La Sarthe and Spa ,weather report and other " stuff "

Shoot it at FM1 to chase faster laps and if he can match RB junior.
Ill try the pig again today if weather allows me .
You don't have to if you don't enjoy using that car smoothbore. 👍

Anywho my first try at 8 laps with the honda is ending at 6 laps after heavy rain.:lol:
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Todays Car at Sarthe is the engine swapped Golf GTI Mk1

Waether:dry race, some drizzle at lap 3 but nothing serious...
Fuel:This car is easy on fuel, 3 laps with FM1 are no prpblem at all, did my usual 3-2-2 strategy
Tires: with this massive power from the engine of the Pikes Peak Quattro supplied to those rather thin front tire is is no suprise that this tires will suffer, after 3 laps the front tires(RH) were 2/3rds worn out, while the rear tires were almost spotless...
Because of this situation I didn't even bother to set the PP for RM tires(which I usually do) bit set the 699PP for RHs
Easy win, little bit undersreery but incredible fast at Mulsanne(...)313km/h, overall fun to drive!

Because of that tire situation, I gave it another try and tried out somethimg I never did before:intsalling two different compounts of tires:RH at the front, RM at the rear...
The car seemed to have better grip and was about a secon faster per lap in the first three laps, but at the pits you can only put on one compund anyway, so this tactic doesn't really help a lot...

Weather at race two: try until lap 5, then raining, second half of lap 5 had wet road(in the middle tier of the rain meter), since on the radar it looked like it will finish raining soon before entering the pits by the end of lap 5 I did stayed on RHs...
Still had a wet road in lap 6 and the car really struggeld to get its power onto the road with the RHs, front wheels were spinning a lot(even on TC5) and without some degree of gentle throttle controll the car wouldn't shift up to 5th gear...this and a 12 seconds time penalty made the race a wee bit intresting in lap 6 because Portilla overtook me when I was having that penalty, but there was a dry racing line in lap 7 and I had no problems getting the win...

Race 2(!)

Race 1(!)


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Good job " Billionaire " but am not continue any more 😁 .
Am done with the " pig " ,the penalties and the rain 🤣
You clearly win this one 👍 .
Another Oldie today: the Jaguar E-Type '61


This is so far the oldest car I used for this race(the old Corvettes will come soon...).
It is tricky to drive at times without any aerodynamic parts on it, with a slight tendency to oversteer(and a massive tendency to oversteer and spin around when it is wet and you don't have proper tires therefore)...I tried out putting on a rear spoiler, but it looks like an abomination with it, so deinstalled it without driving a single kilometer with it (though I am sure that it will be faster with it)

Fuel: does 3 laps without any problem on FM3, with some minor coasting FM2 should be possible as well...I did my first lap on FM4 and the second on FM1 to go for that fastet lap, and FM2 was enough for lap 3

Tires: went for RM for the first 3 laps-it is possible, but be prepared to have pretty worn out rear tires by the end of lap 3 and drive accordingly...this car doesn't like mistakes...

Weather:Started to rain heavily in lap 3, still heavy rain on lap 4, some rain in lap rain in Laps 6 and 7...first dry line in lap 6, but very narrow, and still not 100% dry in lap 7
Switched to IMs after lap 3, switched back to IMs after lap 5...that strategy needed extremly careful driving in laps 6 and 7, because this car spun out every time I hit the smallest wet spot while cornering with the RMs, ecpecially while steering or breaking...also had some wheel-spin while accelerating in the wet, even with be gentle with the throttle when it is not dry


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Very good " report " @Batschisane52 , very good.
It's true that older cars need very special treatment and " style " to be competitive and pleasant at the same time.
The majority of them " hate " rain conditions and are difficult to drive, they don't have aero support,plus you " kill " them if you put some when is available.
Its a shame while they are plenty of them to use , there isn't races available for them in different classes.
Its a bit awkward to compete against modern era cars with all these " legends " of the past .
Very good " report " @Batschisane52 , very good.
It's true that older cars need very special treatment and " style " to be competitive and pleasant at the same time.
The majority of them " hate " rain conditions and are difficult to drive, they don't have aero support,plus you " kill " them if you put some when is available.
Its a shame while they are plenty of them to use , there isn't races available for them in different classes.
Its a bit awkward to compete against modern era cars with all these " legends " of the past .
Fortunately some of them do have their own custom Aero parts at GT Auto(for example the Ferrari Dino-and it looks brilliant with them...), and some of them don't look all that bad with the general rear wings(like that Mangusta I postet here some days ago)...

