Do you people think that this year's GT Academy will not have as many participant as in the previous year, especailly with the faulty PS3 that's called YLOD?
No, the YLOD was pretty rare in the grand scheme of things.
It happened to like 1% of PS3's or something, and many of those were still within the warranty period when it happened so they were replaced by Sony free of charge anyway.
To tell you the truth, a lot of people already have the YLOD. And i'm afraid that percentage thing came from those sony's employee faulty claim. Ylod got nothing to do with the percentage, but it gots something to do with the console's age and its badly built machine. My ps2 can last for 20 years plus, the only problem about it is the dust, but it can easily be fixed. I clean and take care my ps3 all the time, and it still ylod on me. The ps3 usually last for 3 years that is when its warranty ends.
To tell you the truth, a lot of people already have the YLOD. And i'm afraid that percentage thing came from those sony's employee faulty claim. Ylod got nothing to do with the percentage, but it gots something to do with the console's age and its badly built machine. My ps2 can last for 20 years plus, the only problem about it is the dust, but it can easily be fixed. I clean and take care my ps3 all the time, and it still ylod on me. The ps3 usually last for 3 years that is when its warranty ends.