( Shame though because for the most part the half-dozen or so races I entered were pretty fun!
Not too bothered about the DR drop either as I've always bounced back pretty comfortably in the past, it's a good way to get some easy wins, so you just have to take the rough with the smooth :)

Sidenote :
We've raced together there for 2 races, and when watching the replays I noticed your almost epic battle with that green Audi. Great racing, mate 👍.
One problem which keeps being highlighted for me, is the penalty for rear-ending someone even when they have intentionally brake-checked, re-spawned, stopped to serve a penalty or have had an accident. You hit them from behind and you get 5-10 second penalty for ramming and come to a near standstill or spin out, whilst they get a nice speed boost and continue with their race. And then, even worse, you have to pretty much stop to serve the penalty to avoid it increasing which, when added up to time lost in the initial collision, basically means your race is over. This, for me, is much more an issue than the odd 1 second contact penalties. The 1 second penalties, whilst frustrating at times, are well-known and for the most part completely avoidable.

Oh and when the above happens in an FIA event you apparently also get the "bonus" of damage which then limits engine speed for a period of 20 or so seconds.

I really hope this is fixed with the new update. Everytime this happens, I want to break into the room of the dude who brake checked me and destroy his/her ps4 with my rock hammer.
I really hope this is fixed with the new update. Everytime this happens, I want to break into the room of the dude who brake checked me and destroy his/her ps4 with my rock hammer.
It happened to me twice on Suzuka on Saturday and then again last night. There is literally nothing you can do except complete the race in the knowledge that you have lost a load of DR and any dignity...

I put it down to my DR... as I am now a mid A I can't qualify higher than top half in most B or C races, so you have more traffic/potential collisions ahead.
A new low yesterday, I got bump passed then penalty serve blocked to secure the pass. The car in front brakes early for the next corner after bump passing while swerving to make sure I can't pass him again while he scrubs off the penalty. It was an S/S driver, apparently well adjusted to use the penalty system to his advantage. He managed to do it in such a way that he got rid of the 1 sec penalty while leaving me with mine after blocking.

Please PD, get rid of this penalty scrubbing. It doesn't work and only creates more accidents. Serve in the pit or add at the finish.
A new low yesterday, I got bump passed then penalty serve blocked to secure the pass. The car in front brakes early for the next corner after bump passing while swerving to make sure I can't pass him again while he scrubs off the penalty. It was an S/S driver, apparently well adjusted to use the penalty system to his advantage. He managed to do it in such a way that he got rid of the 1 sec penalty while leaving me with mine after blocking.

Please PD, get rid of this penalty scrubbing. It doesn't work and only creates more accidents. Serve in the pit or add at the finish.
The problem with this is in my post above... if I had to serve my unwarranted 10 second penalty in the pit then it just adds insult to injury. I agree though, people stopping all over the place is making things worse.
It happened to me twice on Suzuka on Saturday and then again last night. There is literally nothing you can do except complete the race in the knowledge that you have lost a load of DR and any dignity...

I put it down to my DR... as I am now a mid A I can't qualify higher than top half in most B or C races, so you have more traffic/potential collisions ahead.

The penalties are too extreme on A. This never happens when I fall to Dr B. I hate this new penalty system so much

A new low yesterday, I got bump passed then penalty serve blocked to secure the pass. The car in front brakes early for the next corner after bump passing while swerving to make sure I can't pass him again while he scrubs off the penalty. It was an S/S driver, apparently well adjusted to use the penalty system to his advantage. He managed to do it in such a way that he got rid of the 1 sec penalty while leaving me with mine after blocking.

Please PD, get rid of this penalty scrubbing. It doesn't work and only creates more accidents. Serve in the pit or add at the finish.

Even simpler than that, when the penalty timer is going down, ghost the car.
They seem determined to stick with the idiotic "everybody gets a time penalty!" approach :(


Hi Everyone,

The penalty judgements have been updated in the last update.


- Depending on the player's network environment, the communications time lag (where a car's position moves or wavers momentarily) was creating a large increase in collision speed, even when it only appeared to be a slight/mild collision incident to the player . As a result, the penalty judgement system was overreacting to these incidents. We have now adjusted the penalty judgement standard to alleviate this issue.

