Now you're arguing the opposite of what you were originally arguing?

The Audi R8, SLS and (to a lesser extent) the F430 are also quite a different ballgame from the big Lamborghinis and Zondas and such. It wasn't until he 458 that Ferrari acknowledged that the V8 Ferraris were no longer entry level.
Yes, I wasnt very clear there
Primarily because I incorrectly (and confusingly) used the term hypercar in my previous post And the other cars are borderline supercars, never mind hypercars
my apologies
With the exception of the McLaren F1, Im struggling to think of a previous Hypercar thats made a successful motorsport car.
I do stick by my position that the only use for these cars is either 1) to sit in someones collection or 2) to get driven round Dubai/Moscow/London/Hong Kong/Shanghai etc city centres. Rarely, if ever, do they ever get used in anger on a track, and as road cars they are useless as they have too much performance to ever extend properly.
Ultimately, it remains a very rare medallion for the super rich or a masturbation item for 12 y/o boys.
That's really all anyone needs to read from you regarding this car. Everything afterwards is just jibber-ish about why you don't like the brand, a clear point you don't really know anything about the car at all. It's not like what Lamborghini pulled with the Reventon, this doesn't share anything with the Aventador besides a tub & subframe, but built in different materials.
But, if that's how your logic plays out, you must absolutely despise Ferrari, then. Eric Clapton spent more money on his custom 458 than the 3 men did on the Veneno.
Yes, I do despise modern Ferraris and Lamborghinis
primarily because of the type of customer they are aiming their cars at nowadays. Ferrari does at least have some proper motorsport heritage though, and their recent cars are widely praised by the motoring press.
I cant get the official press release to open, but how Lamborghini choose to spin the Venenos mechanicals and reality will be limited by the $12 million budget they have (plus whatever they chose to swallow in add on costs wrapped up in their total PR budget) which is nothing in car building terms, particularly when they will have needed to invest a huge amount in aero work at least. The tub and subframes are Aventador, the engine is tweaked Aventador (likely well see this in forthcoming upgraded Aventador models), and a wild stab in the dark bets that the suspension is pretty much Aventador too. The interior might have different materials, but its pretty much an Aventador interior.
The only really significant difference is the bodywork which clearly also includes the aero side.