Killzone 2 "Killzone 2 demo coming soon?"

  • Thread starter Pebb
As someone who had no use for Killzone, I hope to be coming into this with an open mind, but the angle described in that article sounds more like a reason to stir up controversy and sell games than to enhance gameplay. Then again, I dunno whether they really meant ultra-realism in the violence department.
Agreed, that's about the same way I felt about the article as well.

While the recent reports do say that the game is much better than the first Killzone gameplay wise, it still has a long way to go before it touches GoW and Halo.
Of course there really isn;t much in the way to go on as far as how far they have gone. As far as we all know they may have surpassed the gameplay, graphics and sound of both GoW and Halo... of course even then, that's no guarantee of success.

As you sort of pointed out. There was so much hype from Sony, the media, and especially gamers over Killzone and the game never delivered on everyone's expectations... thus there will undoubtedly be plenty of gamers like Toronado that will be highly skeptical of Killzone 2. Even the developers at Guerrilla Games have said publicly how disappointed they were with all the exaggerated hype their game was getting prior to release, especially when overanxious fans kept labeling Killzone as the "Halo Killer" - something Guerrilla Games claims they never said or endorsed.

As much as I loathe how much the series is overrated, it is overrated for a reason.
Just to be clear, there hasn't been a 'series' released, just the first one so far with the second still many months away from being released. So while you have a legitimate reason to say Killzone was overrated, you'll have to wait until Killzone 2 is out and you log some hours on it before you declare the series as overrated. That said, I can also understand why you might have your own personal doubts.

While it's certainly far too early to say for certain of course, at least this time around what actual gameplay footage that has been released, does look quite impressive, even to me who really has no interest in this game other than from a technical appreciation POV.

I seriously doubt I'll be buying this game, but if it looks as good or better than what I've seen so far, I may just have to turn down my low tolerance for these type of FPS games and at least rent it for a few days, if nothing more than to admire the technical merits of the game.
Source: PSPSPS

Killzone 2 demo coming soon?

The guys from Game Reactor had a long chat with Guerrilla Games, the guys who are working on Killzone 2, at the very recent Game Convention in Leipzig. From that very interview has grown a huge rumour that Sony are planning to try and steal Microsoft's thunder by releasing a Killzone 2 Demo very shortly to clash with the launch of the anticipated Halo 3!

The timing is pure speculation at this point but it would certainly make sense to assume that Sony would attempt to divert at least some attention away from the undoubted behemoth (rightly or unfairly so) that is Halo 3!

Obviously we would like to grab a look and some more hands on time with a demo of Killzone 2 as it is shaping up to be one of the most important titles for the PS3. However, do you think that there maybe some truth to this rumour and if so is it a wise move by Sony to try and undermine Halo 3 with a mere demo?

I think Sony would be running the risk of their very high profile franchise being totally ignored by all but the most ardent fans and it might be better to launch a demo that little bit later once the shine of Halo 3 has dimmed slightly.
Usually when the information has come from people who interviewed the developers rather than coming from the developers themselves I find it very skeptical. Lair told interviewers that there would definitely be a demo... where is it!

However if this is true it would be a smart move from Sony as this has one of the, if not the most hyped PS3 game since the console was announced...They seem to have the level that they showed as a running demo on stage quite complete so I dont see why that couldn't be the demo.

Doing a demo could be a double edged sword though..

If the game is rubbish everyone will find this out through the demo then will not buy the final game. If there is no demo people will have to play into the hype and buy the full game (this way will probably mean alot of sales) and could end up with a rubbish game but sony has got the dosh...

hmmmm... they have to be careful what they do here

Ofcourse if its amazing then either way it will sell like hot cakes..

Usually when the information has come from people who interviewed the developers rather than coming from the developers themselves I find it very skeptical. Lair told interviewers that there would definitely be a demo... where is it!

Factor 5 said there's going to be a post-release demo.
Oh now this one made me chuckle, at first glance this appears to be a BBC news slot on Halo 3 and attitudes to violence in video games, but watch the clip that appears (and is described as Halo 3) at the 50 second point.....


PSW UK : Killzone 2 Co-op and Home Intergration
Posted on Oct 16th, 2007 by Philip Austin
The magazine has an exclusive on Killzone 2 net play, and states it will definitely have an online co-op mode. As for other multiplayer options, HOME is going to be utilised as well as, bringing in advanced clan features, for example you will be able to meet up with your comrades in home to check out your rankings, talk tactics. It also says to expects online leaderboards, and user created content (editing best kill footage, and creating camouflage) possibly create clan tattoos.