Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

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The tires at PD office were Michelin, while Kaz' GTR have Advan Yokohama ? So, are they related in any way ?

I've heard that Kaz thinks Michelin's feel like a soft tissue that he can wrap his arms around. He bought them to hug it out with the tire sets. Or to be serious, he might have wanted to see if they'd give better performance.

Really? What were the Touring Cars then? Sure, they provided some art changes, but the car files were just alterations of what was already there. That's how game content is made.

Do you think there is a team of physicists creating algorithms that replicate all the cars in game? It's just file swapping and sharing.
Really? What were the Touring Cars then? Sure, they provided some art changes, but the car files were just alterations of what was already there. That's how game content is made.

Do you think there is a team of physicists creating algorithms that replicate all the cars in game? It's just file swapping and sharing.
Just no. It's not that simple. As easy it is to click here and there to Race Modify a car in the game, it isn't simply a matter of doing some in-game tune-ups to get it that way. You can say it is, but it's not.
LOL...Have you heard of hybrids yet? All the "DLC" you'll ever need.
Really? What were the Touring Cars then? Sure, they provided some art changes, but the car files were just alterations of what was already there. That's how game content is made.

Do you think there is a team of physicists creating algorithms that replicate all the cars in game? It's just file swapping and sharing.

How do I turn this Ferrari I don't care for in the slightest:


Into this Ferrari with a similar drivetrain that I would buy from PD at a moment's notice:


Just using parts swapping and data entry changes? I could make it drive the same (or at least the same as I believe it to be), but I can't make it actually be the same.

Not all of PD's DLC was as cynical of a cash grab as the 2012 GT-R or Mini.
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No, I can't do a new body, you are correct on that point.

But I can still make new cars. That's the point, and it is that easy.

I can make THIS for instance



Here's the thing. You really want to support modding (modding, not cheating). The more it's supported, the more likely a properly developed feature like this will make it's way into the game. Check the GT6 thread of wanted features. There are plenty of comments about expanding on tuning and car modification. No one is asking for more photo mode features, or more replays, or a better GT TV. Everyone of us fans want to make our cars as cool as they can be with as much freedom to personalize as possible (without allowing something dumb)

The way to get that properly developed feature most people want is to support the community developed feature that is the best we can get at the moment. The last two seasonal events are rehashed events. There maybe a handful of people still working on GT5 (if that).

I don't want this franchise to die, and neither do any of you. So, although there are some negatives to what's happening at the moment, it can be turned into a net positive for everyone.
I've never heard of someone not liking the bb in gt, one of the best rides in the game.

Could not agree more. And Voodoovaj, you are not making those cars ...you are making what you believe is those cars. If you are saying you can really make those cars, then I would like to see 3d diagrams, sound samples from engine and exhaust and, ofcourse, I would like to hear the sounds those cars make when in motion. Also, you say PD just uses an algorithm. Now, while logic tells me that this might be true, I cannot state it as a matter of fact in the same way you do. Have PD made their development methodology public? I am not being sarcastic or anything ...I am a developer and am actually curious where you got your info from.
Could not agree more. And Voodoovaj, you are not making those cars ...you are making what you believe is those cars. If you are saying you can really make those cars, then I would like to see 3d diagrams, sound samples from engine and exhaust and, ofcourse, I would like to hear the sounds those cars make when in motion. Also, you say PD just uses an algorithm. Now, while logic tells me that this might be true, I cannot state it as a matter of fact in the same way you do. Have PD made their development methodology public? I am not being sarcastic or anything ...I am a developer and am actually curious where you got your info from.

I worked on Battlefield for six years. In a conversation with a Sony rep, he commented on the similarity between our system and their's. It's hearsay, I know, but given the processing power of the PS3 it's easy to believe the methods are very similar given the need for efficiency.

As for sound samples. Both those cars have engines that are in game. The sounds would be very similar in real life, but in game terms, you would normally want to change the sound to give the car a unique note.

There is a bit of "spin" when it comes to everyone's asset development process.
Doesn't change that what you said is still wrong...

.Have you heard of hybrids yet? All the "DLC" you'll ever need.

If all you ever needed was modified versions of cars already in the game it might be true but most people look to DLC for NEW models. So no, hybrids are not all the DLC you'll ever need. People want real, new models from DLC.
You know things are stagnant when someone considers hybrids a legitimate replacement for DLC.

I'm not saying it's an ideal replacement, but it's doubtful that there will be anything official coming down the pipe. I'm expecting an official announcement at E3. I doubt that there will be anything really great between now and then. Keep in mind that some of the DLC was just rehash. Chrome line, stealth cars...those are just visual changes.

But I'm old and jaded.:crazy:
I'm not saying it's an ideal replacement, but it's doubtful that there will be anything official coming down the pipe. I'm expecting an official announcement at E3. I doubt that there will be anything really great between now and then. Keep in mind that some of the DLC was just rehash. Chrome line, stealth cars...those are just visual changes.

But I'm old and jaded.:crazy:

Honestly at this point. Why not offer all those chrome lines and stealths in one big 4.99 DLC pack. ;) I have the chrome lines and three stealths and wouldn't be bothered if they offered them to others in lieu of GT6 coming.

Honestly I'd still by the pack to finish off the couple stealths and have new unmodified chrome lines. I modded some early for A spec use.

Oh and think of the last bit of free no effort revenue generated. This to me is a no brainer.
No point in charging money for something you can get through editing the save files.

It would ruin the exclusivity of Signature and Collector Edition owners anyways.
Oh and think of the last bit of free no effort revenue generated. This to me is a no brainer.

I'm with you but the rule of thumb for dev cost is $10k-$12k per man/month. Even something as simple as repackaging current content into a new bundle will probably take a month of real time to go from start to finish, including the limited testing needed. When you work in the cost of the scripter to do the work, the producer to oversee it, the marketer to do the estimates, etc, etc, all those little pieces probably total up to about 2 man months. So that "no effort revenue" probably ends up costing somewhere around $24k + additional overhead that isn't simply labour (licensing fees, etc.) So...maybe $30k just to assemble assets that already exist. Imagine the cost to make new ones.

Many gamers cry foul when they are charged for DLC, but someone had to do that work and they aren't doing it for free. Downhill Dino hit the nail on the head when he said it would diminish the value of the exclusive content, which has an impact on the sale of future exclusive content.
Wauw I had no idea a tweet thread could be so alive without any tweets for so long!

Ignoring the thread title, if you've actually read the last few pages you'd see that we're discussing his facebook posts, where he is currently active.
Bing translation:

Functioned something fortunate or parents was invited to the garden party of the emperor.
"Farewell to the Imperial Palace to I have tea with my parents after 30 years. My parents were very happy.

Not sure if this is worthy of a post since it has nothing to do with GT. :P
Honestly at this point. Why not offer all those chrome lines and stealths in one big 4.99 DLC pack. ;) I have the chrome lines and three stealths and wouldn't be bothered if they offered them to others in lieu of GT6 coming.

Honestly I'd still by the pack to finish off the couple stealths and have new unmodified chrome lines. I modded some early for A spec use.

Oh and think of the last bit of free no effort revenue generated. This to me is a no brainer.

As long as I can get to Best Buy and Get PSN Cards I will gladly pay for the Chromeline/Stealth Super DLC. It would be a great way to subsidize GT6 and reintroduce the Stealths as they may be replaced in GT6.
I'm already after them in diecast form so why not:tup: