Killed for over some grass? 15 year old shot dead...

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Especially in a country where anyone can have a gun, including anal retentive crazy neighbours...


*runs like buggery*

Well if he'd trully been crazy, he wouldn't have legally been able to purchase a gun. Though, anyone can pretty easily obtain an illegal gun in just about any country.
I like to encourage debate in the opinions forum. I'm just not very subtle.

In the UK the old dude would have shouted at the kid and either been shot himself by the illegally-owned handgun the kid was carrying or beaten up by the kid's dad and friends.
I like to encourage debate in the opinions forum. I'm just not very subtle.

In the UK the old dude would have shouted at the kid and either been shot himself by the illegally-owned handgun the kid was carrying or beaten up by the kid's dad and friends.

...and if he'd called the police they'd have waved their flashlights at the kid right? :)
Well if he'd trully been crazy, he wouldn't have legally been able to purchase a gun. Though, anyone can pretty easily obtain an illegal gun in just about any country.
If he'd been recognised as truely crazy and certified as such he wouldn't have, but I don't think he is truely crazy, just not as nice as his neighbors though he was.
I like to encourage debate in the opinions forum. I'm just not very subtle.

In the UK the old dude would have shouted at the kid and either been shot himself by the illegally-owned handgun the kid was carrying or beaten up by the kid's dad and friends.
Nah he would have shot them with his good olde shotgun.

Then danoff would say he was fully within his rights as the boy was invading his property.

Then the man would go to jail and repeatedly have his house ransacked by 'travellers' and have a bounty put on his pet dogs head.

Sound familiair?
More than a little.

Please don't stress the Americans with tales of Tony Martin. The collective force of their jaws hitting the desk simultaneously might just be enough to trigger "The Big One" and sink San Francisco.

I still gape in disbelief at it myself.
No one really own's good olde shotgun's except farmers. Of all the people I mix with, none of them have a gun. One of them has had a gun pulled on him, he was walking to his car, got the keys out of his pocket and some guy in a hoodie rode up on a bike and pointed a handgun at him. This mate of mine is a 6'4 geordie who can play ruby rougher than a round in the ring with Mike and he won't give in to anyonee threatening him, he screamed some explatives at the guy with the gun, and then the guy rode off :lol:. To this day he doesn't know exactley why he rode off like that, but he thinks he might have spotted a police car that he hadn't noticed.

On a not of people getting shot, there was a case over here ainvolving a farmer, he had one of thoes old gun's like a blunderbuss, anyway he repoted that people kept breaking into his garage and stealing his equptment (he was a farmer out in the country side), anyway the police never did anything aobut it, and he reported it several times. One night he decided to sleep in his garage with his gun by his side, and sure enough some lad's broke in, woke him up in the process and he shot them. Fortunately he didn't kill them but one was injured badly. He wen't to prison but the town rallied around him and I think if I recall correctly he was released. That's the closest thing I can think of that's happened over here.
Bottom line there is NO reason to shoot another unless they are shooting a gun at you or are trying to kill you in anyway. IMO anyway.
Imo the only valid reason to shoot a gun at somone is in self defence or in defence of others when either yours or the persons your defending's life is at risk from the agressor.
My friend and I were running from something this past summer. This ass hole who hates kids just happened to own the house that has the yard we went through. We went across 3 yards when we heard him start yelling at us. We turned around and he has this big ass gun pointed toward this. Shotgun of some sort. Didn't need a second thought, we turned and split.

Only time I've ever had a gun pulled on us. Now he's a kiddie porn guy according to me and my friends. When we skate at the church next to him, he comes out and "asks us if he can take a picture". Weird ass old ****er.
Guys: For chrissakes, Dan did not say the man was justified in killing the kid. He just implied that it’s less tragic than if the kid was a totally innocent victim. If the man shot some innocent kid walking to school, that would be far more tragic than shooting a kid who’s harassing him.
United States of America

All I have to say to this

Yeah. I'd totally kill someone if they stepped on my lawn, you know, because I'm American.

U.S.A. all the way, baby. 👍
United States of America

All I have to say to this
That's just bull. People have been killed for a ridiculous reason here in Germany as well. A friend of my former neighbour was shot in a pedestrian zone by some guy running amok.
I can't help thinking of the scene in the Big Lebowski when Walter goes to confront 'little Larry' and smashes up the Corvette outside his house... I won't repeat what he says, but it's along the lines of 'this is what happens when you mess with a stranger'...

