Let's demand a "Spec-4" to taste some of GT5


If we know the reason for the March 2010 release we might understand better. What I mean is that was it so they can implement better damage and to all cars and such, or is it because they want to release it far enough so that they could give us spec IV update. Because really, all this seem to be a change of plans. Anything could happen now. Everything that was set a year ago is all scraped and rebuilt. GTPSP was one of the big changes to PD's plan as it was suppose to be worked on after GT5 is done...but Sony otherwise...
I wonder if Kazunori came out between now and March and announce the first true delay of GT5 into sometime in 2010 if the board members here will still take it easy.
There is no such thing as "first true delay" since there was no date to begin with, people take everything they hear or see for granted.
There is no such thing as "first true delay" since there was no date to begin with, people take everything they hear or see for granted.

31st March 2009 is the reported date by US playstation blog for Japan. What I meant was between now and 31st March PD came out saying the game will be delayed, which hence is the first delay after an announced release date of March.
Are you serious ? Why do you want a spec 4. Just play other games and there are lot of good ones coming soon (uncharted 2 MW2...)
I dont think a spec 4 will do Gt5 justice. After looking at some of the videos of TGS the graphics have certainly improved over Gt5:Pro. Updating an "old" build of the game will make no sense at all, especially when by the looks of it gt5 has surpassed it in every concievable way.
Yeah have fun with one of these:


Or one of theseL


But seriously, maybe we could get some GT5p DLC in the mean time. I know they said they were done, but how about throwing us a couple bones.
Considering the new release date information, an update to Prologue with one track and a handful of cars shouldn't be out of the question. 👍
I really hope they do this, I quite enjoy prologue, and having something new to drive/drive one would be great fun. The only thing lacking in prologue is the license test, my little 7 year old brother loves doing those in GT4, and it'd be great to let him do them in the new GT.
About that picture, I have no idea why it's encased in plastic the damn thing has a hybrid X1800/X1900 running about. :odd:

That's the equivalent of me dropping a thick sheet over my computer.
About that picture, I have no idea why it's encased in plastic the damn thing has a hybrid X1800/X1900 running about. :odd:

That's the equivalent of me dropping a thick sheet over my computer.

You make a very good point there LMAO. They shouldn't expect it to live long like that. The air inside would heat up in minutes... :scared:
Not so much for a taste of GT5, but just to keep the natives relatively calm for the next 6 months. Voice comm, and the tracks people have been "demoing" for the last year (Nurburgring, Le Mans, Tokyo) would suffice. Seriously, someone fracked this up and now the PR gurus that SONY have need to get on the ball.
A Spec IV update to GT5P could be the worst idea ever. PD has shown they are incapable of working on multiple projects. If they spent the time to build a Spec IV update to GT5P that will only take away developer time from the full and proper GT5 and delay it yet more. Not to mention it seems that many of the feature sets people are requesting here or have been announced for GT5 don't seem compatible with GT5P's online mode.

PD releasing a GT5 demo, like we have seen in trade shows, is a much better idea and much more likely. I bet a Ferrari f458 vs. the new Merc on the Nordscheife would appease many until March.

In the meantime, there are plenty of racing games on the PS3/PSP to pass the time away. Need for Speed: Shift and GTPSP will suck up 6 months very fast.
I suggest NFS Shift and or GTPSP to qualm you impatience
NO!!1 Not want. I'm even so disinterested in the FW3 demo that I haven't hooked up my 360"Leet" yet.

Those saying it would affect the March release, i'm sure an extra week or so added onto that for a small update is a trade of most of us would take
I'd imagine cobbling in Tokyo and 3 or 4 cars to Prologue, as well as an online build resembling a bit of GT5's would be easily doable in less than a week. Testing would take more time, but devs have testers in a separate team.
Spec 4 would be a nice Christmas present to those of us who don't have interest in GTPSP. One track and a few cars, it would not be a big deal and certainly wouldn't delay things anymore than they are now. I think it would be a nice gesture to the fans who bought Prologue.
Or one of theseL
You didn't get it. It wasn't just about the RROD, it was a console on the display :].
SPEC IV update could be a major advancement.
Don't tease me anymore, let me remain calm! ; )

I already stated my opinion regarding an update and I stand by it - it would certainly calm the GT fans a bit and would show that PD aren't detached from us. And I simply want a new track to enjoy the split screen on, constant racing on Suzuka/Fuji GT/Fuji F is getting quite monotonous!
A specIV could mean more work for PD....so my final answer is I DON'T WANT IT


PD showed a demo at gamescom and tgs (actually 2 different demos) so why don't use it NOW? Just call it Gran Turismo 5 Concept and put it on the Playstation Store! I'd be happy with that.
We can demand for a spec 4 as much as we want over here. Whether something really comes out only depends on PD.

And I also do not think we are in any position to "demand" anything from PD. They are the producers, we are the consumers. They know that even with the delay, and no spec 4, we will still go buy the game. Its just the way life is.
I think a spec 4 is in order since they are holding out for another 6 months.

On the plus side I can farm some cars off of the psp.
If anything, updatewise for Prologue, I would love to have the Nürburgring Nordschleife added to the track roster and i think i would be happy. It was playable awhile back wasn't it or in Japans version of Prologue... I'm probably wrong in saying this :crazy: .

I have NFS: Shift and hopefully Supercar Challenge soon (if EBGames ever gets it) to hold me off.... for awhile
Never mind spec 4, how about they fix the online so I do not keep getting errors!!

Anyway, did you all not hear? Spec 4 is on it's way, no official release date yet, though rumour has it, Q2 2010! lol

Seriously though, if PD's intentions were a 09 release but now has been put back, then an update for prologue could be on the cards.