Lap Time Discrepancy

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I tried searching for this topic a few times but the search system just wouldn't respond. If there's a topic I should read, feel free to abuse me and post a link.

I flashed across the line on Grand Valley, 1:21.050 appeared on the screen in green, I exited and was presented with my new record - 1:21.078. So my question is where did my 28 thousandths go and which times really counts? The replay save and record shows .078 whilst the data logger and actual replay show .050.
I have that all the time,i don't know why it happens but i always consider the time in the replay my best lap.
Its a known discrepancy with the lap times. Just make sure that whoever you are comparing against is using the same time as you are.

As a rule I think most OLR'ers use the replay time, (not the green time) as it can be accessed again and again if neccessary.
I've also always noticed it, but I never took time to do a search on the forum or ask the question.

I suspect it's due to the time calculation method. The game doesn't display 1000 images per second, so it cannot display the time as accurately as the 3 decimals counter would suggest.
If it uses 60 frames/sec, then the game maximum accuracy is 0.017 second.
So what I think is that one method just displays the time as stored (with a 0.017 pitch), and the other method calculates a "real time" based on the position of the car compared to the finish line.
This is quite difficult for me to find the proper words to explain the concept in english, maybe some native speaker would do this in an understandable way (Famine ? Help required :D )
You speak far better English than I do French, and you just did a better job of explaining that than most born English speakers could.

So my real time would be the .078 version? I'll keep that in mind in the future. I knew that GT didn't really update the thousandths like it says, but I thought the end of lap calculation was accurate, and when the data logger confirmed it (I didn't add the 21 individual sector times but I might) I just got more confused.

This is the first time I've ever used Free Run or saved a record lap so it was a new one to me.

Thanks guys.
You mean on the replay the timer doesnt "catch up" with the "real time" as it freezes the frame before it can.

Whereas with the replay the console has stored the whole race and allows for those extra few hundredth's (is that a word?) of a second to be added onto the total race time ???
That's right BigJamesGTI, the slight delay between frame renders is enough. And yes hundredths is a word, just like tenths, thousandths, millionths etc.
Originally posted by BigJamesGTI
You mean on the replay the timer doesnt "catch up" with the "real time" as it freezes the frame before it can.
Wow, so few words to clearly summarize what I tried to explain in several lines. Thanks.

Whereas with the replay the console has stored the whole race and allows for those extra few hundredth's (is that a word?) of a second to be added onto the total race time ???
That's the concept. But I don't say I have proof : I never actually did any calculations to check if my idea is correct or not. This is only what quickly came to my mind during the half-second I thought about it. I didn't care about hundredths (that's actually the technical word, maybe there's something else for everyday use) until I started the on-line racing. Golding the licenses didn't require that much thinking.

As a rule I think most OLR'ers use the replay time
I'm always using the time stored in the free run top 3 ranking, which is usually the highest of the two.

you just did a better job of explaining that than most born English speakers could.
Thanks. As long as you got the meaning of it, that's fine for me.
Preserve the first entirely factual thread in history in it's entirety? I'd say "Hell yeah!"... :D
Originally posted by GTChamp2003
I have that all the time,i don't know why it happens but i always consider the time in the replay my best lap.

Dude, you really need to listen here.

Do not use the time in the replay.

Use the time displayed on the file save screen. (the slower of the two times)

btw, when are you and your brother getting that xport you ordered... been about 2 weeks so you should have it soon... I would hope.

Anyway, let me know what's up...
Do you understand what I have said about the replay time vs the displayed file time. (using the displayed file time/ slower time is what we are supposed to do)
Also, let me know if you got that xport yet... I remember you saying you ordered it during week 61 or 62 now that I think about it.

And why hasn't your bro been around for the weekly lately?
Right,didn't know that.Thatnk's for the heads up.On the subject "X-Port",i sent out an e-mail yesterday to see what's taking so long.I still didn't get an answer.And my brother is just plain lazy.He may be fast but only if i give him my setup since he knows jack on how to create setups.I think he will participate this week,he is spending lot's of time now with the MX-5.