@Dennisch your old skool Technic collection looks fascinating, do you still know what individual sets you had or is it just all in stored together like your pictures? I must try to dig out my first Technic set.
Went on a small scavenger hunt in my parents basement and found a couple of my Lego build sheets :
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Top left of first photo is what I think my first Lego Technics. I think I was 4 or 5 when I got it.
Finally found some time to improve my vintage endurance race car model. Modified nearly everything, the side pods, added headlights, smoothened the cockpit-area, added a completely redesigned rollover-bar, a better (rounder) engine intake, added a racing stripe on the front bodywork. Couple small changes make a lot of difference.
Looks reminiscent of the Renault/Alpine A442. Not sure if that was the intention, but it looks great.
@Dennisch Wow! I'd completely forgotten about the blue excavator. Used to dream of having that as a youngster. Do you still have it?
Can you whack a Chevrolet small block into it?Working on a new project, this is still a veeeery early alpha, but the groundwork has been laid.
70's F1 car, with steering. Fortunately the cockpit turned out really spacious, installing a nice seat should be very easy and there is even room for pedals. I'm not too happy with the side pods yet, need to be a little smoother, the nose too. As I said, early alpha...
I've never owned any Technic pneumatic sets, are they hard to work with/create your own model with? Wish I had a mass of Technic stuff right now, building with it looks addictive! Superb! collection of models man. 👍
Thanks! Can't wait either, I just ordered the 500 parts - which was quite a chore.My word! have to agree, I don't know how or why but that F1 car actually looks even better than the Can-Am/Le mans car next to it. Stunning work! can't wait to see it built in real Lego.
which was quite a chore.
You are a wild man!
Break it apart and rebuilt it. Infinite fun garanteed.I built the GT3RS earlier this year - absolutely loved it.
I'd get more, but just have no room to store them once done.