Level 50 Club

  • Thread starter ChrisWAFC
I'm the only semi-active member in my club. Its level 29.
Only me and my friend are on it from time to time, the other 4 members play other games.

It consists of a:

LVL 50 - Me
LVL 41 - My IRL friend
LVL 40
LVL 20somethin
LVL 15
LVL 10

Of course I made the club for fun, also online play is quite boring and filled with dirty drivers, I daresay even dirtier than Driveclub's braindead AI.
LVL 50 - Me
LVL 26 - My bro's account, on which I play more than him
LVL 30 - My club which consists of me and my bro's account (shows how much I play this game haha)
I'm almost at level 47; give me strength GTPlanet... :nervous:

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My first post, I'm level 50 and some where in the 5000 range on the leaderboards but can't unlock platinum. The trophy where I send out 5 challenges isn't popping ?? Any ideas guys?
I'm pretty close just got a few trophys left. need level 50(currently 49) need the 5 challenges one and the credit where it's due one.
I'm pretty close just got a few trophys left. need level 50(currently 49) need the 5 challenges one and the credit where it's due one.
Yeah the five challenges one is the only one I need to pop. Add me on psn and we could exchange challenges to each other where we deliberately fail each other's and see if it pops then? Psn : hitch1up
Yeah the five challenges one is the only one I need to pop. Add me on psn and we could exchange challenges to each other where we deliberately fail each other's and see if it pops then? Psn : hitch1up
That trophy glitch was meant to have been fixed with the last patch - previously you had to be online when the challenges expired. Alternatively you could always send them to another account on your PS4.
I'm up to level 49; all I need to do is hit level 50 and I'll have platinum!

Strangely enough, I got the "Credit Where It's Due" trophy before hitting level 50, although I did grind for it.
That trophy glitch was meant to have been fixed with the last patch - previously you had to be online when the challenges expired. Alternatively you could always send them to another account on your PS4.
Never thought of another account on my ps4, thanks! Yeah when I got the last update I sent 20+ challenges to players who I knew wouldn't be online but still no pop. I think I will try the other account.
Never thought of another account on my ps4, thanks! Yeah when I got the last update I sent 20+ challenges to players who I knew wouldn't be online but still no pop. I think I will try the other account.
No worries, you will need to do those challenges on your other account for them to count though. The plus point is that you can do it all within an hour (half-hour is possible, but it might be tight)
When did the levels get increased ? What's the new cap ?
Level cap has not yet been increased, though your account still shows accrued fame above Lvl 50. Evolution have said they're going to increase the level cap but have not said how they're going to implement it or when they are going to. In the meantime, I'm carrying on grinding for personal Accolades and Club Fame and Accolades. As pressing is adding the 8 missing car manufacturers to Driver/Club records/accolades (currently affecting 13 cars). Also, with the upcoming replay update, increasing the number of car paint jobs to at least 8 and, even more importantly, the number of Accolade badges you can put on your car, to at least 12, is a must…What's the point of earning them if you can't put them on your car?…(rhetorical question).
When did the levels get increased ? What's the new cap ?
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Level cap has not yet been increased, though your account still shows accrued fame above Lvl 50. Evolution have said they're going to increase the level cap but have not said how they're going to implement it or when they are going to. In the meantime, I'm carrying on grinding for personal Accolades and Club Fame and Accolades. As pressing is adding the 8 missing car manufacturers to Driver/Club records/accolades (currently affecting 13 cars). Also, with the upcoming replay update, increasing the number of car paint jobs to at least 8 and, even more importantly, the number of Accolade badges you can put on your car, to at least 12, is a must…what's the point of earning them if you can't put them on your car?…(rhetorical question).
…What's the point of earning them if you can't put them on your car?…(rhetorical question).
Okay, rhetorical question aside - you can change the paint jobs whenever you like, explore them and the multiple colour combinations available. I rarely keep a paint job for more than a few days.
Okay, rhetorical question aside - you can change the paint jobs whenever you like, explore them and the multiple colour combinations available. I rarely keep a paint job for more than a few days.
Just saying…that seeing as though the Accolade badges are so small, it'd be nice to be able to have more that 4 max on any one paint job. Also, it'd be nice to have an 'Apply accolade badge selection to all paint jobs' button. Currently you have to set them all up individually.
...seeing as though the Accolade badges are so small, it'd be nice to be able to have more that 4 max on any one paint job...
Personally, I think that'd look too messy with more than four, or like a WWII fighter plane's kill-marks.