But the E-Type with that general rear wing is a no-go, no matter how good that will drive with it...;)
Yesterday i run two times the 2&4 Honda.
First race happens to be at hard level ( from Chiron runs ) and a very heavy rain occurs for 2 laps .
Yet needed 7 laps to end this one .
Second one wasn't dry too , rain fall again that spoil my plans evaluating my settings for this race .
I use FM1 which is for 3 laps stints and trying to push it but didn't last more than two laps esch time ( first two laps ) .
Tyres was RS which i think can pull out 20 laps before they gone 👀 .
I'll try it again today if am lucky with weather to see how fast can i move with this one .
Handling is a bit weird, this one is very light and kerbs can upset the balance and cause oversteering ending with a spin.
Putting brake balance in front help things at least on braking.
Since you can set only height in suspension, there's not much to do in that area.
Definitely is a fast ( car ? ) one .
I won't bother to put other tyres on it to gain more power , the car is twicy as ot is and harder tyres will make things worst.
Talking about light cars, here's a funny one...

The engine swapped Honda Beat

After using the oldest car so far before(the E-Type), this is definitly the car with the lowest PP for that race I have ever used...
Even with RS tires the PP stays well under 600(!).
I knew, that it can do 300km/h, so I was thinking it must be a complete mess to drive with that low PP, but nothing could have been further from the truth, that little car was a perfect ride..incredibly fast in the straights, still controllable and predictable under hardest breaking conditions and fast enough in the high speed turns of Sarthe...a pleasure and big fun to drive!(Although it must to be a rather scary thing to do in real life: going 315km/h in such a little car...)

Fuel: 3 lappers are no problem, but need a little bit of fuel management. I did a first lap with FM5, than went for a fast second lap with FM3(and that lap was fast, 4.10,something, with RMs and FM3), and then agin FM5 for the third lap(even with FM5 it does the 300km/h), the rest of the race I did 2lappers on FM1

Tires:did the 3lapper with RMs(easy)and the 2lappers with RSs(just as easy...)

Weather:first 4 laps were dry and I was hoping for dry laps in the finish, so I can see what time is possible with RS tires and FM1, since it already did a 4.10 with Rms and FM3...
But it started to rain in lap 5...wet road by the end of lap 5(just above the first mark in the rain meter, so about 35-40% full), and although it stopped raining in lap 6 the road stayed wet and barely went below the first marker in lap7 wich left just a very narrow dry racing line in lap7, which made attacking the corners for a really fast lap impossible(I stayed on RSs because i wanted that fast final lap, but IMs would have been an alternative...)


Great car, but somehow I think, that low PP must be some kind of bug if that car is able to destroy GR4 cars in a race like that...and I am wondering, if this car can do an 8 lapper under perfect conditions with someone more skilled than I am...


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Talking about light cars, here's a funny one...

The engine swapped Honda Beat
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After using the oldest car so far before(the E-Type), this is definitly the car with the lowest PP for that race I have ever used...
Even with RS tires the PP stays well under 600(!).
I knew, that it can do 300km/h, so I was thinking it must be a complete mess to drive with that low PP, but nothing could have been further from the truth, that little car was a perfect ride..incredibly fast in the straights, still controllable and predictable under hardest breaking conditions and fast enough in the high speed turns of Sarthe...a pleasure and big fun to drive!(Although it must to be a rather scary thing to do in real life: going 315km/h in such a little car...)

Fuel: 3 lappers are no problem, but need a little bit of fuel management. I did a first lap with FM5, than went for a fast second lap with FM3(and that lap was fast, 4.10,something, with RMs and FM3), and then agin FM5 for the third lap(even with FM5 it does the 300km/h), the rest of the race I did 2lappers on FM1

Tires:did the 3lapper with RMs(easy)and the 2lappers with RSs(just as easy...)

Weather:first 4 laps were dry and I was hoping for dry laps in the finish, so I can see what time is possible with RS tires and FM1, since it already did a 4.10 with Rms and FM3...
But it started to rain in lap 5...wet road by the end of lap 5(just above the first mark in the rain meter, so about 35-40% full), and although it stopped raining in lap 6 the road stayed wet and barely went below the first marker in lap7 wich left just a very narrow dry racing line in lap7, which made attacking the corners for a really fast lap impossible(I stayed on RSs because i wanted that fast final lap, but IMs would have been an alternative...)

