Kaz: Pushing the Virtual Divide

  • Thread starter sokira
You're perfectly welcome to do that, but it still has no relevance to my opinion that a fan of the Gran Turismo series would enjoy watching this documentary.

And now, we get to the heart of the issue - you're afraid that a positive celebration of Kazunori and the Gran Turismo series will prevent the changes you'd like to see in the games.

The problem with that perspective is that it's rooted in egocentrism: "I don't like it, and you're not going to like it, either!" (This works in both directions, by the way.) It's not a constructive way to debate the merits or problems of something, and will typically only produce an argument - although the cynic in me suspects that's often the only intended outcome...

Regardless of what you think about Kazunori or the Gran Turismo series, he was the first person to overcome the mountain of technical, political, legal, logistical, and marketing challenges which stand in the way of producing a driving simulator, and he was the first to do it it in a way that generated wide, mass-market appeal. Meanwhile, he's created thousands of jobs for people (including all of the competing development shops and accessory manufacturers who are working on products in a niche legitimized by Gran Turismo), influenced the automotive and video gaming industries in a significant and positive way, and has provided countless hours of enjoyment and entertainment for tens of millions of people who have played his games. Whether you like it or not, that's something I will continue to celebrate and respect.
As one of the harsher critics of what has become of GT as a game in recent years, I do have to admit the man had an influence on my life for the countless hours I spend playing and enjoying his games, and how my love of cars developed because of it and I'm sure I'm not the only one here in that regard. I do feel however that this docu about him comes at a bad moment, as there is too much focus on what surrounds GT as a franchise and Kaz as a person these days, whilst the game itself feels 'neglected' to say the least. But yes the 2 (docu and game) are seperate things, and in a way he still deserves the cult following for sure based on past glory ;)
Just finished watching it, it was a very good documentary. There is something that left me wondering, when they showed some parts of the game the sounds were really realistic and incredible, makes me wonder if that is how they expect it to sound.

They can't spell "outside"
No Hulu for the UK.......:irked:.

Add the Hola app on Chrome, it worked for me.

It was definitely worth the watch, well made and not too 'heads-up-their-behinds' like I thought it would be.

One day a crazed member of the forum will recognize Jordan Greer in the street and follow him home
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I don't know if the news page was edited but feb 5th (or 25th... Because Pd), will be released via sony movie channel, amazon and crackle
Am I the only one who does a double take every time I see the title? Surely it should read:

Kaz - Bridging the Virtual Divide


Kaz - Pushing the Virtual Limits
As one of the harsher critics of what has become of GT as a game in recent years, I do have to admit the man had an influence on my life for the countless hours I spend playing and enjoying his games, and how my love of cars developed because of it and I'm sure I'm not the only one here in that regard. I do feel however that this docu about him comes at a bad moment, as there is too much focus on what surrounds GT as a franchise and Kaz as a person these days, whilst the game itself feels 'neglected' to say the least. But yes the 2 (docu and game) are seperate things, and in a way he still deserves the cult following for sure based on past glory ;)

Interesting how ones' perception can affect what they watch.
I do agree there are some warts that need fixing...
...and that everyone is entitled to their opinion.

My take after watching the documentary is...
...that they attempted to present the different facets involved in creating the game...
...not so much about his personality.

Jordan's appearance speaks volumes to their having an ear to the ground. 👍 👍
The GTA coverage, and auto industry insider's commentary indicate GT is more than just the game now.

I have no doubt they put an unbelievable amount of labor into what they have done to-date...
...and that they will continue to refine it.
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Just finished watching KAZ. I really liked it, and enjoyed it very much as well. Seeing @Jordan in it was especially awesome! 👍

You know, it really makes me wonder how GT7 is going to look and be like. The PS4 is so powerful and easy to make on, it hypes me up everytime when imagining what Kaz and PD are capable of on it and what they have in store for us all. :)

I really liked the documentary. Hope everyone sees it. :D
Watching it now. It has some of those great moment that all good documentaries should have, when you realise something new about the world. Like when video game coding is compared to poetry and origami, it made me realise that poetry and great literature changes in form with time and maybe the poetry of the 21st century is really written in the form of code? It's certainly a form of art in many cases...