Why only a max cap of level 50 for car collection?

  • Thread starter isamu
That's my thought on it to.
PD were more or less forced to release the game unfinished.

Which sucks because this could be an amazing game but right now... its an incomplete mess
Its just that their decision making and resource management is utterly moronic.

PD/Kaz logic - Add VG cars and GR1 sure. Make content races championships for them, Nope.
I've been level 50 collector for a couple weeks now, and I felt the same about it. It's meaningless, provides no rewards past a few outfit type options and some helmets early on and then unlocks some of the other events. It's utterly pointless.

Such a missed opportunity. Like many other aspects of the game. Maybe they'll do something about it in the future. But they have a lot of work ahead of them to make improvements, which fortunately they have been starting to do, but we're a ways out from any sort of improvement to this terribly implemented leveling system.