View attachment 1298418

Great car, but somehow I think, that low PP must be some kind of bug if that car is able to destroy GR4 cars in a race like that...and I am wondering, if this car can do an 8 lapper under perfect conditions with someone more skilled than I am...
Perhaps can do 8 laps but you have to manage laps well under 4.10 with 2 stops strategy.
I never drive this car , so i can't tell what is capable for .
315 khm top speed is more than good enough for that track .
From my experience a part that you can gain significant amount of time is the last part after the Porsche bridge.
If you can keep the " momentum" there its very effective in lap times.
I might give it a try when i finish my runs with "Billionaire's" proposal 2&4 Honda.
Did 3 races and 5 attempts, the first four had rain , complete only two ( credits reasons) and skip two .
At fifth one i get dry weather and try to push for the best lap.
I was on FM1 till get at the pits and coast to death at 4 lap to give me time to end after the timer ends.
One big mistake at start of 7th lap cost me enough and during the final sector i went off track due to traffic that force me to made another mistake but even without them i couldn't reach finish after 30 minutes to write a lap without continue to 8 and out of fuel of course 😂
Still couldn't find the best settings between front and rear height.
This car need careful passes over the kerbs and careful throttle in order to don't slide and loose time .
A clean lap at 4.00 plus is possible but you need to be steady and faultless to achieve it.
Interesting car with unique behaviour, tyres are not an issue in any case , RS seems that can last forever.
When i finalize my settings,ill share it .
@Chikane_GTR , @smoothbore12

What is this Chiron challenge you've been discussing the last few pages? I know I've done this race with it before, but I'm running out of my own cars that I typically run here.

We have a " dog fight " with Criron , who will win this race in hard level doing pitstop every single lap .
That means 7 laps 7 pitstops and the winner was " Billionaire" this time 🥴 .
In terms of faster single lap i think am better than him but as a driver general is better than me .
Of course he has and different equipment and significant more time to spend ( privilege to be a billionaire 😂 ) but the fact remains the same , is better than me whatever the reason is .
Sometimes we challenge eachother to put some " spice " in our routine 😂 .
I had to refresh the body on my F1 97 and I haven't even reached 20,000 miles on it yet.

Very wet race saw me pit at the end of lap 2. The rain was the yellow type bouncing off the tarmac. A second wave of rain hit on lap 5 and I stayed on wets all race. Won a VGT and sold it for 500,000 credits. Result.
Just wondering where @Chikane_GTR is 👀
Is ok ? ( i bet he is )
Is preparing something ?
He will " attack " with something big ?
Anyway , as a " Billionaire " can do what he wants 😂

Yesterday i use most of my time trying to " trim " a Camaro SS 16 for La Sarthe.
Many laps chasing my ghosts and lot of frustration since first time i went good , i loose my settings changing things and couldn't find out the " good " one 😵‍💫
Difficult car that want to bring rear end in front, excessive sliding on corner exits and all that stuff.
Anyway, i end up somewhere and ill try it today .
Honda beat 91 Engine swap (Fully tune) 8 Laps

Handling is like a bumper car so bouncy and not fun at all maybe with more tuning.
Brakes are Horrible the worst I have ever encounter in any racing game even worst then ride 4.
3 Laps on FM6 but can play with 2 or 1 on lap 3 and 5

Overall its a cute car but with the bouncy handling I wont bother with it again.
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Gran Turismo® 7_20231029193046.jpg
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Jeep Willys MB 45 Engine swap (Semi-tune)

Handling is fun almost like a rocking chair.:lol:
Brakes are great
3 Laps on FM6 Barely. 👍

1 major problem is the gears, gear 1 and 2 are fine but then gear 3 is semi dead and gear 4 is full dead.

I try to get gear 4 to work but nothing so be warn.
Gran Turismo® 7_20231029232343.jpg
Gran Turismo® 7_20231029233144.jpg
New cars coming, will have to try them out...

