Killzone 2 GTPlanet Clan

  • Thread starter Hereward
FUrther to the up and coming clan match GTPlanet V's PlanetMGC, there looking at either Friday 13th or Tuesday 17th March. I'll get a rough idea of numbers for the match ASAP then it can get "booked" in on the KZ2 clan match system plus you guys have the details, can I have a list of guys who could possibley attend on these dates, matches will be held around 8-9pm GMT but depending on our comitments that can be changed
8-9pm GMT will be fine for a Friday night on my part. Tuesday is not an issue either, since I work from home on Wednesdays and do not have to turn in early. Just let me know what date it is and I'll bribe the missus into leaving the TV and PS3 for me that evening. :lol: ATM, my specialty is medic. :)
Yeah Fridays good for me too.
There will be a practice session against PlanetMGC tommorow (thursday) night starting from around 7pm GMT time onwards, UKOG guys welcome also password for the room will be gtplanet all lower case and the rom name will be the same.
I've accepted the invite. I'm pretty rusty at FPSs in general, but i think i can get the hang of it back soon. My first match was...21 and 17 i think?

Looking forward to matches together. 👍

Oh i would definitely be able to attend the first match, but i need some practice right now, and i don't have a lot of play time leading up to the 13th.
Last night, or two nights ago, I join in a game with few of my clan members.. We need to work in SQUAD.. TURN ON MICS.. and play as team. There were 3-4 other GTP members that did not do that.. not going to mention names.. buy yeah.. As well we should join Helghast not ISA every time we play ;)

So by the way. Do we have our own server yet? 8 vs 8 would be perfect.
OK all invites have gone out except GTP_GODZlLLA it's not accepting this gametag? can you check it's right and in the right case, cheers.Celling fan you already have an invite you just need to goto messages in the game and accept it.

If I recall correctly the I in GODZILLA is actually a lowercase L.

And ok.
OK booking the match for friday the 13th 8 V's 8 theres 2 slots open so put your names foreward. Practice session tonight from 7pm GMT the I do need some reserves to cover the eventuality of people not turning up and spectator mode for the match will be turned on. Full details will be on the clan section and I'll post them here also.
Last night, or two nights ago, I join in a game with few of my clan members.. We need to work in SQUAD.. TURN ON MICS.. and play as team. There were 3-4 other GTP members that did not do that.. not going to mention names.. buy yeah.. As well we should join Helghast not ISA every time we play ;)
I usually turn on my mike, but in the past couple of games, voice chat was horrible (stutter, etc.), so I turned it off again. It's hard to find a server with lots of players AND good voice chat at the same time.

Creating (or joining) a squad sounds like a good plan. 👍

BTW, I usually let the game autoassign me to Helghast or ISA. :)

OK booking the match for friday the 13th 8 V's 8 theres 2 slots open so put your names foreward. Practice session tonight from 7pm GMT the I do need some reserves to cover the eventuality of people not turning up and spectator mode for the match will be turned on. Full details will be on the clan section and I'll post them here also.
I'll be on for practice tonight, and commandeering the PS3 and TV for Friday 13th (okay, I admit, I have to beg ;) :lol:).
Right heres the plan so far, first up practice night tonight, GTP, UKOG and MGC clan members have invites to this, starting at 7PM GMT if you want to join in you need to join the clan guys, no more wilcards LOL the room will be called "Hereward" with a password of "gtplanet" this password will be the same for spectator mode for those on all teams wishing to simply watch and take notes.......yeah the enemy could be watching LOL
Right the clan match will be held on Friday the 13th and will be 8v8 but with a twist. Now this isn't 100% confirmed but if we or the planet MGC clan have more than 8 players wishing to take part a second consecutive match will take place straight after the first, players not getting in on the first game will join the second match, spectator mode will be on so they will be able to watch the first game!
Two final things, UKOG have said they would also like an 8v8 match, short notice but would anyone want to try and make this match happen over this weekend?

Memebers sighned up for the Planet MGC clan match

Jambo GT

As you can see were 3 players short of an 8v8 there something you guys aint telling me?
hey guys, being in aus I wont be able to make the clan match. Also if I get up early enough tommorrow morning i may be able to get the tale end of the practice if anyone stays up late enough. Good luck for the clan match this wknd and I may spectate if I wake up in time
I should be on to assist with the practice from around 8pm tonight and will do all I can to get involved in the Clan match (the later in the evening it is the better the chance for me).


