Seems like a typical Alex p. post to me. And I'd assume Alex is serious, though he just condemns the US system then doesn't really offer a solution besides "fix the environment" which is probably the most vague and open ended response one can give. And completely ignores that these kids deserve a very, very severe punishment for brutally murdering someone over a game.
Or the kids could just be mild sociopaths. Then the environment has far less to do with anything.
Yes, typical for me. No, I don't "condemn" the US system, or any other related system, which punishes murderers. No, I don't ignore the fact, that these kids deserve punishment, you didn't read my post properly. I would like to say, that only punishing is not enough, and very rarely has been.
Yes, I did not offer any examples for solution, thus, I'll do it now: I would like to propose that parents and school should spend much more time and money on educating children on important moral/value teachings. One example for a possible somewhat solution. There are more, I'm sure. And since when is condemning people, devaluing them, punishing them only, the better solution anyway? Pretty hypocritical your post.
What really dissapoints me, is that my post gets called silly, while I
try to propose a positive solution without completely devaluing the murderes, but here's the problem, if you talk about basic human value of everyone, you're called naive or whatever, because people LOVE to judge, just so that they can feel better (than someone else). Ego. Always the same. Oh well.