Killed for over some grass? 15 year old shot dead...

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Staff Emeritus
United States
Maryland, USA
This is just weak, totally weak and I hope this guy spends the rest of his life in solitary confinement at the very least.

Over your stupid lawn!!! come on! He wasn't in your house, throughing eggs or even TP'ing it. He was WALKING! What would posses someone to kill someone over there stupid lawn?
there was a case simular to this a month ago around where i live. a deaf guy was shot and killed by gang members who thought he was flashing gang signs at them. they say stupidity will cure itself hopefully it'll be fast :indiff:
Sorry, I can't seem to get worked up about this "tragedy". The kid was harssing his anal retentive neighbor and was eventually shot while trespassing.

Did the kid deserve to be killed? No. Obviously not. Does the lawnmower man deserve to be put in jail? Arguably yes (but not for murder). Is this a tragedy? Nope.
Sorry, I can't seem to get worked up about this "tragedy". The kid was harssing his anal retentive neighbor and was eventually shot while trespassing.

Did the kid deserve to be killed? No. Obviously not. Does the lawnmower man deserve to be put in jail? Arguably yes (but not for murder). Is this a tragedy? Nope.

Sorry Dan, I can't go with you on this one(Like you were looking for my approval ;) ). But a 15 year old shot and killed for WALKING on some grass is totally uncalled for. How is that even remotely fair. The guy didn't call the cops or anything for the past three years! If the situation was so bad, why didn't he report it at all? Why didn't he fire some shots into the air to scare the kid. This is beyond protecting his home and I can't see it as anything less the a blatant disreguard for that young boys life.

I don't mean to sound like a bleeding heart here, but young people being killed over trival matters makes me very upset.
Like I said, it wasn't fair, the kid didn't deserve to be killed, it was definitely uncalled for.

As far as I'm concerned the end result is:

1) A*shole kid is dead
2) A*shole neighbor will be going to jail

...just can't get excited about it.
Like I said, it wasn't fair, the kid didn't deserve to be killed, it was definitely uncalled for.

As far as I'm concerned the end result is:

1) A*shole kid is dead
2) A*shole neighbor will be going to jail

...just can't get excited about it.

How do you know the kid was that bad? Or that good? I see your points, but I don't understand how you can be so calm. Obviously I don't expect you to loose sleep over it, but I find it troubling that a young boy is dead for nothing and it's just kind of, bleh...
His lawn doesn't look that good.

No way in hell should the owner have shot the boy. He walked on his lawn, he wasn't digging it up or anything, atleast by the sounds of it.
His lawn doesn't look that good.

It really doesn't either...👎

His lawn doesn't look that good.

No way in hell should the owner have shot the boy. He walked on his lawn, he wasn't digging it up or anything, atleast by the sounds of it.

I know! :lol: The guy's lawn looked like crap. I guess maybe he figured if the kids had been walking on it it would have looked better.

Anyway the kid was trespassing and defacing the guy's property. He (and/or others) had apparently dug up parts of the lawn in the past.

Try to get past the fact that it's a lawn. Think of it like the kid was spray-painting the guy's house. Hell, it sounds to me like this guy cared more about his lawn than the paint on his house.
I hope he spends the rest of his life in solitary confinement as well, his grass doesn't even look that great anyway.

GOD people are f'ing idiots
the old man has some serious problems, i could understand the fact that he gets anal over the kid walkin on his lawn but why kill em? ya cant throw in some quarters into a machine and get a second chance at it :indiff:
I know! :lol: The guy's lawn looked like crap. I guess maybe he figured if the kids had been walking on it it would have looked better.
I'm amazed no-one else mentioned it :lol:
Anyway the kid was trespassing and defacing the guy's property. He (and/or others) had apparently dug up parts of the lawn in the past.

Try to get past the fact that it's a lawn. Think of it like the kid was spray-painting the guy's house. Hell, it sounds to me like this guy cared more about his lawn than the paint on his house.
Tearing things up can be as petty as the odd divet where someone tripped or to sliding abit on a wet day.

TBH they need more detail on what this boys 'harassment' was.. It could be anything from sticking a garden fork into the ground to just cutting across it in a hurry.

To compare the latter is no-where as extreme as spray painting the guys house, but the former certainly is comparable.
Tearing things up can be as petty as the odd divet where someone tripped or to sliding abit on a wet day.

TBH they need more detail on what this boys 'harassment' was.. It could be anything from sticking a garden fork into the ground to just cutting across it in a hurry.

To compare the latter is no-where as extreme as spray painting the guys house, but the former certainly is comparable.

Who knows how much the boy harassed the guy? Aparently he did it for years, I'm sure pranks were pulled. Regardless, and even if the kid had been spray painting the house (or egging it, or TPing it), the guy shouldn't have shot him. You're not supposed to use deadly force unless you think your life is in danger.

