Killzone 2 GTPlanet Clan

  • Thread starter Hereward
Yeah I've had a session today and ranked upto tactition so I'll be around later if we start an "open" room we can all get on the same team and still have a full room, work as squads. The 3v1 match was very funny I have to admit loving going "lone wolf" as I usualy camp or stick with rhe suport group.
Do I have to be a certain rank to accept a clan invite? Nothing is showing up anywhere in my game about a GTP clan!
Can one of the officers send Moglet an invite to the clan please, Moglet look in messages in game for it, don't think one has been ent though yet?
My PS3 is not working at the mo had the dreaded YROD last night so will not be around for a week but will get somethink going when i get a new one.

PS:Hope they send my killzone 2 back cuz its stuck in the PS3.
When's the next match start? I need to time stuff I need to do so I can make it. A bit of warning, though... this time I don't plan to...

1. Be dog-ass tired (I dozed-off more than once during our match)!
2. Hold back so you can earn all the points and level up quicker.
3. Test out my cloaking ability.
4. Be distracted by phone calls, children, dog and wife (though micturating duties still apply).
5. Hold back due to uneven teams.
6. "Committing suicide" in a way to have some fun.
7. Use the Sniper cloaking device, which makes everything very difficult to see.

However, you're still in luck, since...

1. I suck.
2. My controller is a POS that makes aiming very, very difficult.
3. I reached the highest level possible and still don't see a need to go 'full-boar crazy.'
4. The only game I ever played was "Body Count" as I leveled up, though I did play some different matches with you, I still don't know what I need to do in order to complete the game with all the different matches available, so you can consider me a 'noob.'
Tonight was a real slaughterhouse. Couldn't seem to hit anything else but my teammates. :P Still fun battles though. :)
Tonight was a real slaughterhouse. Couldn't seem to hit anything else but my teammates. :P Still fun battles though. :)

It was fun, while there was more than three people to play with, which wasn't for long. After that, it wasn't much fun, so I left.
Anybody up for playing tonight?

I might have to 'work' tonight, I don't know. If not, I'll join you. What time?

I still need to earn a few Ribbons for several Medals I'm missing that are impossible to earn in regular games because of how quickly they end. I never have enough time to earn certain Ribbons like '5 kills with a bot' or '5 kills with a flying support bot' and a few others. I just hope our games last long enough so I can earn a few of them.
I might have to 'work' tonight, I don't know. If not, I'll join you. What time?

I still need to earn a few Ribbons for several Medals I'm missing that are impossible to earn in regular games because of how quickly they end. I never have enough time to earn certain Ribbons like '5 kills with a bot' or '5 kills with a flying support bot' and a few others. I just hope our games last long enough so I can earn a few of them.
I'll be online in 15 minutes or so, and intend to stay online for most of the evening. I'll setup a room called DutchCustoms and password 'gtplanet'.
I'll be online in 15 minutes or so, and intend to stay online for most of the evening. I'll setup a room called DutchCustoms and password 'gtplanet'.

OK. I'm online right now. Whenever you want to go. I see you are playing "Pain" right now.

Oh, the kids want lunch, so I'll be there in about 15 minutes. :grumpy:

Question; does anybody know for certain if I can earn more than just one Ribbon of the same kind during one game? For example, if I get 10 kills for a Ribbon that requires 5 kills, will I get two Ribbons?
Question; does anybody know for certain if I can earn more than just one Ribbon of the same kind during one game? For example, if I get 10 kills for a Ribbon that requires 5 kills, will I get two Ribbons?
No, just one.
Did you get your Repair Medal, yet?
Nope, still need 3 turret badges. I did manage an air support badge though, despite air support being almost useless on most maps. But if you go to a pistol-only server, the odds are better (also for turrets).

Sorry guys. Today I quit the clan. No reasons no hard feelings ;)
No problem man. :)

Anybody up for another practice session sometime this week before Friday's match?
Nope, still need 3 turret badges. I did manage an air support badge though, despite air support being almost useless on most maps. But if you go to a pistol-only server, the odds are better (also for turrets).

No problem man. :)

Anybody up for another practice session sometime this week before Friday's match?

Sure, just let me know. I still need to get 5x zoom for my sniper rifle scope that I know I'll never get in a regular game online, since they end so quickly. I need 90 more kills with the sniper rifle to get it which can only come from sets of 10, as you know.

