Legend of The Streets: Initial D GT6 Touge| *Under New Management*

  • Thread starter Blurr905
I just wanted to let everyone know that the lots website will not be updated for the next few weeks. I will be gone for military annual training. So if you submit a profile I will get to it as soon as I get back.
I just wanted to let everyone know that the lots website will not be updated for the next few weeks. I will be gone for military annual training. So if you submit a profile I will get to it as soon as I get back.

Maybe you should have someone run it while your gone
I think I won't be participating in the first season or two of GT6 LotS. It's gotten to the point in which one little word just ruffles everyone's feathers. And the cause is just one certain person.:banghead:
When will the main season of lots starts. It's starting to get a little boring nowadays with nothing really to do. Lol n I really don't want to wait for course editor.
I'm excited to participate in LOTS again but I don't think I'll be able to make season one due to the fact that I'm going so slowly through the main game to get the cars I want :lol::lol::lol::lol:
So lately I've been pretty much working on my controller skills on gt6; drifting, and touge to better myself.

Man its so much baby momma drama in these touge lobbies.. people are scared to run people. ***** annoying, you cant be considered the fastest if your turning races down. I honestly wouldnt even consider you a threath. I will be challenging some people. If you don't respond or refuse to battle then everything you say about yourself is ********!!! Getting fed up with some of you kids. With that being said stay tuned because you might be the ONE. I have a selected list of friends that I talk to on a day to day base. Anyone else your pretty much what I consider a rival. Dont take it person!! Or maybe you can really doesn't matter.
So lately I've been pretty much working on my controller skills on gt6; drifting, and touge to better myself.

Man its so much baby momma drama in these touge lobbies.. people are scared to run people. ***** annoying, you cant be considered the fastest if your turning races down. I honestly wouldnt even consider you a threath. I will be challenging some people. If you don't respond or refuse to battle then everything you say about yourself is ********!!! Getting fed up with some of you kids. With that being said stay tuned because you might be the ONE. I have a selected list of friends that I talk to on a day to day base. Anyone else your pretty much what I consider a rival. Dont take it person!! Or maybe you can really doesn't matter.
It's because of all this drama & OP this OP that, That i have dropped out of running Touge almost altogether....
I still drive in touge lobbies, But i'm only there because i enjoy driving with the people on my friends list.
As for the competitive side, this has turned in a right joke. You can't simply drive any car nowadays with out getting "such a OP car (Insert PSN ID here)".
Jeez man up and lets get the Touge community back to how it was back on GT5....
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It's a damn shame, what it is.

I've supported the touge community since day one, and will continue doing so. It's truly sad to see things the way they are.

Back in the day, nobody cared about an OP car. Sure, we acknowledged those cars, but it was more about the fun and the challenge than about winning. That's how things need to be again.

I'll mention no names, since I don't even know who the cause of this disarray is. But the moment you stop talking smack, and stop trynna prove something (whatever it may be), and stop trying to become a legend on day one because you have a sense of entitlement or just because you think you're that damn good... That's when you start learning.

That's when you begin to understand how and why this community has stuck together for sp long. Competition is healthy for the sport and the community as a whole, but once it becomes only about that, you lose the fin. You lose the love of the game and the passion we have for mountain pass racing.

And once you've lost that, you might as well throw in the towel.
My relationship with my girlfriend was attacked. That is how bad the new community in touge has gotten. Anything to get someone to run. I can't even enjoy my favorite game anymore.
My relationship with my girlfriend was attacked. That is how bad the new community in touge has gotten. Anything to get someone to run. I can't even enjoy my favorite game anymore.

Damn, that's low.

It's as simple as ousting the culprits. LOTS may be open to all, but anyone who is considered detrimental to the league and the community should be shunned and rejected.

That's not to say they'll be banned from the league, but that an example should be made (a protest, if you will) to let those individuals know that their presence and behavior is unwelcome and unbecoming of a L.O.T.S. member.

