Let's see those desktops!

  • Thread starter Jordan
Originally posted by LoudMusic
Please tell me your desktops are higher resolution than that! I mean, sheesh! Jordan, didn't you just get a new computer? And I know you've got a 19" Trinitron monitor that can do 1600 x 1200. Crank it up bro!

Haha! Calm down, calm down. :D Actually, my new PC can do 1800x1440. Extremely high resolutions look great, but I find 1280x1024 offers the best text readability/desktop size ratio. Any smaller than that, it strains my eyes, and I don't want that. :) I am suprised how cluttered some desktops are...I keep Internet Explorer (although I may switch My Computer out with IE), My Documents, and the Recycle Bin on-screen, but no more.

Jordan and NocturnalPS: What's that "ZA" icon in your system trays?
Viper Zero, that's Zone Alarm. And, the two little computers are my dial-up connection status (and you have no idea know how much I would like to get rid of them... :mad: :shakehead).
I'm using a laptop so its res. is as high as it can go.


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Originally posted by Jordan
Very nice active desktop, Ghost. ;) :cool:
I love the Active Desktop that LoadMusic made for us. I really can't wait for the update that you guys are working on. :) ;)
how do you post them? aww screw it, my dad's thick headed and doesn't want me to change the desktop, so we have the stock dell desktop...
Here's mine, yea it's small, I had to fit it in the limits, but it gives you the general idea:


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I've been using LM's desktop for a while now. It's pretty slick. However, I may be moving to a HALO themed desktop in anticipation of it's release on PC. Also, I just recently moved to dual moniters. It's super slick. Unfortunately, their not the same size. Maybe if I pick up a few dollars I'll change that.

Anyways, you can see it here.

Nexus Maelstrom
You aint seen a cluttered desktop!

I like to use plain colours etc...

Occasionally I have a weeee picture!

I have lots of nice Macrmedia, Adobe and Corel programs.............and no they aren't cracked!

Damn look it my next post for the attachment!
Originally posted by Nexus Maelstrom
I've been using LM's desktop for a while now. It's pretty slick. However, I may be moving to a HALO themed desktop in anticipation of it's release on PC. Also, I just recently moved to dual moniters. It's super slick. Unfortunately, their not the same size. Maybe if I pick up a few dollars I'll change that.

Anyways, you can see it here.

Nexus Maelstrom
Here you go here is my desktop.... I run my screen at 1024 x 768.

Like the blue?

heres the colours.......

Hue 141
Sat 115
Lum 105

Red 58
Green 110
Blue 165

Originally posted by gigo
Here you go here is my desktop.... I run my screen at 1024 x 768.

Like the blue?

heres the colours.......

Hue 141
Sat 115
Lum 105

Red 58
Green 110
Blue 165

Nice and simple! :) I like the way your icons are lined up. :thumbsup:
Originally posted by Jordan
Nice and simple! :) I like the way your icons are lined up. :thumbsup:

Why thank you.

I like to keep my leisure time/casual programs on the left.......and the mainly used and my favourite on the right.

By the way this isn't really my computer.....It's the families but I just use it the most :) and set it up and fix it!
I would if my internet decided to work at home sometime and yes I can't be bothered to take it into to work and do it this is considered a long ting
Originally posted by Y2TUSCAN
This is my ever moving work desktop
nice huh
I'm afraid nothing is showing up in your post, Y2TUSCAN. :(
Here's my latest one, from DigitalBlasphemy.com of course (you might have to right-click it and then select "Show Picture") :

Originally posted by ViperConcept
How would I show you my desktop? I would like to shatre it with you but how do I get it to here?
It's explained in my first post, VC. :)
heres mine,i made it with the paint program,and now its sweet cause i edited the colors with ifranveiw :D


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Hey Dess' whats the folder on your desktop called, it starts with P ends with N and is a 4 letter word!

(Bottom Right Corner Beside Viper Folder)