Kenny's (s12ken) Minicar photomode competition! week 4

  • Thread starter s12ken

Congratulations to Melaneimoon for winning week 2 of our little (little... hehe) competition! He will now chose the theme and PS restrictions for this week.

Theme: Citroën 2CV at the Côte d' Azur

There may be other minicars showing in the photo, but the 2CV must be the main one (except in a duel ofcourse, where both cars are main anyway).

Try to be creative with colors, or the way light shines onto the curves of the car(s), and don't be afraid of black/white either .
Not at all requirement ofcourse.

Citroën 2CV (as the main subject)
any other mini

DEADLINE is saturday September 24, 2005

Da rules

The rules (please read them all).....

1. ONLY photomode pictures will be accepted. Photoshop and any other editing program will be allowed, but only to a certain degree and must NOT alter the geometry of the car or picture:

Tools allowed:

Contrast and brigtness
Crop and Resize

2. Use only your own pictures.

3. Use only Imageshack Thumbnail for forums (1) link.

Attach the link to your picture provided by Imageshack to a Private Message and submit it to this GT Planet user:


4. Only one valid entry per week per person. Once a valid entry has been submitted, it may not be changed.

5. In the spirit of fairness (and anonymity), please don't post your FINAL ENTRY in a thread of any kind or your galleries until AFTER the winner has been selected. Also, please don't post HM's.

6. A system will be used in which the winner of each week's competition will choose the theme and Top 20 for the next week's competition however, the winner WILL NOT be allowed to re-enter the competition until the following week. The Top 20 entries will be placed in a poll to select that week's winner.

NOTE: If at least 20 entries are not received, ALL entries will be entered into the weekly poll and the previous week's winner will be eligible for entry.

7. As entries are received they will be posted here for your viewing pleasure.


It's fine now...
Cool wheels 👍, I got E-type wheels on my pink 2HP, those look very nice as well.
But the original wheels are pretty charming too though ^^
I havent got one of those yet....Ill see if I can squeeze in some game time...Ive just been so busy... :scared:
Something as slow and ugly as that car is is just no fun to take photos of.:crazy: Not to downgrade Ken's competition or Melaneimoon's theme or anything, (Week 1 was great!) but I would avoid the dumpy, ugly, slow car themes! As you can see, not a whole lot of participation.
problem is.... i don't have this car. and i'm kinda busy so i don't have time to go win it unfortunatly :(

maybe next weeks theme might pick up. we need something similar to the first week open theme which attracted a heap of entries.
What the hell is wrong with you people?? 👎 👎
The 2CV is one of the most awesome cars in the game!! And can you believe it actually comes in PINK too!?
I mean... a PINK 2CV, can it get any better?
If you don't have these cars... what have you been doing in GT4 all that time? :crazy:
Shame shame shame shame.

Well then... could we adapt the theme and keep it open for another week?
Something like: European minicar(s) at Citta di Aria... hmmm?
we'll see what we can do, if we don't get ten entries by the end of the week, we can exted it with a diff theme.
Yes well... i donno :guilty:
A 2CV in Monaco looks nice!
Now i find out people don't have this car :crazy: 👎 👎 . European minicars in general just suit Aria better because of the historical aspect.
YOU tell me ^^ :P
Hehe, I thought so. But we'll need more than just your entry :P

European minicar(s) at Monaco, Aria, Amalfi... ? (all 3 allowed)
Some feedback please.

Or Japanese minicar(s) at Tokyo...?
OK, maybe I should repost week 4 next week, mike you can have the weekend to think about the theme as i will be going on vacation for the weekend, a much needed break from everything. is that ok with you?
Ok, the new theme will be the same, only less restrictions on car and tracks:

Car(s): European minicar(s)
Tracks: Côte d' Azur, Citta di Aria, Costa di Amalfi

We'll see what Kenny will do with the thread (edit this one, make a new one (I could do that too, if necessary)). But you can already get started now.
Ok, the new theme will be the same, only less restrictions on car and tracks:

Car(s): European minicar(s)
Tracks: Côte d' Azur, Citta di Aria, Costa di Amalfi

We'll see what Kenny will do with the thread (edit this one, make a new one (I could do that too, if necessary)). But you can already get started now.
Will we be able to change our entries?
Yes. Kenny will put up a new thread on tueseday I think.
I suppose the current entries will be kept untill their senders send new entries...
well I'm at the airport, boarding in 40 mins, yes I will change all the entries for week 4, but I'll keep the others for reference purposes. I'm off! see you all in two days! :D :embarrassed: