Kazunori Yamauchi Re-Confirms Additional GT Sport Cars and Tracks Incoming

Hopefully we will see tracks new to the series as well as reoccurring tracks.

Circuit of The Americas
Virginia International Raceway
Watkins Glen
And Charlotte Motor Speedway ROVAL

would all be welcome additions to the series imo

As for a reoccurring track, Laguna Seca would be pretty top imo.
Another dreamer lol
Personally I'd rather see rain come to GT:Sport now, It's long overdue and I certainly ain't paying £50 for just the standard edition of P:Cars 2 which apparently still has a crap ton of bugs and is the same age as GT:Sport.
Honestly project cars 2 isn't hardly buggy after the patches. I owned it before Gt sport and never played it because it was too hard. Started getting bored with sport so made myself learn it and honestly it's hard to go back to sport. It just feels right. Bathurst feels so much better on pc2 than sport.
I had more fun with the game than I thought I would have but right now, the very limited track list is taking a huge hit to my enjoyment of the game. The game has 30 tracks including variations that are used for daily races and every week 21 are needed to fill the 3 slots every day. Brands Hatch, Suzuka East, the arcade Ovals and all of the Tokyo routes already bore me to death. Plus I dont really like Monza and I would rather saw my wheel in half than drive another race at Tsukuba. So it leaves only a very limited window of interesting races for me.

You can say now "Hey FLX, stop being such a wussy and be happy that the game has some tracks at all!" but the harsh reality is that GTS is severely lacking in track quantity compared to the competition. A bit more than half of Forza and a third of Pcars ain't cool. And Trial Mountain and some Alsace variations alone won't remedy that.
2 weeks until reveal you would think

Then update on Monday

Or maybe the last full week of April so 27 April is my guess if we have another update.

On the topic I have no issues waiting for more tracks and hopefully one of them is either Spa or already mapped Le Mans
I would prefer that they drop the hole fia thing becouse its restrict the game to have great features like gt auto upgrade parts and more. In My opinion the time could be better spent adding more cars and tracks. And Also in My opinion gt don't need to be like the Sims out there. To me its should be more like previous gt titles. But with new updated sounds
I liked gt for being different and i am sure many Others feel the same. Its not supose to be like project cars or assetto corsa i don't even like either of those 2 games.
I wonder if they will bring more Gr2 cars...Maybe the GR Supra could have a Gr2 version as well. Those cars are mental!

I can feel my SR tanking already.
Just don't flat out at the beginning of the race and let everyone pile up in the inevitable crash at the first corner. Then it's all a matter of not screwing up in any corner.
Bring on the tracks.

There's enough idiots who can't get braking points and distances as it is without making it more difficult for them.

Edit....The above in regards to rain
Brakes are my biggest complaint about Sport. In GT5 and GT6 you could adjust the brake pressure and also add racing brakes. The brakes in Sport do not even seem as good as the standard brakes in 5 and 6. I hope they will fix this soon. If real cars had brakes like this I feel we would have a lot of dead people. I have adjusted to it but I think they need to be better.
Honestly project cars 2 isn't hardly buggy after the patches. I owned it before Gt sport and never played it because it was too hard. Started getting bored with sport so made myself learn it and honestly it's hard to go back to sport. It just feels right. Bathurst feels so much better on pc2 than sport.

Even if that is the case it still doesn't mean that they can't have sales, Or maybe I missed them, Fact is in the gaming world it just is not new anymore.
I wonder if we'll be getting an alternate layout of BB Raceway, from the aerial shots before a race starts it looks like there is a short banked oval in the infield.
la Sarthe, Spa, Fuji, Deep Forest, Trial Mountain

90s NSX, S15, and the new Ford GT.

I won't be putting down GTSport for a long time.

Been said before but would love to see more daily races, maybe five or seven to choose from, sometimes with only three, end up not taking part in any not liking track or too much of a wreckfest

Agreed. If they aren't willing to expand the races, they should really do what they did in the beta.

They rotated the 3 races every 2 to 3 hours or so. So it'd be a new combo every time. Some might not be down with that, but I personally think it'd keep the racing fresh in Sport mode.
It's obvious more updates are coming what I wanna know is if they plan to keep the monthly schedule. I sure hope so, even if they downsize it to 5 cars per month or change it to one month it's cars only the other it's tracks only.