I guess we all test them the one or the other way.
These days are on the update frenzy mood and everyone waiting to see what will bring beside the 7 new cars and if will bring something else.
Till then a couple of races per day to buy the new cars and thats it from me .
I started painting and one room in the house and not much time left for playing anyway.
Honda beat 91 Engine swap (Fully tune) 8 Laps

Handling is like a bumper car so bouncy and not fun at all maybe with more tuning.
Brakes are Horrible the worst I have ever encounter in any racing game even worst then ride 4.
3 Laps on FM6 but can play with 2 or 1 on lap 3 and 5

Overall its a cute car but with the bouncy handling I wont bother with it again.
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Jeep Willys MB 45 Engine swap (Semi-tune)

Handling is fun almost like a rocking chair.:lol:
Brakes are great
3 Laps on FM6 Barely. 👍

1 major problem is the gears, gear 1 and 2 are fine but then gear 3 is semi dead and gear 4 is full dead.

I try to get gear 4 to work but nothing so be warn.
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Awesome to see others try these cars!

Have you tried my tune for both of them?
This was my result earlier this year with the beat
I took the 87 Audi to LeMans rain came at the end of the 2nd lap. I switched to 50:50 and turned the TC up to 5 to make it to lap 3.I had it at FM6 and in a dry race I probably would have gotten 5 laps. Fastest lap was 4:21


This another car that the rear end likes to get live if you let it
A few races with the beat and all heavy rain but I'm down to 4:01 so its cool.👍
Gran Turismo® 7_20231030191428.jpg

Also the cool thing about the beat being small and cute is when the AI tries to block you you can just squeeze in-between.:lol:

I take no :redflag: from the AI.
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I did also two races yesterday with beat .
I copy @AlexWilmot tune but i was allover the place especially in last part.
I lower steering sensitivity to zero but nothing changed.
At 3rd lap tyres was in bad condition and made things even worst .
This car need elegant moves other wise...... bang.
Anyway , i have to admit his fast lap is " outrageous" fast for me considering he was and at FM6 !!!!.

After first race did some test runs and i end up with the following settings.

I use RM tyres and had to put ASM and countersteering ON to make it .🥴
I had a very long time to use that aids but was necessary in my case and i can't hide it .
I can deal with the endless braking but when i want to change direction the front end wanted to change position with the rear 😂 , the aids was blinking continuously after Porsche bridge .
That car , definitely isn't for me in any fast version especially on RS tyres.

So 7 lap race and had to wait a bit to skip 8 .


This car isn't for me , great work guys but i can't follow 🥴 .
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I did also two races yesterday with beat .
I copy @AlexWilmot tune but i was allover the place especially in last part.
I lower steering sensitivity to zero but nothing changed.
At 3rd lap tyres was in bad condition and made things even worst .
This car need elegant moves other wise...... bang.
Anyway , i have to admit his fast lap is " outrageous" fast for me considering he was and at FM6 !!!!.

After first race did some test runs and i end up with the following settings.
View attachment 1299252

I use RM tyres and had to put ASM and countersteering ON to make it .🥴
I had a very long time to use that aids but was necessary in my case and i can't hide it .
I can deal with the endless braking but when i want to change direction the front end wanted to change position with the rear 😂 , the aids was blinking continuously after Porsche bridge .
That car , definitely isn't for me in any fast version especially on RS tyres.

So 7 lap race and had to wait a bit to skip 8 .
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View attachment 1299251

This car isn't for me , great work guys but i can't follow 🥴 .
So I'm guessing you didn't like this car much smoothborer12.:lol:

Personally I'm ok with it its just the brakes that are horrble.

But I found that when you brake and don't downshift till the end the car slows down better reminds me of ride 4 where I did the same thing since in that game bikes have horrible braking distance.
So I'm guessing you didn't like this car much smoothborer12.:lol:

Personally I'm ok with it its just the brakes that are horrble.

But I found that when you brake and don't downshift till the end the car slows down better reminds me of ride 4 where I did the same thing since in that game bikes have horrible braking distance.

Yea , i didn't like it at all especially on last part when i was trying to change direction under braking or " unloaded " .
This car need a wheel to deal with it or magic fingers and i don't have them both 😂 .
The red lights from aids buttons was flashing like crazy in order to keep it stable ( short of ) .
The brakes was at -5 all the way and doesn't give me much trouble when i get use to them.
It's a rocket " tin car " that need special treatment.

Don't know what i will run today , any proposals ?