
  • Thread starter LoudMusic
Heh, yeah some of the classics are back. There used to be quite a few more. They had a handful of Castle sets and Pirate sets, and various town sets too. There are a couple of sets from the 9V train system back too - which I should probably order ...

Anyway, good to see other people interested in Lego.
I love Legos. Even though I am now 31 years old, every year for x-mas my parents buy me a Lego set. Sort of a family tradition. A few years ago I got a crazy 2' long "Super Car" with gull-wing doors, working V8, 5 speed, and diff with spider gears. I converted mine to a mid engined speedster. 👍

I'm taking a graphic design class right now and our final project is to buy a lego set and model the instructions in 3d then animate it. Here's a still of mine so far (yes I know the guy has no hands... they got lost on a different layer I have to fix that...)


  • step12.jpg
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bfifteenv -- Are you familiar with the 3D Lego modeling software? Might search for it on Google, I forget the name. It's cool - has an entire library of all pieces and colors. And they snap together (: Makes building instruction books easy, and it might be helpful for your project.

menglan - Oh yeah buddy! That crane is freaking sweet!
I just stared at it for about 15 minutes, it was so cool. I have the parts to build the cab, I just need to get them together. I kinda wish I hadn't destroyed my 2 foot long 1960 Chevy, now that I have a real one, but it looked nothing like the real thing.

I might save 110 dollars and get the Ferrari truck and the crane, and make some sort of wicked crash scene where the truck fell off a cliff and the crane is lifting all the wreckage and then Darth Vader comes and steals the Ferrari and him and michael schumacher get in a lightsaber battle....... Uh... I went a bit too far. [/end craziness]
I build with legos, and I've been doing it since I was about 6 years old. I really need to get that hot rod, along with this.
And here are some of my creations:

I also have an old truck I made, but the pics didn't turn out good. I'll try again later, and maybe I'll take a few more pics of some other stuff.
Aww, I feel so unloved! Does noone like my Jeep?
It's a cool set, no doubt. I've always ended up destroying my sets and throwing the pieces in one of my big containers of legos. (Organized by color of course) I've found it more rewarding to build something from your own imagination than to follow an instruction booklet.

One model that has survived though is my Snowspeeder, not the small version. The big 1000+ piece one, and my yellow lego truck.
Alright, here's the truck I mentioned in my above post. Some of the pictures are a little dark. (If I used flash it would ruin the picture because the truck is all black.)

Enjoy, and comments are appreciated. On the truck, not my camera skills! :grumpy:

Oh, and incase you can't tell, the truck does have dual rear wheels. (Know as a duallie to most)
It's a cool set, no doubt. I've always ended up destroying my sets and throwing the pieces in one of my big containers of legos. (Organized by color of course) I've found it more rewarding to build something from your own imagination than to follow an instruction booklet.

One model that has survived though is my Snowspeeder, not the small version. The big 1000+ piece one, and my yellow lego truck.

Heh, there's no bloody way I'm destroying that baby. Do you know how bloody hard that gearbox was to correctly set up?! The pistons even move according to 6 diffrent gears!
Nice truck -- definitely a work of art circa 1940s-50s, that's really cool. How long did it take you to make?
Thanks, maybe and hour and a half to two hours.

Heh, there's no bloody way I'm destroying that baby. Do you know how bloody hard that gearbox was to correctly set up?! The pistons even move according to 6 diffrent gears!
Yeah, but I can build a 1000+ piece model in about 3 or so hours. That means it's not really that big of a deal if I destroy something. Plus I've kept every set of instructions from when I first started building, so I can always rebuild things. It would just take longer because I'd have to find all the pieces.
Thanks, maybe and hour and a half to two hours.

Yeah, but I can build a 1000+ piece model in about 3 or so hours. That means it's not really that big of a deal if I destroy something. Plus I've kept every set of instructions from when I first started building, so I can always rebuild things. It would just take longer because I'd have to find all the pieces.

But can you build an 800 piece gearbox? :sly: I really hated that thing, but when I finished, it totally payed off. I should take some pics of all my creations, I only have 3 or 4 major remaining ones.
You could put a huge Motor in that truck by taking 4 of the 2 x 1 hinges and various cans and joiners. 👍
But can you build an 800 piece gearbox? :sly: I really hated that thing, but when I finished, it totally payed off. I should take some pics of all my creations, I only have 3 or 4 major remaining ones.
Of course I can. You should post some pictures of your creations, I'd like to see 'em. :)
I started building this at about 9:00 this morning. It only took about an hour to build the structure, now I've just started filling the inside with stuff. I posted it now because I'm stuck on what to put in the front part of the building. I'm happy with the back (on the inside), but it needs something in the front of the inside of the building.


This is my favorite picture of them all.

I haven't had but about 2 hours to work on it, so I'm sure more ideas will come to me. I would like some outside ideas though.
I started building this at about 9:00 this morning.

Very good, considering it was only a day's work. 👍

It only took about an hour to build the structure, now I've just started filling the inside with stuff.

Looks very nice! :D

I posted it now because I'm stuck on what to put in the front part of the building.

Doors? Windows? Symbols? Writing? etc.

I'm happy with the back (on the inside), but it needs something in the front of the inside of the building.

See above.

I haven't had but about 2 hours to work on it, so I'm sure more ideas will come to me. I would like some outside ideas though.

See above. :dopey:
Of course I can. You should post some pictures of your creations, I'd like to see 'em. :)

I probably will, but the resolution on my webcam is just horrible, so it doesn't really do them justice.
I have two of those sets, well...did. I took them both apart and used them for pieces. Anyway, here is an update on the garage. I added two windows and a door to the front, and now there is only one opening. I think it looks better this way; the old version was pretty plain when I look at it.

Comments still appreciated. :)
Well I'm still stuck on what to put on the inside of the garage, so I decided to build a little panel wagon hot rod looking thing. I guess I'll set it outside the garage along with the old truck when I'm done with all of this stuff.

Comments always appreciated. :)
Me and the family went to Legoland a couple of years ago. (in Southern California) That place is amazing! I think I wanna get that Enzo. As I type my oldest son is playing the Lego Star Wars game on PS2.

Here are some pictures...



Einstiens head


Statue of Liberty

Capital Building

Golden Gate
Aaah, Lego! Some years ago I was a total Lego freak, but I'm more moderated since then.

I've got a nice collection of especially cars, maybe I'll post some pictures from them tomorrow.

List of Boxes I have:
8216, 8230, 8244, 8299
8408, 8437, 8440, 8443, 8448, 8466
8720 (The 'engine' set)
8808, 8810, 8815, 8818, 8828, 8829....

And last but not least: 8880, the one I'm most proud of.

Edit: Here are some pictures.
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