Hey guys, first post on this forum though i been reading it for a while. This is what really decided me to order the game.
So I got this game Monday...started with ae85 of course, then got bored with it's 130 hp so bought a s13, owned everyone...now i unlocked front Rokko and the other snow track which i can't remember the name. The game is very fun but most oponents aren't a challenge. I bought a Hatchback WRX and tuned it up to 491 hp...it seems to be unable to get any rival worthy of it....
even the 600 hp RS6 slasher wasn't a match. I'm getting bored on conquest mode but drifting on Iro downhill is lots of fun with my rx8 and DRFT S13. I can't wait till i start unlocking the D1 licensed cars, that's all i'm playing for lol. Anyone know when they start showing off?
P.S.: My Tips for drifting: Put ur suspension as hard and as low as u can, stabilisers almost at the strongest, short gear ratios, 2 way LSD at maximum initial torque and accel on, almost at max on accel off, and get a powerful FR car. drifting shouldn't be too hard, just remember to get some angle before you hit the curve, anticipate, and countersteer as soon as you start feeling the tail is sliding, then dont forget to release the gas or you'll spin out, just release pressure, exit and then full pressure to next corner. Practice on 1st Iro, if you've unlocked it, it's the track that features the most hairpins and various tight curves, very good to feel different techniques on a single run.