Yes, my vision ain't what it used to be. I need to wear glasses, but often don't. I don't look good with glasses. Some of you may pull it off, but I don't.
Now, I don't mind wearing glasses while in the house. Especially while watching TV, or whatnot. But, while I'm on the computer, I also watch TV. My HDTV set is my computer monitor. Have you ever used a TV set as a computer monitor? It's horrible. But, I didn't want to use a seperate monitor, because I know I would never use it.
So, my HDTV has a unique split screen feature that allows me to both watch TV and use it as a computer at the same time.
Like this.... My internet viewing is on a TV screen about the size of a 20" TV, when I watch TV at the same time, which is very hard to read from my distance, which is 8 feet away. So, you try using you computer, on a 20" TV set, while sitting 8 feet away, and see how you guys like it! Thank God I have 'zoom' mode on my HDTV set, or I wouldn't be able to read this **** at all!
Damn it, the picture wont show. So, right click on it, click 'properties' copy the address and insert to your address bar.