Let's see those desktops (rev 4.0)

  • Thread starter Sage

Can I have the original, Lino and PLmatt? Please? :)
Well, I also have 2 PCs

this is my main one

and this is what is normally displayed on my other
Wow, Dizzy. You can run Mac and Windows!? That's some mad "skillzorz" or whatever the cool kids say.
And I am sad to say, that I will be joining the Mac camp soonish, as soon as I save up the $$$ for notebook of the breed.

*grumbles sour bitterness directed at Final Cut Pro*
No Goose, don't do it! Just use Windows Movie Maker! :P Getting a MacBook Pro?

* I'm not an Audi R10 fan, but this shot looks good.

What's your resolution? The original is huge and probably won't upload. I'll give you an edited version, or if you really want the original I can email it to you.

Ew. Vista beta.

OS betas are a big no-no. They just lead to frustration and problems.

Vista is your friend. Vista just wants to help you. Vista loves you.
And I am sad to say, that I will be joining the Mac camp soonish, as soon as I save up the $$$ for notebook of the breed.

*grumbles sour bitterness directed at Final Cut Pro*
Sweet! Just be sure to talk to Sage when you get your Mac. ;)
Ew. Vista beta.

OS betas are a big no-no. They just lead to frustration and problems.

I think he's just testing it out, and not using it as his primary OS.