KaWerks MC: Cat and Mouse and Dirty RallyXOpen 

  • Thread starter Rallywagon
Wife and I are finishing the Patagonia 1 replay she missed the end of. Be there right after 9 pm. OK if someone wants to open the room - make sure the Voice Quality is on Very Low. I used Boost Strong with the small fields last week - worked OK, and Draft on Weak (not real), but I'd adjust those personally as fields grow...
Great time - Thanks for the great fun!

Ragging on Rally WAS a joke!

My kids hear me say "Stupid game..." when they know I really like something. If I curse it out loud, or virulently... even more so.
Absolutely Handle. I wasnt taking it serious. i wouldn't have been laughing so hard. Good times! Im just sorry you had me hunting you both times. Thanks again everyone for coming.out, and a big thanks to you Handle for hosting. Im not sure if getting home early.on Tuesdays will continue, but Ill still make it.
Alright everyone. Before I head out of town for the long weekend, I want to review the cat car list. I don't know that I want to cats to go up in pp. I think we found a good balance between the two. There are a bit more options if we drop the pp a bit, and this will also allow for more cars to run with rally tires. I got all of the good cars on the current list in that pp range, so just adding one or two more will make them either OP or over nerfed compared to the other cats. I am thinking that perhaps we can keep all of the current cars the same, and add a dirt/snow list and select some rally based road cars. What do you guys think?
I'm thinking that 490 is a good Cat size - and that includes some Rally cars. Let me kick some parameters around to make sure there are actual choices of cars (FR/MR/4WD/FF/RR) - I think 490-499 pre-oil change is it.

I'm happy with where we are as well, btw.
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No offense fellas, (that means I'm probably about to offend somebody, ha!) but none of this micro-management of vehicle choices is very likely to increase our turnouts. I mean I get what your trying to accomplish (I think...), but I'm more concerned with what we can do to promote our events. Maybe some plugs within our divisional conversations???
well, unfortunately, due to the touring series, I am bared from advertising except for the one "event" on their off week. Which really makes me not care to advert there at all if I am honest. And no, this talk isn't geared towards creating a turn out. Though the back and forth will keep the thread closer to the top and allow for more visibility. The point of discussing the car choice is to come up with a list that is well balanced and doesn't have the unforeseen issues like the lack of the ability to place rally wheels on a car. I am working on a video for the club though. Its slow going cause recording and editing take a lot of work and with school on now my times is quite limited and thinly spread. As for advertising, I mean, aside from some well placed signatures and this thread, the only other thing to do is spam other peoples threads, which I am not exactly all about doing. I am working on a "flyer" though that I will start spamming the SNAIL thread with in about a week, until the first week of feb when TOC ,or whatever their acronym is, takes their off week. After that though, I am not sure I will be bringing it back to that thread.
Word. No need to beat the dead horse. I look forward to the video! That should be quite entertaining in itself.

Is there a way to record the mic chat and overlay it with video? Our banter carries the story and thus the comedic value of the onscreen nonsense. :)
well, unfortunately, due to the touring series, I am bared from advertising except for the one "event" on their off week. Which really makes me not care to advert there at all if I am honest. And no, this talk isn't geared towards creating a turn out. Though the back and forth will keep the thread closer to the top and allow for more visibility. The point of discussing the car choice is to come up with a list that is well balanced and doesn't have the unforeseen issues like the lack of the ability to place rally wheels on a car. I am working on a video for the club though. Its slow going cause recording and editing take a lot of work and with school on now my times is quite limited and thinly spread. As for advertising, I mean, aside from some well placed signatures and this thread, the only other thing to do is spam other peoples threads, which I am not exactly all about doing. I am working on a "flyer" though that I will start spamming the SNAIL thread with in about a week, until the first week of feb when TOC ,or whatever their acronym is, takes their off week. After that though, I am not sure I will be bringing it back to that thread.

