Life After Sundown: Responsible Nightlife

  • Thread starter JohnBM01


21 years!
United States
Houston, Texas, USA
It's life after sundown, folks! A new "series" I wanted to start to talk about nightlife. And since this is an Opinion thread, it will mean that you are to provide a certain opinion about a certain issue. The issue in this case is in the subtitle, "Responsible Nightlife." Ever hear in the news about people getting into fights at nightclubs? Fatal shootings outside of afterhour clubs? Nightlife can be pretty fun, but also pretty danger. I think a month or two ago, the City of Houston wanted to do something about afterhours night clubs. So some dancers at high-dollar clubs had to sport ID. But this topic is about nightlife and what can be done to make things better. Allow me to start.

I can recall when the Houston Rockets won the NBA title in 1994. When I was living at these apartments, I heard people outside firing guns into the air just outside of our apartment. And, it shocked me because I couldn't believe people would fire bullets into the air. That's enough for someone to get hurt or worse- die. Thankfully, no one I know here in Houston was ever killed or hurt during going to a club or bar. I attended a nightclub only once in my life. It was a belated birthday gift when I turned 20 last year. Before local radio station 104.1 KRBE used to do six hours of commercial-free electronica and hip-hop at Club Roxy (in the shadow of the Houston Galleria shopping center), I was at the club all dressed up. I didn't get any girls (damn! Always happens to me!), but I was kind of enjoying my experience. The beats pulsating (the name of the Saturday Night show was called "The Beat," by the way. It's now done at a place called "Surf Shack" here), and I was having fun. It was a cool experience, but I'm thankful nothing chaotic happened. Only bad moments were my bad dancing and that when I tried to shake someone's hand, his drink dropped.

Life after sundown. Responsible nightlife. Acheiving responsibility. Your reply. Please.
I go clubbing quite a bit, but I know better then to head to shaddy clubs. I really like to enjoy a night club, its nice to meet some people and just dance. I love to liquid dance and I usally get attention while at a club.
Eh, my night life is getting together with some buds and play poker or shoot the breeze. If it's light out when we play we'll take a break and shoot hoops, but seeing as none of us can get into clubs, and only about 50% can drive, we just hang out at our houses.
So, any answers about the crazy people who daresay threaten the nightlife fun of others? I don't think such nighttime gatherings at clubs and bars are wrong. My thing is that I often hear a lot about such late night violence. And it doesn't have to be late Saturday nights going into early morning Sunday (like the typing of my reply in my respective timezone). I just think that if people are going to have fun out at night, at least do it sanely and not get caught up in someone else's anger (or stupidity, because there are always those people who love to hate you like you're the worst person alive. Believe me. It's happened to me several times in the 21 years, 7.75 months of my life.

Anyhow, if the freaks come out at night as an old school rap song went, how can we legislate or police such people and such actions?
The reason why you only hear about the bad things is because the news doesn't like reporting positive things (with the exception of things like "Lance Armstrong wins 6 in a row!") because it doesn't sell. Frankly, I'm suprised that people still watch the news. I only pay attention to the international news (via ) and the local weather. Occasionally, I'll see how the stock market is doing (More often than not by checking my stock values.)

Back to the original topic:

Parents, you gotta love 'em, but they sometimes make it all to easy to be fed up with them. A 12.00 curfew sucks, and I've only broken it once, and that was by between 20 and 30 minutes. So night-life at my house simply doesn't happen except on the very rare occasion. When I do go doing anything late at night, I end up hanging out with friends that are responsible, mostly because they're the only real ones I consider my friends. I'm not one to go out binge drinking, and club owners aren't too friendly to people 17 years of age, as they should be when its' business hours for them (No need to get in trouble with the law, is there?) After writing all of this, I'm still lost as to what you ment by "acheiving responsibility," do you mean staying smart? If so, that's the only way to go. I can't imagine it would be any fun to wake up with a hangover and find yourself in the dog house for driving drunk while coming home from the club, end up hitting another car, and manage to seriously hurt that other person while you only get a scratch on the forehead.