The monday morning quarter backs can debate endlessly about the need to drop the bomb . By western standards Japan was devastated they had no oil hardly enough food to subsist and starvation was a problem no natural resources , no more navy . hardly a city had not been bombed and tokyo was a burned crispy hulk of wasteland . The US could have stayed off shore and lobbed shells and continued to bomb the rubble till WHEN ?
Japan WAS NOT A DEFEATED NATION . They knew the war was lost when the first b 29 s appeared over their Island and their navy was destroyed in the Phillipines . It took hitler till the Russians were at his friggin cellar door entrabce to kill himself and for Germany to admit defeat . BUT ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU EXPECT A NATION WILLING TO TURN PLANES INTO SUICIDE BOMBERS TO SURRENDER ? Are you friggin NUTS ? They refused to surrender unconditionaly they were given chances but THOSE IN POWER the people who could end the war WOULD NOT YEILD .
The people of Japan were prepared to litter the island with their bodies . Anyone who has studied the war in the Pacific should know this . You cannot take a small slice of history ...a small period ...and base your opinion on it you must look at the whole picture .
The US had already fought for years at great sacrifice and was looking at a casualty toll of anything from 500,000 to more than a million DEAD . To take Japan in an invasion . Do you think that after ever inch of Japan sufferred the same type and worse fighting as Iwo and Okinowa that the people of Japan and the people of the US would have come to the same type of understanding as they did after the A bomb ? If you do you are a delusional fool and are only looking to shape your opinion based on a preconcieved notion of what you think should have happened . And what about the Russians ? What would it have cost to get them out of Japan ? and what about the soldiers and the sailors in the feild that had fought for years and wanted to go home . They had to stay in for the most part till the war was over or until they died or were so screwed up they had to be sent home . And how about the cost to keep an army as large as the US feilded active and in preperation for an invasion and a blockade if Japan wouldnt surrender after what how many months or years of blockade and bombardment ? How many Japenese would have died during that time ?
Do you guys think about anything or just read crap and say " this looks good I'll go with this one " ? The US had invested trillions in a weapon to end a horrible war what would the people of the US had done to the fool who did not use it to end the war and stop the slaughter of American Marines sailors soldiers and airmen ? Do you really think Truman or any other american president was not answerable to the people ? The bombs risked only the crews of two friggin planes to end the war . Not hundreds of thousands of US service men . IT was well worth the cost and the results . It saved millions of lives of both Japenes and American and British and even friggin Russians . It saved a situation like Korea and Berlin from Japan . It saved Japan to become the nation it is today because of the insight of Gen McArthur and his treatment of a former enemy . None if it would have happened after a bloodbath of an invasion and bloody conquring . Or a protracted and horrible seige and bombardment .
These are the same idiots that insisted that air forces alone could win wars . And Leahy is just saying we could have won without the bomb ...hell WE WERE winning any fool knows that...except the Japenese did not share his opinion . And guess what........ they count . Almost would have only took a few hundred more thousand casualties to be totaly defeated case you have not looked this fact up thats how you win if the other side wont surrender . Alot of these articles have the benifit of what we found out to be true after the war about both the bombs and the conditions in Japan . They are not based on what we knew or understood at the time and even those that claim to be still suffer from the authors bias from what was discovered after the fact .
And here is a very concise article about why the bombing was not (strategically) necessary:
And so from November 1944 onward, Japan was the subject of numerous large-scale B-29 non-nuclear bombing raids (Robert Butow, Japan's Decision To Surrender, pg. 41). When Air Force chief General Hap Arnold asked in June 1945 when the war was going to end, the commander of the B-29 raids, General Curtis LeMay, told him September or October 1945, because by then they would have run out of industrial targets to bomb (Sherry, pg. 300 & 410(143n)).
While Japan was being bombarded from the sky, a Naval blockade was strangling Japan's ability to import oil and other vital materials and its ability to produce war materials (Barton Bernstein, ed., The Atomic Bomb, pg. 54). Admiral William Leahy, the Chief of Staff to President Roosevelt and then to President Truman, wrote, "By the beginning of September [1944], Japan was almost completely defeated through a practically complete sea and air blockade." (William Leahy, I Was There,
Let me know what you find in your " very consise article " that answers the questions I pose above . When you make a decision that " its wrong to drop Atomic bombs " and then go in search of reasons to justify your opinion you get articles like that . Its called bias . I prefer objectivity . I prefer to see both sides ....hell all twenty one sides of the argument .
read it..... all sides of the argument are in there . I have about 33 more but these should do . I have read them all .
Transferred from the london bombing thread . This subject comes up at the oddest times .