How many laps for 1 hour you think?
I would like to join, if there's still room.
you hommei dont think i can make it on saturday, as im going out. sorry
Please let us know when the room is up and the number so we can find it!yea you can join, the races on on Saturday not sunday.
yea you are already signed up, see you saturday
Please let us know when the room is up and the number so we can find it!
Good racing all, somehow I managed to be semi-competitive.
That Daytona Road is a damn fun track once you get the back end of the car to behave. Wish it had day/night transition....
It would be great to have a full 16-car grid next time out...
I think Maverick won, but even though I was in the race I retired, sorry about that. It's been a damn busy week, so no time to practice before ealier today, and when I lose 40 secs in 4 laps on a track like this I get very demoralised. Nothing worked for me today, even my pre-race practice I had a couple of hours earlier was a disaster. And this track - I don't think there is any other track in the game I dislike as much as this one...
I pitted early, already on 6th lap, lol. How on Earth could it go THAT wrong.. my God...
Bad numbers today. If you want Kid I would be intressted in running a later race. Around 5 or 6pm your time, 10 or 11pm GMT. Let me know.
I'd like to join. I think I have you in my friends list.
Is that a yes then? Will I go ahead and set it up?
glad you enjoyed it,Had an blast running with you guys! eventhough I was down on power by more than 100hp and finished 1 lap down, it is great to finally have found a place to run this cars without getting kicked from the room!
I would like to join if you don't mind.
I will race a 908 HDI
PSN: Flynnstr
Yea you guys that are interested send me a PMAdd me but it's possible that I'll miss the next one.
Yea you can set-up a later time race , do you want me to add it in this thread or u want to create a new one.
What do you think is the best way to go about this? I'm not computer minded so maybe you should keep doing your thing and in the future I might have ago at running one. There is one thing I do want in the later race and that's a qualifiying race on a Wensday or Thursday night. This will help people set up their car for the race on Saturday night, making the racing tighter. If I had have seen the lap times of the man who won the last race. I could have set the car up to match his times. Racing slow drivers makes you slow. 11pm GMT is a good time to start qualifiying and 10pm GMT for the race.
I don't want to hear anybody talking during a race.
I don't want to hear anybody talking during a race.