Those who do Cat & Mouse know how I feel about the non-advertising crap! Cat & Mouse has mostly S.N.A.I.L. members. We should be able to advertise the event. It's one damn event for one night of the week. It gives a break from the normal S.N.A.I.L. type of driving with rules and everything else. Let people pick which event he or she wants to go to. The Cat & Mouse or the Turning Event. We can have two events on one night. We have plenty of members in S.N.A.I.L. and each room can only hold 16 people anyways. People act like us advertising Cat & Mouse might ruin their event or something. SMH
I hear ya, and agree with most of that, but I get that Rally is trying to be somewhat PC with the SNAIL powers. fortunately we have a solid start with the 6 if us being very regular. I think it'll grow with time, but we may need to open it up a bit so anybody can jump in. Then we would need to be patient with anybody who shows interest so we can sell the show. I think alongit would be greatly helpful if the six of us were all in the same page with color options. That would help newbies get along more comfortably. We are familiar with our screen names so even if we're not matching it's not difficult to remember who is who. Newbies it non snails would be far less familiar
I hear ya, and agree with most of that, but I get that Rally is trying to be somewhat PC with the SNAIL powers. fortunately we have a solid start with the 6 if us being very regular. I think it'll grow with time, but we may need to open it up a bit so anybody can jump in. Then we would need to be patient with anybody who shows interest so we can sell the show. I think alongit would be greatly helpful if the six of us were all in the same page with color options. That would help newbies get along more comfortably. We are familiar with our screen names so even if we're not matching it's not difficult to remember who is who. Newbies it non snails would be far less familiar
Hi @Lessen, I agree with you as TBongX's thoughts too, let's do some of a kind of advertising in form of great picture log as Nail does with the Miatas or perhaps a video on YouTube or post a small serie of action pics on the main thread, which makes me personally curious so that I klick the respective link...
Posted the event in D8 conversation and had no feedback/interest at all...
Thoughts? I'm in to support any spread ideas as skills I'm able to do
cheers guys, looking forward to next Tuesday :cheers:
Double post, awaiting fishslap :embarrassed:


The only time I believe I can post on SNAIL thread is for the one event every 5th week. Since this isn't a snail affiliated event, I'm only going to do the one flyer, and probably a video and wall of pictures for the SNAIL thread. When I get home Monday I'll start recording the replays I have. If anyone has the gumption and wants to start snapping some pictures that would be great as well, and I'll start making a better splash image for the OP as well. Though I have to admit, my photog and graphical skills are, well, lacking.
Ok, so I was going through the car list again, and I think I have found a permanent solution. One that I think Les will enjoy.
Any Car at 320pp or below will be allowed as a mouse. Cats will be capped at 480. Tom cats will be open. This new standard will take place next week, so for the interim, if you do not have a car that can't get snow/dirt tires, try to get one in that PP range.
Here is the catch, we will need to do a test to see if this rule change can be done. In the sake of keeping things fair as possible, so that no mouse or cat has the ability to have an unjust advantage, before we start tonight, we will need to see if a pp can be set (320), cars enter and then change the PP again (480) without resting the track. If it turns out we can indeed do this, than we will run with that setup. If not, then I will make a list and cars will need to be selected as such. Also, for the sake of speed and simplicity, I ask that no car have an oil change. It can be used to bring a lower PP car up to 480 pp, but the idea is to use a PP cap. If you pick a 471pp car, change the oil and it is now 482, you will no longer be able to use the car. These PP caps will be set and no wiggle room allowed since there is an abundance of cars between 475 and 480 that can be used. As per the norm, all cats and mice must be street cars and no tuning allowed.
As for the list, if it is required, it will include most of the cars from 473 to 480pp.
So, for tonight, we will still run the latest list, but will try the PP cap thing before the first race as a test. Based off the results of the test, I will role out the new list/requirements tomorrow, and we can put that behind us.

Speaking of tonight. I will be recording, and I will be looking to set it up in such a way that I can record the chat. I agree that half the fun is the banter, so be sure to bring your best personalities!
The state of the Union? Thats easy. They are going to continue to intrude on our privacy in the name of the war on terror and will continue to allow the paradigm shift from a constitutional republic to a corporate ran oligarchy, with a few bits of we are doing better here and there just so people don't question the first two topics. All summed up, you can now join us tonight!
I take politics seriously. I didn't as much when I was younger, but I have for a while now. Our votes matter, who we vote for matters and what politicians say and do matters, especially if their actions aren't proven their words factual. I like to deal with facts over opinions, since opinions aren't proven to be factual. Not all politicians are the same and they all don't think the same. Some may share some views, but not all views. It depends of there person and his or her stance on a particle issue. some people put certain things in front of other things they find more important. If one doesn't pay attention one will not know what is happening. I love my dad, but my father is an example of one of those people. He doesn't vote, he doesn't pay attention to what is going on or the direction any politician is trying to take this country in. He'd might as well say he doesn't even care. I at least voted when I was younger, even though I didn't understand as much about politics as I do now. I take pride in knowing the things I know today.
I don't understand why I don't get notifications for this thread even though I'm watching it. ??

Think a pp cap is good, specifically for cats. It's easier and makes things more interesting. Even though I'm typically very competitive, I think it's important that we don't get too wrapped up in regulations and dos and donts etc. there really isn't anything FAIR about any of this right? I think rules and red tape will kill the cat.

You can always just take a gander at the entry list and be the last one on track.
Take care, @STEAMER62

(From a Social Studies teacher...)

As for the rest - "from time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots..." and we haven't had many (non-watered/moneyed-down) examples running for office in a long time. Kinda like a one-handed ovation.

Politicians aren't rewarded or reelected for doing right/good, they are largely focused on maintaining the status quo - keep the rich rich. Who funds them...

And now, back to some gravel, snow, and grindiness! So... 320/480, 9 pm... check!

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