Let's see those desktops (rev 4.0)

  • Thread starter Sage
I knew there was a reason I've been saving this wallpaper.

How do you get that top toolbar on Vista?

I use Objectdock in that screenshot... As Addict3d stated up there, better use Rocketdock as it's lighter.

Sorry for the really late reply and I see you got it there ;)👍
Addict3d it looks like you have the line StringEffect=Shadow in your notes config, I'd suggest removing it for a much cleaner and more readable look.


I absolutely love Candybar, it's one of the best customization software I've ever used. Bowtie is a brilliant little app too.
I finally got around to using a fully Gaia09 equipped desktop. No fancy Rainmeter stuff this time, keeping it clean and slick is what makes this skin look best:


Congrats on the Macbook Sweetshop, good to see you customizing that rig already :P

Congrats on the Macbook Sweetshop, good to see you customizing that rig already :P

Lovely desktop Bram, the Gaia Suite really is amazing.

You may of noticed I have a Windows Partition so I'm not completely done with XP customization. There isn't much going for Mac customization yet, Snow Leopard has completely changed the way it deals with themes so most of the free apps and skins are still being worked on.

The Gaia bunch are currently making a Snow Leopard skin which I think looks amazing, once it's done I'll be one of the first to download it for sure.
The wallpaper changes each minute. I tried to keep it simple and usable, and compiz's addons really do help at that.


  • Ekranattels.jpg
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My all time favourite car! In my favourite colour too!

No Way!

My new lappy comes within the week (or two) and I was eying that exact shot for its maiden wallpaper! So much for being orginal - I guess I turn to the other one I was eying up....
two mins later.... someone else posts your plan B haha

Then we'd go onto plan C, which is my own work. And if I see people who have wallpapers of my shots who I havn't given permission to do so, or a large copy too, umma slam them for stealing. :dopey:
Does SixtyForce and VisualBoy Advance run smooth? I'd love to download them when I have my Mac in a few days time. Add to that Pair up my PS3 controller, awesome times to be had when bored.

I'm sure you've already found out by now, but...

SixtyForce runs pretty smooth on my MBP, but it hasn't been updated in a long time, and has low compatibility with games compared to Project64. There's a version of Project64 in a Wine wrapper that works pretty well over at portingteam.com

And VisualBoyAdvance runs very well.
No Way!

My new lappy comes within the week (or two) and I was eying that exact shot for its maiden wallpaper! So much for being orginal - I guess I turn to the other one I was eying up....

Haha. The urge to get some cars on my desktop was too much!

I'm sure you've already found out by now, but...

SixtyForce runs pretty smooth on my MBP, but it hasn't been updated in a long time, and has low compatibility with games compared to Project64. There's a version of Project64 in a Wine wrapper that works pretty well over at portingteam.com

And VisualBoyAdvance runs very well.

I've been using VisualBoy Advance since I got my MB and it does run very smooth. Thanks for the info on Sixtyforce and Project64 though. 👍
I've been using VisualBoy Advance since I got my MB and it does run very smooth. Thanks for the info on Sixtyforce and Project64 though. 👍

Ooh, forgot one very important piece of information on Sixtyforce: Unless you pay to register it (or get someone else's registration key... ;)) , don't expect to be able to save your game in any way.

It's really annoying. I remember when I was first trying to use it, getting 8 stars in Mario 64 only to later find my saved game gone upon relaunching it. At first I thought maybe it was just an emulation glitch with the game, so I tried a few other games and had the same problem. So I checked the website for info on the problem and discovered that it's an intentional gimping for non-registered users. Needless to say, I solved the problem shortly after.