Damn, almost forgot:
Date: 6/7/2012
Rival 1: H_enry_T (Class A)
Rival 2: SHADOWWOLF (Class A)
Course: Tenroujima
Battle Style: CMSD 2sec
Winner: H_enry_T
Rate: 5/5
First battle in a long time for the both of us, it turned out quite well. Started out leading first, but couldnt outrun Wolf or pass him in the second round. Third round ended with me outrunning him by a really narrow margin. Great race.
Date: 6/7/2012
Rival 1: H_enry_T (Class B)
Rival 2: SHADOWWOLF (Class B)
Course: Songai Shinro
Battle Style: CMSD 2sec
Winner: H_enry_T
Rate: 5/5
Different track, same result. Outran him by a secure margin, mostly thanks to the time progression glitching on us and going from day to full night before the end of the race. Wolf didnt want to restart though, so it turned out into a win too easy.
Date: 7/7/2012
Rival 1: H_enry_T (Class B)
Rival 2: White-Shadw (Class B)
Course: Songai Shinro
Battle Style: CMSD 3sec
Winner: H_enry_T
Rate: 5/5
White-Shadws first race, it was pretty good. I feared that he might damage me with lagging (I have connection issues with american players), so I chose to lead first. He kept quite close, but a serious crash halved his speed and he forfeited. Good race.
Date: 7/7/2012
Rival 1: H_enry_T (Class C)
Rival 2: Street-King-07 (Class C)
Course: Songai Shinro
Battle Style: CMSD 2sec
Winner: Street-King-07
Rate: 5/5
A good, 10 rounder endurance race. The cars were neck-and-neck and I had some chances to pass, but decided not to use them. At the end, the tire wear was too much for the AW11 and SK outran me. Great race!
Date: 7/7/2012
Rival 1: H_enry_T (Class C)
Rival 2: Street-King-07 (Class C)
Course: Songai Shinro
Battle Style: CMSD 2sec
Winner: Street-King-07
Rate: 5/5
A good, 10 rounder endurance race. The cars were neck-and-neck and I had some chances to pass, but decided not to use them. At the end, the tire wear was too much for the AW11 and SK outran me. Great race!
Date: 7/7/2012
Rival 1: H_enry_T (Class B)
Rival 2: Street-King-07 (Class B)
Course: Songai Shinro
Battle Style: CMSD 3sec
Winner: H_enry_T
Rate: 5/5
The battle betweem brothers, my car ran a tune same to SK's, minus a custom LSD. Managed to stay in front in Round 1, and amazingly, easily pass in Round 2 thanks to multiple racing lines. He almost got me on the final straight though, and I won by a mere <0.050 margin. Great race.
Date: 7/7/2012
Rival 1: H_enry_T (Class A)
Rival 2: Street-King-07 (Class A)
Course: Songai Shinro
Battle Style: CMSD 2sec
Winner: Street-King-07
Rate: 5/5
It wouldve been longer, but my FDs handling was glitched with understeer and I forfeited because of that.
Yo Maccer, it turns out the AE86 weight distribution is 53/47. I remember in the game it was 60/40...
Ahh...no, I wont. The tournament starts at midnight in my timezone, so I can't make it.
Still, I got a room open, wanna race?
ReecesPuffsI apologize for not being able to attend the time attack today. I had some errands to run and eventually have to go somewhere with my mom. Maybe next time ^
Anyone going to have a room up sometime tonight? If so can you make sure you post it in here please. I'd quite like to check it out.
You know what? Start looking for a room in two and a half hours, thats 3pm GMT. Ill get a room up by then, and it will be there the whole night, I hope.
Alright sweet! That's like Midnight my time buuuuuut, I'm sick so its not like I'm doing anything tomorrow. I have one 420PP entry that's not on the list as of yet but I did fill out that form. It's not important anyway as I mostly just want to have a peak, maybe run something unofficial.
Wait, youre registered? Let me set up that room right now, so both you and GhostZ can join
@GhostZ, yes, all of us run SH, but because they offer better grip than CS tires. At least thats my opinion![]()