- Reduction of the additional time penalties applied when a time penalty is ignored.

- Collisions between players with DR A or higher apply a penalty to both players involved, but we will be adding a fault adjustment to this time penalty.

- If a car pushes another car into a wall, the penalty applied to the player of the car that caused the incident will now be more severe;

- In a collision between two cars, the car behind will no longer receive a more severe penalty;

- A Time Penalty will no longer be applied to cars spinning out of control;

- No penalties for collisions will be applied while a Time Penalty is counting down. (*In a future update, we plan to make cars under such condition semi-transparent);

- Cars over a lap behind will now be ghosted depending on the distance from the player's car.

We apologize for the overly strict penalty judgement this had caused.

The penalty system will continue to be improved, so if you find judgement in certain situations that you do not find justified, it would be great if you could report it on this thread.
It will be easier to evaluate when is a movie attached, so when you make a report please attack a replay movie if you can.
(Please try using limited publication links on Youtube)

The current penalty judgments take into account the following:

- The Penalty Judgement system monitors the on-track conditions for some time after a contact/collision, and determines a penalty after seeing the resulting conditions of the drivers involved after the collision.

Please note that the severity of the penalty judgment differs / increases depending on your DR.

The following improvements to the penalty system is planned for the future:

- Improvements to penalty judgments when network lag is occurring.
- Notification of penalty information for both parties involved in an incident.

Please look forward to further improvements in the future for more precise incident and penalty judgments.
Thank you.

They clearly didn't foresee that brake-checking would become a thing with such a simplistic Judgement system, and now their 'fix' is to give both players an equal time penalty when rear ended. I'm sure that'll be swell for the innocent 50%. :rolleyes:

The penalties are too extreme on A. This never happens when I fall to Dr B. I hate this new penalty system so much

Looks like they're sticking with that daft method. I guess we'll find out fairly soon if it's still a sharp change between DR B and A, but it doesn't sound like they've changed it at all.

Even simpler than that, when the penalty timer is going down, ghost the car.

They might get round to that eventually. Never mind that twice as many people are getting penalties as deserve them.

Thanks for this @Outspacer

Very interesting that they are taking lag/connection into account... expalins some of the "non contact" penalties people have posted on here.

The 'fault adjustment' should negate the 1 second apiece for any contact - note the word 'collision' is used as opposed to contact

No penalties for hitting a car serving penalties as well... woohoo. Shame they couldn't make them ghost now though? Why does it need to be in future?
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"In a collision between two cars, the car behind will no longer receive a more severe penalty"

This is a good thing. Currently, in my recent experience of people stopping on the racing line to serve penalties, I have received 5-10 second penalties and not been notified that the other driver received a penalty at all. I'd rather it were 1 second apiece than 5 or 10 for me and nothing for the other guy
This is a good thing. Currently, in my recent experience of people stopping on the racing line to serve penalties, I have received 5-10 second penalties and not been notified that the other driver received a penalty at all. I'd rather it were 1 second apiece than 5 or 10 for me and nothing for the other guy
That's a separate problem really though man, and I think addressed here:

"- No penalties for collisions will be applied while a Time Penalty is counting down. (*In a future update, we plan to make cars under such condition semi-transparent"

So "In a collision between two cars, the car behind will no longer receive a more severe penalty"
Hopefully what they meant to say was:
"In a collision between two cars, the car behind will no longer receive a more severe penalty [by default]"

because in my experience, and tbh motorsport 101, is that it's generally the fault of the following car when contact is made.
That's a separate problem really though man, and I think addressed here:

"- No penalties for collisions will be applied while a Time Penalty is counting down. (*In a future update, we plan to make cars under such condition semi-transparent"

So "In a collision between two cars, the car behind will no longer receive a more severe penalty"
Hopefully what they meant to say was:
"In a collision between two cars, the car behind will no longer receive a more severe penalty [by default]"

because in my experience, and tbh motorsport 101, is that it's generally the fault of the following car when contact is made.

Fair point, I took it originally as the amendment you made... unjustified default penalties for the person behind.

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