Let's see those desktops (rev 4.0)

  • Thread starter Sage
something weird has been happening...i have y'z dock, and for some reason some programs open for no reason....anyone else experiencing this who has y'z dock?
Damn all of you and your Windows Vista. I will catch-up one of these days!!!

...Anyway, big surprise on my computer: There is actually a FoMoCo product on the desktop...


Dunno, I like the look. Especially after seeing the car in Chicago.

I like it. Easy, looks good. I like the way my icons are set.

I will have Vista Ultimate in a couple weeks. My Corsair memory is going to be ordered tomorrow.
...I wants the Vista sooo bad. My choices are either to upgrade my PC (needs more memory, better graphics card... But my CPU is still good, a 3200+ AMD XP) or buy a new one altogether. But to be honest, a new HDTV comes first... We'll see I suppose...
Damn! I running behind again.

The other week:





(Tuesday was a holiday :D)

And last week:






Back up to date, I hope...
Heres my desktop. Pretty much the same as my last post, but with a few widgets, which I find to be pretty nifty.

Why would you need the clock widget? You have a timer on your taskbar to your right all the time.

That's what I don't get, people who use widgets and Vista, have those kinds of clocks, when they already have the clock on the right. Unbelievable.
Why would you need the clock widget? You have a timer on your taskbar to your right all the time.

That's what I don't get, people who use widgets and Vista, have those kinds of clocks, when they already have the clock on the right. Unbelievable.

The clock widget/gadget/desklet can be used to keep track of another region's time. So yes, it does have a "useful" purpose.
Why would you need the clock widget? You have a timer on your taskbar to your right all the time.

That's what I don't get, people who use widgets and Vista, have those kinds of clocks, when they already have the clock on the right. Unbelievable.

Jacky Fitness can't read digital time so he needs the analogue clock clock. Oh and thats not Vista.
Why would you need the clock widget? You have a timer on your taskbar to your right all the time.

That's what I don't get, people who use widgets and Vista, have those kinds of clocks, when they already have the clock on the right. Unbelievable.

Its becuz wigets r teh new trend yo.
I once used widgets. Then I noticed that the amount of memory used by them (regardless of how much you have) far outweighs any benefits they bring.