Right heres the plan so far, first up practice night tonight, GTP, UKOG and MGC clan members have invites to this, starting at 7PM GMT if you want to join in you need to join the clan guys, no more wilcards LOL the room will be called "Hereward" with a password of "gtplanet" this password will be the same for spectator mode for those on all teams wishing to simply watch and take notes.......yeah the enemy could be watching LOL
Right the clan match will be held on Friday the 13th and will be 8v8 but with a twist. Now this isn't 100% confirmed but if we or the planet MGC clan have more than 8 players wishing to take part a second consecutive match will take place straight after the first, players not getting in on the first game will join the second match, spectator mode will be on so they will be able to watch the first game!
Two final things, UKOG have said they would also like an 8v8 match, short notice but would anyone want to try and make this match happen over this weekend?

Memebers sighned up for the Planet MGC clan match

Jambo GT

As you can see were 3 players short of an 8v8 there something you guys aint telling me?

7pm? Wuh-oh. I might not be able to join in until about 8pm. I don't get out of class until about 3pm EST. But it's just practice right? I'll get in there as soon as i can.

Oh and over the weekend should be fine, as long as it's 6-9pm GMT i should have no problems attending.
Practice will start at 7pm GMT it's not important if you can't make it on time or at all it's just the clan games which are time critical as we lose points if we miss the start.
someone else host my internets decided to have a psychlogical breakdown, room was empty after half an hour so looks like everyones busy anyway. If your hosting set a room up called Hereward that way the other clans can find you later if they turn up, suspect it was a little early for most. oh password should be on and set to gtplanet in lower case. Not sure if it's actualy KZ2 thats triping out my router as seems ok at the moment?

Ignor that it's working again, the valium crushed into the USB port seems to have calmed it down

I resighn LOL Scaff I've transfared the clan to you, you can sort out who wants to run it and simply transafe the clan to that person, all officers in the clan Scaff, Energiya, Jambo GT and RabiaEX have the ability to invite players and setup clan matches from within the game. I'm a lowly private again.
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Well my connection is completely unplayable, my stepdad keeps spamming downloads lately and for that reason I can't participate in any major games and it's useless me being in the clan until that stops. I'll keep you posted.
my stepdad keeps spamming downloads lately
I was wondering where you went. Can't you ask your stepdad to pause downloading for a few hours or limit his download bandwith a little so you can at least play a bit?

Had some fun tonight. I was there at 7PM GMT sharp, with no one in sight. The game still lets you play and you can actually score points. Still, rather boring. After 20 minutes or so, Solid Lifters arrived and we had a couple of quick games. Even though it was fun, 1-on-1 is not that interesting. Both of us managed to rack up some points and badges though. :)

But things really got interesting when Hereward and Minus955 (and later on Scaff) joined the party. We really had some interesting fights. This resulted in a 6-1 victory for Hereward and myself. After that it was time to quit for me.

Great fun guys! And the voice chat was actually alright this time. 👍
Sorry I couldn't join you guys tonight, I finally managed to find a job since been made redundant, so had to work.

Looks like you all had fun. Hopefully I will be around next time.
Replay of yesterday's practice session can be found here.

Pretty neat stuff. I just love the part when I shot Scaff! :lol: (Proof you should never take a phone call, lose your place in the game and then activate the almost-impossible-to-see-anything cloaking device as a Scout Sniper.)
2v2 last night, ended up with both teams getting 25 kills each, very close match tactics were tight in this game. I wont mention a later match where it was me V's 3.......proximity chat and sneaking mode were possibly the only things which stoped me loseing any more spectacularly than I did, oh and the heavy gun I brought along to make sure LOL On many occasions I just hid out of sight listening to the other team come up with tactics then I'd go off and try and use the info to my advantage, in the end though the numbers were just too much and I couldn't get to objectives without being spoted as they got wise.
Sorry I missed last night. I was in the children's hospital... All is fine though so not to worry, but when I finally got home I was too tired for anything. Dinner of a beer and some salt & vinegar chipsticks then bed.

I'll try to be online tonight though. Probably 10pm-ish GMT if anyone's around.
Some great matches last night and don't worry about shooting me SL, I believe I did the same to you, so we're even on that one.

The 2vs2 match was indeed blinding fun, but I still love the open desert level and the match was another good one.

The final match at the academy was a little one sided, however you did manage to hold you own early on with the bodycount round (very sneaky get one kill and then hide so you win when it times out). The propaganda speaker and search and destroy missions were always going to be impossible for a single player against three. You did make one good run with the speaker before getting gunned down, and a valiant (if totally suicidal) attempt to get in the room after we had planted the charges.

I should be on later tonight, normally after 11pm or so, when my wife falls asleep.



Oh and I finally am now a medic after finishing one match just 2 points short.
ASSASSINATION HAS BEGUN. "Hmm i wonder who it'll be?" :lol:


Hereward did well in a few of those matches given the odds, he even managed one base capture and held it for about 20 seconds before getting shot.

