Let's see those desktops (rev 4.0)

  • Thread starter Sage
I love how everyone has xp or a mac except me. good old windows millenium :lol:. this use to be the family computer so theres a couple things on there that are completely useless to me.


Get into the 21st Century, dude!

lol. its actually fully upgraded for memory. 512mb of ram woo hoo :lol:. I wish i could "get into the 21st century" but i like to spend the little money i ever get on other things and with the upgraded memory its pretty fast for what it is. my internet browser is actually a little bit faster than my dads (he has an xp) probably because i use firefox and still uses interent explorer.
well, i got a new background. its the background that GT4_Rule showed in this thread before of the Granville Street bridge here in Vancouver.

i also decided to use the max resolution of my screen now after suffering some stuck pixels, which are now gone: 1280 by 1024 👍
