Let's see those desktops (rev 4.0)

  • Thread starter Sage
It's too bad some of you guys have resource problems with it. Never had a problem with it.

It uses resources on top of what M$'s wasteful GUI already does.... WB is an unnecessary resource user, plain and simple.
I can only use .theme files, not wba ones( so I could use the vista theme)
I think you are confusing 3 things here.

Themes, Visual Styles and Windowblinds.

Windowblinds is a program I'm sure you know about, but it has no relevance to the other two. Visual Styles are native XP styles. There's no need for Windowblinds, StyleXP or any of that other crap to be installed in order to use visual styles. They can simply be changed from the display properties. Themes are a saved wallpaper/visual style combination.

Now, the thing about visual styles is Microsoft locked out unofficial (read: non-Microsoft) styles. Which means on a plain vanilla install of XP, you can't apply any pretty styles unless they're digitally signed by Microsoft themself. This 'lockout' is performed by the uxtheme.dll. By patching this DLL, any third-party visual style can be used.

The visual styles are placed in C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes\<vis style name>. So, if you have a visual style called MyStyle.msstyle (.msstyle is the extension for vis styles), you'd place it in \Resources\Themes\MyStyle\. Then, all you have to do is double-click the msstyle and I'm sure you can figure the rest out.

It uses resources on top of what M$'s wasteful GUI already does.... WB is an unnecessary resource user, plain and simple.

Still don't understand why you're acting like you know what my computer's resources are. :odd:
What he's saying is that Windowsblinds uses a lot of memory, cpu and is just a huge waste of these resources. It's really not that hard to understand it. That's why he uses the theme patcher, because it doesn't use as many resources as windowsblinds, therefore it allows you to do other tasks at the same time at a faster rate, saving time. :)

<Will add a new desktop from that sexy site Shannon posted>
Still don't understand why you're acting like you know what my computer's resources are. :odd:

What he's saying is that Windowsblinds uses a lot of memory, cpu and is just a huge waste of these resources. It's really not that hard to understand it. That's why he uses the theme patcher, because it doesn't use as many resources as windowsblinds, therefore it allows you to do other tasks at the same time at a faster rate, saving time. :)

<Will add a new desktop from that sexy site Shannon posted>

Well, kind of what Dodge said, with the addition of this:
explorer.exe (windows' gui) -or-
explorer.exe (windows' gui) + windowblinds' gui overlay

Simple math could tell you that Windowblinds on top of your windows gui takes more resources than a patched uxtheme.dll. I don't have to run a secondary program (which requires resources) to get the desired effect with my windows themes. You can't seriously be that dense... :scared:
Toyomatt, Dodge, stop acting like you know what my computer's resources are. Jesus, give it up.
Let me try and use an example:
Guy walks upto me, has 500 pancakes. Now, he can only eat two, so after he fills himself up he still has 498 pancakes. Another man also walks upto me, he has 500 pancakes as well, however he can only eat one. So he eats his pancake, and he has 499 pancakes left.

What am I getting at? They both still had 498-499 pancakes left, so they didn't "run out of pancakes" or start running short, no, they had plenty of pancakes. However, the guy that ate 2 pancakes undeniably ate more than the man that ate one, but they were both full after their meals, and therefore what they ate produced the same results (ie., they were both full, or they both had a visual style displayed).

Point being, you could have the fastest computer in the world, but that doesn't change one freaking thing about how much of it you're using to display a visual style.
Toyomatt, Dodge, stop acting like you know what my computer's resources are. Jesus, give it up.

Your really stupid.

Sorry to go off topic, but I have to learn this guy something...

We don't know "what" your computer's resources are (as it's really hard to define such a thing), but we DO know that EVERY program that runs on your computer uses up resources. Especially things like WindowsBlinds that leave the Windows GUI on (which uses a fair amount of resources) then overlaps it with your custom one (which uses a high amount of resources). Therefore, by running WindowsBlinds, your almost doubling the resources your system theme uses. The more resources 1 program uses, the slower all the others go. Your computer only has so many usable resources, and if it runs out, your screwed deep.

Now if you think i'm lying, do this:

Run WindowsBlinds, then open up Photoshop (if applicable), some other programs that run in the background, then fire up a game like Half-Life 2, CS:S, CS:CZ or any other somewhat advanced game. Then come back and tell us how the performance in the game goes.

See, the more resources 1 thing uses, the more it absorbs from other programs, especially if it's higher priority. We don't know "what" your resources are (what a stupid accusation....it doesn't even make sense), but we do know what uses more resources than others.