Lego Star Wars III The Clone Wars

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I didn't see any threads on this game, so I decided to make one for it because I feel this game deserves its own discussion. It's disappointing to me how there isn't much discussion on Lego Star Wars games in general here on GTP. Like my other threads I made, this is the place to discuss anything relating to the game.

I got this game for the PS3 back in 2011 and played it for a few months until I beat it. (well, sort of, I never unlocked Bossk and he's the only character I'm missing) I haven't touched the game since 2011 though and I have considered going back to it for a while now. Despite getting the game on PC in recent years, I have yet to even play it. With the Skywalker Saga coming soon, I think it's time I finally wipe the dust off of this game and play it again since it's hasn't seen the light of day in almost 9 years.
So, although I created this thread 5 whole years ago, I finally made my way back to the game recently since I've been on a Lego Star Wars run this year.

That said, while I haven't beaten the game yet, some tips I want to provide are:
  1. When you start the game, save up your studs for the x4 stud multiplier extra, which is 2,000,000 studs, and don't get anything else until then. Once you get that, then get x2 stud multiplier for 500,000 studs. Something I learned from my playthrough of this game and LSWII is it helps to go for the bigger multipliers first and then get the smaller ones. Stud magnet is also one I recommend as well. You'll have little issue maximizing the stud bar and affording the things you need afterward, apart from the really expensive extras.
  2. At some point, get the glow-in-the-dark extra if you intend to play Lair of Grievous, Malastare Assault, and especially Legacy of Terror. These levels are pretty dark in some areas, especially that last one and this extra will help you get around so much easier since it provides a lot of extra light. I don't remember how much it is, but it's not too expensive from what I recall.
  3. If you want to grind for studs, the solution is simple, just pick any assault map in story mode. Geonosis is a good one, and if you're further in the game, Zillo Beast is even better. These maps have objects spread throughout the map you can destroy for studs and they respawn infinitely at a decent rate. On the Zillo Beast level, towards the end when he's throwing objects at you, a bunch of studs come out of them when they hit the ground and you can get a lot by collecting them, just don't let them hit you in the process. With these in mind, you can earn studs indefinitely on these maps.
  4. Speaking of assault maps, if you're going to do the ones outside of story mode, save yourself the trouble and get the super speeders extra before playing them. Yeah, it's very expensive, but with it, it makes the speeders blaster bolts much more damaging and you can destroy anything that isn't shielded with ease. With that said, since speeders are very fast and this extra buffs the blasters significantly, you can breeze through the assault maps fairly quickly.
  5. Also, to unlock Grand Moff Tarkin, it requires you to beat every assault map outside of story mode with the Separatists. Although I think you have to play some Republic assault missions and do some other things to unlock a few of the Separatist's levels, the point is, focus on the Separatist missions above all else so you can unlock him. (it's required for 100%)
Hope this helps anybody who is considering playing this game. If I think of anything else, I'll share it here.