The old guy's response was totally disproportionate and wrong, but (in my opinion, similar to Dan's) it was not entirely random, unprovoked or out of blue - we've all seen (or even been subject to) bullying to some degree or another in our lives, and this sounds like a form of bullying was going on here... (the kid deliberately 'messing' with the old guy, I mean...) Moreover, as kids, we've probably all done it ourselves as well...

Back in Scotland, we used to have a nice piece of garden out the front of our old house that folk used to walk across all the time... it never made any difference until my Mum planted some plants around the border and the local kids continued to walk through them to take a short cut (all of 3 seconds worth!)... my Mum would shout at them whenever she caught them, but far from saying 'Oh, very sorry Mrs. S., it won't happen again...', it probably just encouraged them because they knew it would piss us off... luckily for them, 1) my Mum has alot of patience and more important things to worry about, 2) my Mum is not prone to bouts of homicidal behaviour and 3) she didn't have a gun... kids will be kids, and they will piss off the olds whenever and however they can at times... this kid got more than he bargained for, far more than he deserved, but at the same time, he persisted in rolling the dice unnecessarily, and unfortunately for him, his neighbour wasn't my Mum...
Seriously, what would you expect?

In a world where the first guy who came and suggested we should all love each other was tortured, crucified and left to die, stuff like this is bound to happen in the States, in Spain, Africa or wherever.
No one really own's good olde shotgun's except farmers.
My neighbour has one and atleast one of my teachers has one.

Those are the ones for sure, though there's a few blokes in my year the boast about being dead shots... mainly guys that can't cut a straight line in DT.

Though I do live in a semi rural community....
Imo the only valid reason to shoot a gun at somone is in self defence or in defence of others when either yours or the persons your defending's life is at risk from the agressor.

'xactly what I said.
Pretty much, I just expanded on it with the defence of others bit ;).
This is about 30 minutes from my house.

I'm not in town now bc I'm at college, so I dont know much about the story other than the article, but thats pretty messed up. I can only come to two possible conclusions:

1.) The guy is not right upstairs and must have missed some medication. No one just randomly does this kind of thing without showing serious signs of anger before hand... unless they are crazy.

2.) The kid isnt the sharpest tool in the shed either. I'm sure he knew he shouldnt be walking on this guy's lawn. So why do it? Why be a dick and try to piss someone off. What do you get out of it? In this case, he got to shots to the chest, and thats a shame.

The guy shouldnt have shot him. The kid shouldnt have been on his lawn. Another example of natural selection for all of those Darwinists out there.

And not that it matters... but PS its March. In other words, its the end of winter in Ohio. It snowed enough to cover the ground like 3 days ago there... so its not like the picture is very representative of how he cares for his lawn since it should be dead right now..... which makes this whole thing ever more rediculous. My neighbor is anal about his lawn as well, but he doesnt give a damn about it during this tome of the year bc its all dead anyways. But in about a month that will change.

Stay off others property, and you dont have to worry about stuff like this happening. A real shame though. My sympathy to his family and friends, becasue even if the kid did something wrong, walking on someones lawn is only a small sin, and I cant even put into words how this guy should pay.

Prison doesnt seem like enough. The death penalty doesnt even seem like enough. It's ppl like this who deserve to be put into extreme pain, and then left to live, bc what he did should be brought back on him 10 fold. (Please note I dont approve of torture, but im just expressing my anger, bc I dont see there is anything that can be done to punish this guy in a sufficient way.)
A couple of things:

This has triggered a lot of crap at GTX. Most of it to do with gun ownership.

If this jerk was gonna shoot someone with a shotgun, a load of rock-salt to the hind parts would have been a lot more appropriate.

As for the level of "harrassment"...I don't really buy it.
If the dude can put up a fence in the back, what stopped him from putting in a short (3 ft) picket fence in the front? It would be low enough that his yard could still be seen by the neighbors. It would be high enough to make it inconvenient to cut thru his yard.
"Good fences make good neighbors."
The thing that gets me, is he fired two shots. One wasn't enough huh? He didn't want to maim, or injure the kid, he wanted to kill him. Premeditated murder, he deserves everything he gets.
The thing that gets me, is he fired two shots. One wasn't enough huh? He didn't want to maim, or injure the kid, he wanted to kill him. Premeditated murder, he deserves everything he gets.


That's why it's rather sick. Two shotgun rounds on a person NOT assualting you is overkill. Obviously, dude was not all right upstairs, but two shots? I'm sure the psyche evaluation will say he's got obssesive compulsive dissorder or something like that.:indiff:
You wouldn't even need two on a person assaulting you, one can easilly kill someone let alone incapacitate them. He's got some kind of dissorder that's for certain, I wouldn't think normal thinking person would do that.

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