"- The Penalty Judgement system monitors the on-track conditions for some time after a contact/collision, and determines a penalty after seeing the resulting conditions of the drivers involved after the collision."
I don't know the origin of these lines, but is just not true. In practice. Or if it is true, then they "determinig" faulty. You can monitor anything as long as you like if after that you conclude wrong. That is what happening. I mentioned several times - as experienced - that after a little touch, of which could be monitored before/after for miles, resulted in both of us stayed on track, basically on our pre-contact racing lines, was resulted in penalty. Completely incomprehensible.
Just an example: I'm in front, my next turn should be a wide-in, late-apex type. The one behind is diving in, putting his nose inside, forcing me to "miss" the apex, I have to keep wide to leave place for him - but it is just happening sometimes, It is OK. I let the inside line, but because his late-braking he also misses the apex, getting out a little wider than expected: we can contact, Maybe I need to go wider, but there's place, he didn't pushed me out, I didn't closed on him and forced offtrack inside, so while I may miss a position, nothing harmful happened. We could go on racing. BUT, instead of this, we're getting penalty. (I just assume his penalty, I know about mine.) Why? I should never "call" for any judgement in a situation like this, I was not forced offtrack on the outside. Why should he "call" judgement? Taken the opportunity, he made his move, possibly gained a position, and both of us is on track.
But there's more dumb evidence: Suzuka, last chicane. We are in a train, 1-2-3 with a little safety gap between us. The "racer" from position 4 or 5 just didn't want to brake enough, bombing into the train just turning. The clever bomber were flying thru between p1 and p2, touched (or touched by) p2, who receives a 10+ sec penalty, because after the contact the other party went off track (which should have been happened without any contact). What is it? What did the system monitored? And why bothered, if it concluded that wrong? It _is_ a joke.