Let's see those desktops (rev 4.0)

  • Thread starter Sage
So I kinda like to play racing games sometimes..... :lol:

Nice! 👍 How did you get those game covers along the bottom?, i'd like to be able to launch my games like that. :)

Thanks :cheers: I used Rocketdock and about 5 minutes of google searching to get covers. Then a few more minutes of Photoshop work to ensure all covers are the same dimensions.
I think I have way too much stuff on my desktop:ouch: But that's where I do all my modding work, and store my new profile pics for uploading to all my web accounts:dopey:


My wallpapers are all from FlightSim X, they change every 10 seconds:D


The first picture is what it looks like normally, the second is to show RocketDock and the Task bar when I mouse over them.
I don't like icons cluttering up my desktop.

And the picture, well, that changes from time to time, this just happens to be my current choice.

And for my Motorola Droid;

I made that myself out of this;

I think I have way too much stuff on my desktop:ouch: But that's where I do all my modding work, and store my new profile pics for uploading to all my web accounts:dopey:


My wallpapers are all from FlightSim X, they change every 10 seconds:D

Do you move things there intentionally, or do you do what I use to do and always think to yourself "I'll move it off the desktop later" until your desktop is completely covered in icons.
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Do you move things there intentionally, or do you do what I use to do and always think to yourself "I'll move it off the desktop later" until your desktop is completely covered in icons.

I do that intentionally as I find it easier to work on the desktop itself:guilty:

I've done some cleanup work though, as I won't be touching those for quite some time now:sly: