No.. You aren't going backwards. You're still going forwards in time.
Tell me how going forwards in time at the speed of light and then returning to the same point of origin would make you have gone back in time.
It is a bit complicated, but here's why it's theoretically possible. The faster you go, the slower time becomes relative to you. So, if you were to speed away from earth at the speed of light and then return to earth one year later (That is, one year relative to you), everyone you used to know would have already died. This is because when you're moving at the speed of light, time is nearly standing still compared to time when we're stationary on earth.
(Start at about 2 minutes)
If that makes sense, then consider the following: What if we travel faster than the speed of light? Now keep in mind that it's not really possible. The amount of energy required exceeds all recourses our earth has to offer. Nonetheless, let's assume you could. At the speed of light, time moves forwards at an incredibly slow pace relative to people on earth. The speed of light is nature's limit. If you break the limit, you are no longer moving forward in time, you are moving backwards in time according to the theory of special relativity. So the clock with the bouncing ball you saw in the video has slowed to the point were it would now bounce backwards because it cannot withstand the fact that it's moving faster than light. This is natures response to the situation. Nature won't really allow you to move faster than light, but if you do actually break 186,000 miles/second, you don't really go faster than light, you simply go backwards in time.
Even though I find this quite interesting, I think it's becoming a bit off topic.
That's human nature. We wouldn't be researching it if it wasn't incredibly exciting.
I understand, I'm simply implying that we're quite excited about something we know very little about.
No life, bacterial or otherwise, has yet been discovered on a foreign body.
There have been a few instances were scientist have claimed to have discovered bacterial life on Mars, but nothing significant.
I'm not sure why you believe we're more likely to find intelligent life before find incredibly basic life-forms such as single-celled organisms?
Two intelligent life forms searching for each other are more likely to meet than one intelligent life form looking for an unintelligent life form who, of course, is not searching at all.