1. I love the addition of rocket launchers and miniguns in this game, it adds some extra variety to the blaster characters, and it's fun to just spam the rocket launcher in free play and just blow up everything.
2. Not a fan of how they handled the C-3PO panels in this game. While it's not as bad as what they did with The Force Awakens, making it a puzzle just feels like an unnecessary inconvenience to something that was fine the way it was in the previous games. Fortunately, there are not too many of them compared to the previous games.
3. The game's economy seems better than Lego Star Wars I and II because I didn't need to grind for studs as much as I did with them. And I am really glad this is the case because the previous games were a bit miserable to grind for if you want to get everything.
4. They really dropped the ball in terms of sound design in some places because the Battle Droids for some reason still have the wrong blaster sounds like they did in The Complete Saga and LSWII and Cad Bane's blasters don't even that signature sound from the series it's based on and I am sure I could name more. While I imagine the issue with those 2 games was an oversight, I don't know what TT's excuse for this one would be, but I really wish they had blaster sounds that actually fit the characters.
However, my biggest issue with this isn't even the characters,
it's the ships. Most of them have Tie Fighter engine sounds for no apparent reason, which would be fine if they were Tie Fighters, but they're not, so it's a little weird they did this. Not only that but things like the Vulture Droid and Slave I have the Tie Fighters blaster sounds,
which don't suit them in the slightest, and it just feels so off hearing the wrong sounds being played constantly from vehicles they don't belong with. I am not sure why they let this slide because they could've very easily just recycled the audio from the previous games, and for some of them, especially Slave 1, it wouldn't have been perfectly fine.
5. I love the addition of ground battles. I found them to be pretty fun to play since they break the mold of what I typically expect from these games, and it is something that I wish they would reintroduce. However, something I didn't love was just how many of them they made you do outside of story mode. They honestly gave the player way too many to do in order to get Grand Moff Tarkin and Chancellor Palpatine for 100% and it just became a very repetitive experience after a while that got tiresome after a bit.
6. Some parts of the game are not as intuitive as they could be. I found myself having to look up videos on some things because it wasn't as obvious as it could have been. One of the most notable examples I can think of is on 2 of the ground battles, I don't even remember which ones they were anymore, require you to build 3 things around a metal door at the post in order to open it, but there is
nothing in the game to suggest you're supposed to do this. Once you know it, it's easy, and it could've been a lot worse, but it could've been handled better too.
7. This game would have benefitted from being able to swap out character on the fly like The Force Awakens did because I had times where I'd go somewhere in the hub, only to find out I had the wrong character. So that meant I had to turn around, sit through at least 2 loading screens, and then go back to the menu to change characters just to do a certain task. This happened to me a number of times.
8. I get they wanted to encourage exploring the hub a bit, but I am not fond of how you have to find characters in the hub in order to buy them. It makes finding some characters a bit difficult some times,
something that affected my initial playthrough back in 2011. While I didn't have any issue finding them all this time around, I think just being able to buy them in the menus like the previous games would've been better. I also didn't like how you needed a bad character to buy a bad character, and trying to use a good one to buy a bad one simply doesn't work. That was yet another unnecessary inconvenience they added to the game, which was a big part of why I made that comment on #7.
9. Speaking of characters, the minikits being for characters you can play with like the rest instead of vehicles you'll rarely use like in LSWII and TCS was a welcome change and one that I think they should've done going forward. The only complaint I have is that you still have to buy them once you unlock them, and while not a big deal, I think just unlocking them for collecting all the minikits in one level would be better, and it would encourage the player to actually do it more.
10. The space missions they have for each planet in the hub are a neat idea that really helps take advantage of all that extra space between the ships, which encourages exploration and adds a little extra fun. Nearly all of them are decent, however,
the one on Rishi Moon is EXTREMELY hard for no apparent reason. Of all the things I did in my playthrough, this was easily the hardest for me, and I can't think of any good reason why it needed to be. Whoever made this one should've rethought how he did it because this is NOT how it should've been!
11. The last thing I want to talk about is the game's completion reward for getting all the gold bricks being the Stealth Ship. While I loved the idea of it as well as seeing it in action in the TV series, and I am glad we have it in the game, I stand by
what I said in my worst rewards thread when I say it is NOT a good reward for beating the game. It has a nice look to it, and I really like how it will make itself invisible if you don't fire it for a bit, just like how it's portrayed in the show. However, it's just another missile-launching ship like all the other ones you already have by that point, and it's not worth all the trouble it takes to get it.