read the ****ING IN GAME DESCRIPTION it even says a lower # will cause understeer due to it being locked
Lower value = locked diff. You are lowering the sensitivity to torque difference. This means the diff locks as soon as there is a tiny difference in torque. You can test this by doing a burnout with one side of the car on the grass. At 5 the car will go in a straight line, and at 60 it will immediately pull off the track.
Thank you. Easy to figure out, no? They seem to have a looooot of trouble with it.
Thats also exactly what it does in real life.
Initial Torque is the amount of torque necessary to activate the LSD
^ right there buds. higher amount means it takes more torque to activate smartypants.
Either way like I said, Im done, and Im right.
I think that's it Dave. It's hardly surprising that there's so much confusion - there's numerous references to "higher" or "stronger" settings in the game's description, but actually lower numbers = a "stronger", tighter diff. Why it behaves the way it does, I really don't know.![]()
you can't disagree with the results I have. Results are Results. This is what happens in game and this is what I am going with.
Lol but they arent wrong, its you and everyone else who thinks they are right who are the wrong ones. None of you even know how a LSD works in real life obviously.
In game clearly says that lower = more lock and higher = less lock while the sensitivity is a variable in the equation to calculate when the LSD kicks in.
Initial Torque ----
Apart from cornering where limited-slip is fully applied, it also slightly limits slip in the differential at other times. The force applied to the limited-slip in advanced is called the initial torque. It is possible to change the handling of the car by changing it's initial torque. Increasing the initial torque increases the response when initial-slip is active, but makes the car harder to turn. On the other hand, a weak initial torque makes the car easier to turn but reduces the response of the limited-slip.
There is absolutely no reason they should have inverted this in GT5.
And besides that.. my results PROVE ME RIGHT along with this definition! Believe what you want, but don't hate.
Yet that definition is from the previous game though and I see what you mean Ive looked it up dont worry but its not the same in this game obviously.
Just look at my last post and you will probably agree with me.
You guys do realize you're trying to reason with a kid, who's entire argument is based on: "Because it says so in the help menu!!11one!!1"
Results are Results. Results don't lie.
The description is flawed.
Im not a kid and my argument is based on how it actually is, through lots of testing and thats how it says it is in the help menu, why would they have the help menu completely opposite of what it actually is?
Either way I know how it works and most people in here dont so Im fine with that, pulling off 57 second HSR laps in my Speed 12 right now after all the testing Ive done today because I turned the initial torque up to 30 so it DOESNT LOCK as much around corners
You can have fun with your one tire fire and poor diff settings though.
Your results are flawed though because you are trying to say it gets one tire fire with Low Initial Torque when it doesnt at all, and is the complete opposite getting one tire fire at High Initial Torque.
Anyway Id like to say thanks for the constructive criticism throughout the day and that is has helped me a nice amount. Ive been setting Initial Torque at 30~ now instead of 10~ to help me take corners better. Helping a lot not having it lock up on corner exit under heavy throttle![]()
Yeah but what you dont realize is how it works in game. Having it set at 5 (like I said, the highest) is like having a 95% lock LSD and having it set at 60 (like I said, the lowest) is like having a 40% lock LSD.
I'm sorry. 60 is 'higher' than 5.
fkc off. You're wrong. admit it.
Do you not realize what you're saying?
Why would ANY lsd have a 60% lock on it, that is rediculous, 95% is way more realistic for a maximum and 40% for a minimum, as opposed to 60% for maximum and 5% for minimum, and you just dont seem to want to realize or admit that Im right. And you obviously dont know how a LSD works and have been getting all of your info from internet/wikipedia/idiot gt4 tuners. I dont even care you just plain must not have high enough of an IQ to understand what Im saying.
Have fun with your open differential and have fun being wrong and thinking you're right.
for the people who are actually not stupid and understand, 5 initial torque = 95 % lock, 60 initial torque = 40% lock
Do you not realize what you're saying?
for the people who are actually not stupid and understand, 5 initial torque = 95 % lock, 60 initial torque = 40% lock