This is OUR league. OUR community. It's all of our duties, not just one person, to ensure that what we have built here for ourselves isn't molested by insubordinates.
Been out of the game too long, wth is an op car?
Sounds like the tougeheros are back but disguised as normal players. This community is a group of great people not some street thugs. Our league helps each other to build and grow, when the race starts the competition comes out. After the race the rivals go back to being friends and sometimes team mates. If there's riff raff tainting the water I may have to resurrect TDC and make it exclusive to the old guard with new blood only if they pass the screening process by all members of the teams/league. If you want to get fame tune a car ignored by the rest and be fast with it. I never ran an R1 because it was just too much of a ringer, yeah I didn't make waves and dominate the list (no one beats shadow) but I held my own and had fun. If you're not doing this for fun first, comradery second and competition third, then you're missing the point.

I'm disappointed myself as well it saddens me a lot on how much drama it is in touge. I can't run at my full potential if I'm in rooms that r so full of drama n criticism. I'm just losing it. When I'm not having fun doing touge I can't run properly. Winning isn't everything to me at all. Sure winning is good but losing is good as well cuz that's when u learn. People forgot how to learn. I won't battle if my opponent is full of drama n is to focus on winning. It's gotten to that point for me. It's all about running a good race win or lose.
But I have question though for u all. If touge is a community n is suppose to be about fun then what is it still touge if full of drama n torment n everybody focus on winning so much n force each other to race n screw each other n cheat ? In my opinion the community turned into something like circuit racing drama like nascar or whatever lol with all the fights n rumors n such. It's sad. I miss real touge
I joined a tuning session yesterday, the first time in months. I go in, and immediately state 'Finally made it!'. I realised that doing so could throw off some drivers' concentrations. I quickly realise NO ONE is running. Everyone is sitting. Only a couple of drivers were on the the track. Those drivers seemed to be the veterans as they had manners, ettiquete, respect, and were generally fun to be around. However there were only 4 drivers including me on the track racing. I don't knw what everyone else was doing. I left after 15 minutes.
I joined a tuning session yesterday, the first time in months. I go in, and immediately state 'Finally made it!'. I realised that doing so could throw off some drivers' concentrations. I quickly realise NO ONE is running. Everyone is sitting. Only a couple of drivers were on the the track. Those drivers seemed to be the veterans as they had manners, ettiquete, respect, and were generally fun to be around. However there were only 4 drivers including me on the track racing. I don't knw what everyone else was doing. I left after 15 minutes.

This I'm about to say isn't related to drama, but has a bit to do with why people stay idle on a track so often.

Most forget that touge is more about the drive - the connection between car, driver and pavement, and sharing the experience with like-minded individuals - than it is about lap time.

My biggest gripe with the touge community as a whole - and you are all guilty - is that every lobby becomes a stupid time attack.


I speak for myself with the following. The Nürburgring is a double-edged sword. You all focus so much on tuning for fastest laps. NOBODY TUNES FOR FEEL, ANYMORE. Shaving hundredths of a second on a section or corner is the goal for the one-track-minded. There are seldom any actual battles, mock or official, going on. So when I'm by the pits waiting for someone to run with, I get bored before long because everyone is running hot laps.

And when those guys are done running laps, they'd chill in the pits or leave. Taking the fun along with them.

I don't see anyone running Matterhorn. Or Deep Forest, or Trial Mountain, or Bathurst, or Ascari, or anything else!

You all complain about the drama, but nobody says a word on how nobody is doing any battles!

Why do we not have a CORE/SIDE going on? With all the available tracks for us to host Cat'n'Mouse battles, why the heck does everyone only run Grip Gambler at Nürburgring?

You can blame PD all you want for the lack of a promised course editor, but if you want to know the reason the Touge Community is idling... Look in the mirror.

The Doctor has spoken.
This is true. The most fun I've had in Touge with you guys was on Bathurst with LOTS members and Touge fanatics. We were all battling each other for the fun of it and it was a blast!
lol ha Bathurst was fun nurb is boring now. It's just something to drive on when I'm bored lol I don't go for lap times anymore cuz it's pointless.