Kazaa or morpheus

  • Thread starter viperguy

Kazaa or morpheus?

  • kazaa

    Votes: 12 80.0%
  • morpheus

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • other/don't have one

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by oosacker
Dont use Kazaa!!!!!!!!!!!! Kazaa has gay spyware (well, adware actually), therefore use the non-spyware version, Kazaa Lite.
I do use the non spyware version of Kazaa; Kazaa Lite. Just sometimes I forget to put Lite on the end. They are basically the same only one is safe and one is not. :P
Originally posted by Cobraboy
how exactly do you say kazaa - ke-zar ( like kazam!), kar-zar, kaa-zaa???
I don't know. Ii pronouce it like this:

ka: like cat only with out a 't'
zaa: like jar only with a 'z' instead of a 'j'
Originally posted by Viper Zero
I can't believe anyone would dislike WinMX. It is the absolute best for MP3s. DC++ looks really good, but I don't have the insane amounts of files needed to log on to the servers.
Here are two hubs that have no file share or slot limit and are very good.

Open up the Favourite Hubs list and add a new one called Mega Polish Hub. The address for it is mega.d2g.biz

Make another new one called No ****ing Rules. The address for it is

There, two cool hubs with no limits. :)
Originally posted by Drakeskakes
Anyone else having Problems having ot restart alot cause of Kazaa being open?

Not 'a lot' but it happens......

But then i think as a by product of all that downloading and installing / un installing it's screwed my registry.