I got all the Shadow Ribbons (sniper scan thingy reward) on my own earlier today. Very handy since it points out all the enemies in front of you and marks them for easy killing. Plus, it marks enemies' location to your other team members upper-left corner map.
I really don't like this game online. I've managed a few kills, but other than that it's just a case of anyone I try to shoot running about like a maniac, locked to my character while I flail about not even hurting them. It seems to take me an entire clip to down their character even if they're stood still, while I get killed in about 3 shots.

How fun. Most FPS online I give a chance since I realise it could be me needing to learn them but I get the feeling I'm not going to like this one at all. I only used the server with new players in too, god knows how bad it is with people who have been playing for a while.
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I really don't like this game online at all. I've managed a few kills, but other than that it's just a case of anyone I try to shoot running about like a maniac, locked to my character while I flail about not even hurting them. It seems to take me an entire clip to down their character even if they're stood still, while I get killed in about 3 shots.

How fun. Most FPS online I give a chance since I realise it could be me needing to learn them but I know I'm not going to bother with this. It's not fun in the slightest online.

Have you tried playing online after the patch? I fealt the same way before the patch because I personally could not hit a damn thing ESPECIALLY if they were moving. But after the patch and beating the game i got addicted to online this weekend. With the patch i am much more easily able to make those small adjustments.

My only tip for getting kills is to try and stop quickly and "burst fire" I have learned many times even with the guy 2' in front of you, spraying bullets usually doesn't work. But if you don't enjoy it, there's no point in forcing yourself.

I never manage to be online with any gtp guys. I really did enjoy this weekends online sessions. But only 1 or 2 games was i able to play with people as a team/squad that wanted to work together. The rest was just a wild free-for-all with grenades and blind firing into the certain confrontation points on the map. psn: driftkng send me an invite if you see me on? I'm East coast USA, so i know i'm a few hours behind. The times i usually play are between 630pm-1am (if i'm home). :)👍
Just letting you guys know, I will probably be online abit tonight if you want to get some games in, not sure what times exactly though, EST by the way.
I'll probubley be around....sobered up after the ludicrous friday night KZ2 drinking session. If I got you killed, I apologise LOL
Planet MGC have pulled out of the friday clan match due to a lack of interest over there, got an email from there clan leader last night apologiseing.
Too bad, might be able to set up something with another clan? If we ourselves can get enough people in, I have hardly seen half of the clan's members online at any time. Perhaps we can have a little get-together instead of a real match tomorrow?
We've probubley had 3-4 get to gethers but have rarely had more than 6 people show, I draged in UKOG clan and the SOT clan on occasions to bolster the numbers and give us enough players to have a decent match of it. We need the BOTS back in the game really, that way the whole clan can go up against a generic skill level target and get some team work going. Clan matches would be the ideal way to avoid the run and gun hordes currently dominating KZ2 as a number of members including myself really can't face going online with them.......
Clan matches can be schedueled at any time by any of the officers (I'm just a private) in game in the clan section, so if someone wants to go on and book some 6v6 matches for friday night with some of the more active clans I'm sure we'd get a match, just book say 4 at hourly inervals, or setup an open room against randoms and hope for the best, saying that if the numbers are low chances are it will be a good game.
How does the sabatouer badge work?

I start it up but I still seem to get killed by the enemy even though I am suposed to be in disguise.
Planet MGC have pulled out of the friday clan match due to a lack of interest over there, got an email from there clan leader last night apologiseing.

Oh, oops, i just put a message up on our clan page yesterday reminding everyone of the battle. Heh.

How does the sabatouer badge work?

I start it up but I still seem to get killed by the enemy even though I am suposed to be in disguise.

Well i'm not sure, but it might be because some people are just getting good at recognizing you, and maybe you're not approaching them sneakily enough. Even when you're in disguise, your opponents' crosshairs still follow you, and you don't show up on their radar.

I find that i usually get tricked by people in disguise when there's a big group of us somewhere at once. Try to look for hot spots like that.
How does the sabatouer badge work?

I start it up but I still seem to get killed by the enemy even though I am suposed to be in disguise.

Snipers with the "Spot and Mark" feature are pointing you out as an enemy. It puts you on the upper left map as a red dot and the sniper, or person who is using "spot and mark," has a blue circle with a X in the middle of your body. Almost IMPOSSIBLE to miss you.