Large Hadron Collider News

  • Thread starter Dotini


United States

If the Large Hadron Collider does not prove the existence of the Higgs boson in the next two years, physicists say the entire Standard Model theory of subatomic structure must be reassessed.

The announcement, made at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting on 21 February, 2011, comes as the CERN nuclear research team in Geneva reveals that the temporary closure of the particle accelerator for maintainence will be put off an extra year, until the end of 2012.

"By the end of next year, we hope very much that we will be able to say something about the Higgs," said Felicitas Pauss, head of international relations at CERN.

However the team are aware that what they find may not be what they were looking for.

"We know the Standard Model is wrong at some level," said Thomas LeCompte, physicist and coordinator for the LHC's ATLAS detector. "We know that something lies beyond that. The Higgs is the simplest and most elegant way to push it to the next level, but nature may have something else in mind."
The Higgs particle may very well be a "mathematical" entity that may be possible or predicted in paper but does not exist. Like the extra dimensions for which there is no evidence as of yet.

I really hope they discover Higgs and/or other particles for one for the advancement of physics and let's not forget how expensive this project is and would be a pity to go to waste.
What has happened to the LHC, we heard loads about it in 2009 (black hole theory) however I havent heard from it since. I reallly hope they find the higgs Boson, the finally we have some more of the answers.
What has happened to the LHC, we heard loads about it in 2009 (black hole theory) however I havent heard from it since. I reallly hope they find the higgs Boson, the finally we have some more of the answers.

There was a load of fuss in 2009 because it had finally been opened, but truthfully, nothing was going to be found in the first few weeks. Shortly after it was started up, a problem was found with one of the hundereds of super conducting magnets, it had to be shut down to be repaired and it took nearly a year to cool the tunnel down to its (near absolute zero) temperature.

Even now, it's not running at its full speed yet. It will be a while before we start to find really interesting stuff at CERN, and with fermilab's tevatron closing down, it really is all eyes on CERN in the future.
It will still be another two years before they can conclusively state whether or not they have found the Higgs Boson. Let's not forget that if they don't find any Higgs Boson particles, this endeavor wasn't for naught. There is much more that they are looking to find at this accelerator.

I do believe they start running at 7TeV per beam in another year or so.
What has happened to the LHC, we heard loads about it in 2009 (black hole theory) however I havent heard from it since.
The black hole theory was just junk science. Black holes are created by stars imploding, whilst the large hadron collider causes particles to explode - completely opposite actions. The theory was probably perpetrated by people who were uncomfortable with the idea of examining the remnants of creation, probably because they felt it might disprove God or something.
The black hole theory was just junk science. Black holes are created by stars imploding, whilst the large hadron collider causes particles to explode - completely opposite actions. The theory was probably perpetrated by people who were uncomfortable with the idea of examining the remnants of creation, probably because they felt it might disprove God or something.
There were actually experiments looking for microscopic black holes, but they never found any evidence for them in the experiments that have been done so far... it's certainly not junk science, nor is it fear-mongering from creationists (although I don't doubt that there is plenty of both on the internet should one care to look for it).

The news from CERN has gone a bit quiet, but I reckoned that was mostly due to the fact that the LHC is a 'scientific instrument'. The qualify for such a lofty title, it has to have most or all of the following attributes: a) be tremendously expensive and require a great deal of hand-waving and hoo-haa in order to possibly justify it; b) break as soon as anyone tries to use it; c) despite bold claims from the management, nobody really knows how to work it, or what it does; d) just when it is got working again, somebody will invariably spill their coffee on it. Now, I'm not sure that d) has happened to the LHC yet, but it almost certainly will (according to Lavazza's Law). As for the other criteria, it has long since ticked those boxes.
The black hole theory was just junk science. Black holes are created by stars imploding, whilst the large hadron collider causes particles to explode - completely opposite actions.

Proton - proton collisions stand a chance of creating these microscopic black holes, if the strength of the gravity, measured on a tiny scale, is large enough.

They are looking to create these black holes, have high-energy collisions which in turn cause energy to go missing passing through to extra dimensions to prove or disprove the brane-world scenario postulated by many string theorists.

This article and the comments appended has some interesting speculation and chatter among physicists and physics students regarding the capability of the LHC to engage in time travel.

This one caught my eye:

This won't work for 2 reasons.

First: We will see the antiparticle of this particle going forward in time before the experiment. If the possibility that this antiparticle is here at the present is 0 than the possibility of the detection within the experiment will be 0.
( It will only explain why we don't detect higgs bossons ).

If things can travel in time they are already doing this and it is already part of the physics we see. Sending something back into time is only possible if the information you have about the past agrees with it or is unknown.

Second: I doubt whether time is a real dimension. It is a nice mathematical concept. Free will in the direction of the future means that it not really exists, applying symmetry this means that the past does not exist anymore.
Brian Cox
So, in very simple language. ATLAS and CMS have independently discovered a new particle mass ~ 126 GeV which behaves like SM Higgs

At a confidence level of 99.9999%. We have a Higgs Boson discovery!
At a confidence level of 99.9999%. We have a Higgs Boson discovery!

My friends response:

They're just making this s*** up!

Regardless, good to see that they've found the thing. Now they've got to try to understand what all of these little asses do. If I recall correctly, we have found closer than not to 50 sub-atomic particles. It's going to be a nightmare trying to figure out what part plays what.

Oh, and could anyone tell me what this means for M-Theory?
Bad news is that it's now our turn to hide.

Because the Higgs Boson is now going to build a LHC and shoot people through it close to the speed of light?

Would that create a new kind of human? :lol:
Interesting details coming out the last few days I've following this event. Can't wait to learn more.

However, I've always hated the name Higgs Boson. Sounds like a tractor lawn mower. "Is that a Briggs & Stratton?" "No, it's a Higgs Boson."
Great news, as sure as they were it exists I felt they wouldn't discover it, guess that goes to show why I don't get paid. :P
It appears CERN has made something incredibly hot:

Get Guinness. Physicists at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland, have achieved the hottest manmade temperatures ever, by colliding lead ions to momentarily create a quark–gluon plasma, a subatomic soup and unique state of matter that is thought to have existed just moments after the Big Bang.

....But he [ALICE spokesman Paolo Giubellino] says there’s no reason to suspect that the conversion won’t produce a number like 5.5 trillion degrees. “It’s a very delicate measurement,” he says. “Give us a few weeks and it will be out.”...

Full Article: Nature Blog
Quark-gluon plasmas of 5.5 trillion degrees are all very well, but I bet they've never left a curry in the microwave for a little too long. Now that stuff is hot...