But let's not fool ourselves into thinking this kid was innocently walking home from school one day when out of the blue he gets shot. The 15 year old was certainly breaking the law when he was shot, and it was almost certainly not a first offense (or something he hadn't been warned about).
Agreed. You gotta be a f'ing idiot to die for walking over someone's grass.

I would say you'd be an idiot for SHOOTING someone for walking on your grass
GOD people are f'ing idiots
Word! 👍

This is just stupid...poor boy =/

there was a case simular to this a month ago around where i live. a deaf guy was shot and killed by gang members who thought he was flashing gang signs at them. they say stupidity will cure itself hopefully it'll be fast :indiff:
OMFG! F'ing gang...bloody hell! How can someone do that?! F'ing idiots....All f'ing much MTV.
I would say you'd be an idiot for SHOOTING someone for walking on your grass

Both. You're an idiot for shooting someone for walking on your grass, and you're an idiot for testing your anal retentive crazy neighbor.
I agree with that, doesn't make what happened right, but it does make them both idiots. Also I don't think any of us have a clear enough picture of what happened over the past 3 years or so to make a firm judgment, the kid shouldn't have been walking on the lawn, but the guy shouldn't have shot him either. He should go to prison for aggrivated murder or a similar charge.
I agree with that, doesn't make what happened right, but it does make them both idiots. Also I don't think any of us have a clear enough picture of what happened over the past 3 years or so to make a firm judgment, the kid shouldn't have been walking on the lawn, but the guy shouldn't have shot him either. He should go to prison for aggrivated murder or a similar charge.

I agree that we don't know everything, but we do know that the boy was not threatening the man's life. So that's what makes this situation so sick.
There was a reason for him to shoot him, but the reason doesn't justify the action.
There was a reason for him to shoot him, but the reason doesn't justify the action.

Sorry, there was zero reason to shoot him. Absolutely none. You can't give me a plausible reason. He lives in a neighborhood with young people in it. He can't possibly think that his precious lawn is going to remain untouched.
He knew the guy didn't like others to walk on his grass. So why do it?

Because he's 15 years old.

I can easily see my 15-year-old son doing something really stupid like harassing a jerkoff neighbor. We live in a condo complex that has a few residents that appear to have thought they were moving into a retirement community, and are very annoyed by the fact that the place has quite a few resident kids. One guy in particular goes nuts when my boy and his friends pause for a minute and use the speed bump in front of his house as a skateboard ramp.

I've gotten through to "junior" and his buds that talking back to this troll, or hanging out in front of his house, is a bad idea. When I suggested that such behavior could actually result in him getting a bullet in his chest he turned white and berated me for being crazy, but after I reminded him of how crazy the whole world is, and what sort of barely-evolved chimps we really are, he got the message.

He stays clear of that curmudgeon now. The tragedy is that apparently nobody got that message through to the poor kid in the story.

And for the record, danoff, virtually all of us guys have malfunctioning brains when we're fifteen. How about you? Was your brain hitting on all three cylinders when you were that age? Mine sure wasn't.
And for the record, danoff, virtually all of us guys have malfunctioning brains when we're fifteen. How about you? Was your brain hitting on all three cylinders when you were that age? Mine sure wasn't.

I knew not to go onto other people's property, especially not to mess with their stuff - if that's what you mean. One year later I was in college, so I hope I had a little sense at that point.
Sorry, there was zero reason to shoot him. Absolutely none. You can't give me a plausible reason. He lives in a neighborhood with young people in it. He can't possibly think that his precious lawn is going to remain untouched.
The kid simply annoying him was a reason, it's just not one than justifies the action he took. Theres a reason behind every action you make, be it just or unjust.
Both. You're an idiot for shooting someone for walking on your grass, and you're an idiot for testing your anal retentive crazy neighbor.


Especially in a country where anyone can have a gun, including anal retentive crazy neighbours...


*runs like buggery*
In addition, the man sems to feel his actions were justified:
"I'm being harassed by him and his parents for five years and today I just blew it up."
Whether or not we think his actions were okay for the situtation is irrevelant, as he seemed to and therefore took said action, and the reason he gave seems perfectly okay for him to live with. I doubt he needs solitary confinement, but he may need plenty of therapy when the realization sets in.
For most people "snapping" would involve shouting, swearing, or phoning the police, NOT shooting somone with a loaded shotgun.
Actually, "snapping" is just losing control of whatever you end up doing and acting out rashly, beit yelling loudly or beating someone up. The only reason he acted the way he did is because he felt it justified to let himself "snap" and the closest thing to him when he did "snap" happened to be a shotgun. It's unfortunate that the kid died, but he apparently deserved punishment for his actions and the only thing the old man had on hand to give it with was a .410. The real tragedy isn't that the kid died, but that he died instead of being punished some other way. The biggest shame is that nobody knew of the consequences of the kids actions until it was too late, at which point they were just delt out rather severely.