...the discovery announced today of
two more planets orbiting another star, Kepler-20, who are among the first Earth-sized planets to be confirmed, but are likely too hot for life. Kepler-22b is a much larger 'super-Earth' planet orbiting another star (Kepler-22) at a distance that is considered to be in the habitable zone, hence the temperatures on that planet are more likely in the right range for life as we know it.
There may come a time where it becomes possible to directly image planets orbiting other stars, and find visual evidence of life, although it is a long way off. Astronomy effectively is spectroscopy i.e. the measurement of light, and hence it will most likely be the route by which we learn of extraterrestrial life (the alternative being that either we visit them or they visit us).
Part of the problem is knowing where to look - but probes like Kepler are already finding loads of new candidates, and even more powerful telescopes will be trained on the best candidates in the future. There may well be a limit to what is physically possible, and it may well be that we cannot image planets directly beyond a certain distance - and that distance may be low enough to rule out all but a tiny handful of candidate planets. That said, if we could directly image the surface of extrasolar planets, I reckon the discovery of extraterrestrial life would follow very soon after.