Lance Armstrong Isn't an Athlete!

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Originally posted by youth_cycler

Liar. You dogmatic liar. :P

It is my well reasoned opinion! Bike riders don't damage the ligaments in their feet when they hit the pedals, they don't damage their arms when they turn the wheel, if the crash, they won't get seriously hurt (most of the time) so, ipso fact - no, ipso vat_so, race car drivers are better athletes. :D
Oh, so now you have to risk damage to your body in order to be an athlete? And by the way, pedaling is NOT just rotating your legs... significant damage can occur, plus just having the endurance to pedal for that long is good enough. Since runners pose no risk to their arms, do you consider their "job" easy? I can tell you that from my own experience as both a runner and cyclist, there is a lot more to these sports than moving your legs in an orderly fashion.
Originally posted by vat_man
Yeah, I read that. What a lot of crap. On his line of reasoning, runners aren't athletes.

Figure skaters are not athletes and I dont know why it is an olympic event, sure they put time and effort into getting it perfect but come on.....twirling in mid air how is that a sport.
Yes. You need a lot of strength to do some of the things that figure skaters do, and then of course the other two are obvious.
Originally posted by Zero

Figure skaters are not athletes and I dont know why it is an olympic event, sure they put time and effort into getting it perfect but come on.....twirling in mid air how is that a sport.

That shows how much you know about being an athelete, im guessing not much. Figure skater have very strong legs, It takes lots of stamina to twirl in mid air you dummy. I dont like figure skating either but I can appreciate all the hard work these people put into it. I bet you play baseball dont you?? I thought so.
Originally posted by slip2rock
What a complete tosser! :mad:

Lance Armstrong is a frickin hero. The guy came back from cancer to compete in one of the toughest sporting events in the world

Simple facts, the tour is 2000 miles long, Mr Armstrong managed it in 82 hours 5 minutes. I think that makes him an athlete.

Anything is possible with chemicals.
Originally posted by Option2

Anything is possible with chemicals.

What exactly are you suggesting?

If you're suggesting what i think you are then....Screw u mate..... If someone in a bar said that in front of me he'd be spitting teeth!

Get fackin sensible..... they (organisers of the Tour) wrote off an entire team for drug taking a year ago.

Mr Armstrong is a modern hero, plain and simple.
Originally posted by Option2
Then you are grossly un-informed.

Oh right... the single most scrutinised athelete on the tour doesn't have his piss in a jar at the end of every stage.

Without a doubt you are the single most spakky muppet i have ever encountered.

I've said it before, I'll say it again... Mr Armstrong is a hero....

And you are a T W A T !
I'm a "Twa t" because I know the chemical aspects of professional cycling? lol

I see your education doesn't provide you with the skills for a normal conversation or debate, and only allows you to throw childish I won't waste my time with you any longer.
I’m surprised that you would publish an article based on what seems like a total lack of understanding of a sport. Borges’ article may have been deemed entertaining as a flippant attack on an athlete, but it was not good journalism and shows a lack of editorial responisiblity at MSNBC. I’m fine with someone not caring for Lance Armstrong, but I am very disappointed that such an article would be published without some editor questioning the author’s knowledge of the sport. Come on, readers expect more than just some guy going off about things he doesn’t know.
Of course, if this is indicative of MSNBC’s standards, I’m ready to come work for you as a writer. Name the subject and I’ll work up a few thousand words. Just so long as I don’t actually have to know anything about the subject on which I’m commenting. Let me know when to submit my first article. I’m ready.
— Brian G. Fay
I remember hearing about how the French disliked him winning all the time, and that they actually BELIEVED a rumor that Lance had a lung transplant so he had 3 lungs.

I also like the fact that the link there leads to another link, but that link is down.:D
Bottom line is: ALL the athletes on the Tour are on A LOT of chemicals. Anybody who thinks they arn't is living in La La Land.
i am a huge fan of cycling and have been a cyclist ever since i was 5....i follow the tour, the giro and vuelta every year (on TV) and other cycling events such as commonwealth and olympic games and the UCI mtb/road world champs

i have to say that the term 'athlete' isnt really applicable to any cyclist....Lance doesnt take part in the sport of athletics so in my book he isnt an athlete....not to take away from his achievements in the sporting world he is one of the best riders of modern times good at his chosen discipline, the best rider in this years tour so far (upto stage8) but Lance rides a bike for a living he doesnt run the 1000m or long jump.

he is a professional bike rider or a cyclist...he's not an athlete....its not about respect or ability, its simply a choice of words...hes not an athlete in the same way that he is not a swimmer or a football player....athletics is a specific discipline.

i think its possibly something to do with American culture....any sportsmen over there is considered an athlete (for some reason) and i once heard Mike Tyson some years back being referred to as an awesome athlete by an American unlikely...

the commentator that made the remark that Lance wasnt an athlete was probably using the correct terminology rather than slating one of the fittest sportsmen in the world...


having mixed with some serious bike riders and commonwealth riders and pro cycling coaches for the past 10 years, there is no way that at this precise moment in time any tour rider is on anything stronger that pain killers(Hamilton) or strong coffee....if they are they will be caught without a doubt and the whole team could face disqualification from the tour and suspension from pro races in the future...

its too much of a risk for guys that get paid a pittance in the smaller teams....sure, they'll take steriods and stimulants in training but thats not against any law that i know..

PS...well done Virenque.
Originally posted by Option2
You don't think everyone on the Tour isn't on some serious chemicals?

Do you think they can ride more than 20 days doing more than 3.000 km only with spaguetti (pasta), and rice????

They take vitamins and things that are allowed to.

I'm a cycilng referee and I know what I'm saying.
Originally posted by Sheron
Do you think they can ride more than 20 days doing more than 3.000 km only with spaguetti (pasta), and rice????

They take vitamins and things that are allowed to.

I'm a cycilng referee and I know what I'm saying.

Hi Sheron....are you saying that the tour riders are taking performance enhancing drugs while riding this years tour?, your answer seems to be somewhat ambigious...

That's NOT drugs, only vitamins (and some like that) and they are allowed to take that things, that are regulated by the UCI. (could be: union cyclist international)
I've read the 1st tour history in 1903 and someone said that watched somebody in a car giving a bag to a cyclist, but the cyclist throw it away. That was the first case of dopping (do you use this word???). And that's not only tour riders. In proffesional cycling they take energetic foods (you'll see in the tour they eat while riding).
As I said, you CAN'T do 3.000 km in 20 days eating only pasta. If you do it, you're Superman.