Let's see those desktops (rev 4.0)

  • Thread starter Sage
Jeez, you people and your damn 5:4 monitor sizes. Come on! Get a 4:3! Or even better, get a widescreen, like I can't do. Have you ever seen a television in 5:4? If you have, you should have detroyed it on the spot.

It's not great, but it will do until I get Vista
Jeez, you people and your damn 5:4 monitor sizes. Come on! Get a 4:3! Or even better, get a widescreen, like I can't do. Have you ever seen a television in 5:4? If you have, you should have detroyed it on the spot.

I care why? 1024 x 768 looks like ass on my monitor and the 100 x 100 avs here take up 1/4 of my screen! Don't even ask about widescreen.

1440*900=1296000 pixels.
1280*1024=1310720 pixels.
1280*1024 wins!

Nice fact.

But they havn't posted yet, so I still win. ;)

Actually, Z wins. :P
@ diablomonkey, got the 'screenshots' from Gamespot (the rear and front view are seperate), photoshopped them together along with the GT HD myself.
So your family bought a total of three Macs in the course of a year!? Enjoy your iMac. It's a fine machine ;)

A new background:

It's one of my friends playing some beer pong.
Beer Pong FTW!!

That's actually a pretty cool picture, dougie. I just can't believe you were taking pictures instead of playing!
Beer Pong FTW!!

That's actually a pretty cool picture, dougie. I just can't believe you were taking pictures instead of playing!

Don't worry, I played earlier in the night. I'm more of a flippy cup kind of guy, though, since it's a bit faster paced. Beer pong drags on forever.

BTW, I had to sit on the loft of a barn-shaped shed (yeah, central Illinois, where else would we have a party?) to get this angle. The picture actually came out pretty bad due to the poor lighting and my mediocre photography skills, hence the heavy GIMPing.